Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

M. Ali Harivandi Ph.D.

Photo of M. Ali Harivandi Ph.D.
Environmental Horticulturist, Emeritus

, CA
(510) 670-5628
maharivandi@ucanr.edu Create VCard


Dr. Ali Harivandi, an Environmental Horticulturist specializing in Turf, Soil and Water, joined University of California Cooperative Extension in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1980. He holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in turfgrass management from Colorado State University. He has served as a member of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America’s Technical/Resource Advisory Committee, and is currently serving on the United States Golf Association Turfgrass and Environmental Research Advisory Committee, and the International Sustainability Council. Dr. Harivandi is internationally known for his expertise in Turfgrass, soils and irrigation water salinity and recycled water irrigation.



Ph.D. Turfgrass Science--Horticulture, Colorado State University. 1980


Turfgrass, Soils, and Water

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L.; Yokoti, R.; Morris, K.N. (2012). "Evaluating fine leaf fescue cultivars when irrigated with municipal reclaimed water." Acta Horticulture 938: 169-174.
  • Pessarakli, M.; Harivandi, M.A.; Kopec, D.M.; Ray, D.T. (2012). "Growth responses and nitrogen uptake by saltgrass (Distichilis spicata L.), a halophytic plant species, under salt stress, using 15N technique." Inter. J. of Agronomy 2012(article Id. 896971): 9.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2012). "Irrigating turfgrasses with municipal reclaimed water." Acta Horticulture 938: 95-103.
  • Westerdahl, B.B.; Harivandi, M.A. (2012). New products for nematode management on turfgrasses. The 3rd European Turfgrass Society conference. J Kristiansand, Norway. June 24-26, 2012.
  • Zhang, Y.; Burger, D.W.; Harivandi, M.A. (2012). "Reducing green waste and nitrogen use on lawns with grasscycling." Bioforsk Focus 7(8): 69-70.
  • Burger, D.W.; Zhang, Y.; Harivandi, M.A. (2011). Grasscycling as a tool for reducing green waste and fertilizer use on tall fescue lawns in California. Amer. Soci. for Hort. Sci. Annual Conference. Waikoloa, Hi. 169. Sept. 25-28, 2011.
  • Burger, D.W.; Zhang, Y.; Harivandi, M.A. (2011). Grasscycling to reduce fertilization and green waste on tall fescue lawns. ASA.CSSA.SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas. Oct 16-19, 2011.
  • Westerdahl, B.B.; Harivandi, M.A. (2009). "Evaluation of nematicides, fungicides, insecticides, mollucicides, and fertilizer for nematode management in turfgrass in California." Int. Turfgrass Soci. Res. J. (Annex) 11: 695-700.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L.; Yokoti, R.; Morris, K.N. (2009). "Fineleaf fescue performance under recycled water irrigation." Int. Turfgrass Soci. Res. J. (Annex): 7-9.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Marcum, B. (2008). "A review of salt tolerance among sports field turfgrasses." Acta Horticulture 783: 159-162.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B.; Morris, K.N. (2008). "Evaluating bentgrasses for quality, speed, thatch development, and annual bluegrass invasion." Acta Horticulture 783: 309-315.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2008). "Irrigating sports turf with municipal recycled water." Acta Horticulture 783: 215-220.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2008). "The use of municipal recycled water: agronomic, management and environmental issues." Agron Abstracts: 723-724.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B.; Morris, K.N. (2007). "An on-site study of quality, speed, thatch development and annual bluegrass invasion in bentgrasses." Acta Horticulture 762: 133-138.
  • Westerdahl, B.B.; Harivandi, M.A. (2007). "Variability in populations of plants parasitic Nematodes on turfgrass." Acta Horticulture 762: 139-142.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2004). "A review of sports turf irrigation with municipal recycled water." Acta Horticulture 661: 131-136.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L.; Mousli, M.Z.; Wu, L. (2004). "Establishing hard fescue from sod." Hort Technology 14(1): 88-90.
  • Westerdahl, B.B.; Harivandi, M.A.; Costello, L.; McCullough, M.; Gross, P. (2004). "Management of plan-parasitic nematodes of turfgrass in Northern California." Acta Horticulture 661: 531-533.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Geletner, W.; Stowell, L. (2004). "Soil acidity and aluminum availability in golf course soils." Agron Abstracts: 98.
  • Qian, Y.L.; Bandaranayake, W.; Partson, W.J.; Mecham, B.; Harivandi, M.A.; Mosier, A.R. (2003). "Long-term effects of clipping and nitrogen management in turfgrass on soil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics: the Century model simulation." J. Environ. Qual 32: 1694-1700.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2001). "Agronomics of recycled water for turfgrass irrigation." Agron Abstracts: 87.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B.; Elmore, C.L. (2001). "Recycling mower effects on biomass, nitrogen recycling, weed invasion, turf quality, and thatch." Inter. Turf Soci. Research J 9(Part 2): 882-885.
  • Wu, L.; Guo, X.; Harivandi, M.A. (2001). "Salt tolerance and salt accumulation of landscape plants irrigated by sprinkler drip irrigation systems." J. Plant Nutrition 24(9): 1473-1490.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Guo, X.; Waters, R.; Brown, J. (2000). "A screening model to evaluate landscape plantâ??s response to municipal recycled water irrigation." Acta Horticulture 2(537): 719-724.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2000). "Irrigating turfgrass and landscape plants with municipal recycled water." Acta Horticulture 2(537): 697-703.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Waters, R.; Brown, J.; Blakes, D. (1999). A screening model to evaluate landscape plants: response to municipal recycled water irrigation. Third International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural crops. Lisbon, Portugal, Book of Abstracts. 158. June 28 - July 2, 1999.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). Irrigating turfgrass and landscape plants with municipal recycled water. Third International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural crops. Lisbon, Portugal, Book of Abstracts. 56. June 28 - July 2, 1999.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Wu, L. (1999). "Sodding Characteristics of Hard Fescue (Festuca longifolia." Agron Abstracts: 56.
  • Wu, L.; Guo, X.; Harivandi, M.A. (1998). "Allelopathic effects of phenolic acids detected in buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides." Environmental and Experimental Botany 39: 159-167.
  • Wu, L.; Guo, X.; Harivandi, M.A. (1998). "Effects of tall fescue on soil selenium." Agron Abstracts: 56.
  • Wu, L.; Guo, X.; Harivandi, M.A. (1997). "Seedling growth inhibitations by allelopathic compouns detected from Buffalograss." Agron Abstracts: 12.
  • Wu, L.; Chen, J.; Lin, H.; Van Mantgen, P.; Harivandi, M.A. (1996). "Regenerant wastewater irrigation and ion uptake in fine turfgrass species." J. Plant Nutrition 19(12): 1511-1530.
  • Wu, L.; Chin, J.; Lin, H.; Van Mantgen, P.; Harivandi, M.A.; Harding, J.A. (1995). "Effects of regenerant wastewater irrigation on growth and ion uptake of landscape plants." J. Environmental Horticulture 13(2): 92-96.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L.; Elmore, C.L. (1994). "Recycling mower effects on biomass, nitrogen recycling, weed invasion, turf quality and thatch." Agronomy Abstracts
  • Wu, L.; Lin, H.; Harivandi, M.A. (1994). "Salt tolerance and salt uptake in diploid and polyploid buffalograss." Agronomy Abstracts
  • Wu, L.; Hong, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1994). "Waste water irrigation and mineral nutrient status of five turfgrass species." Hortscience 29(5): 576.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Elmore, C.L.; Hagan, W.L. (1993). "Recycling mower effects on turf nitrogen fertility, thatch, and quality." Agronomy Abstracts
  • Elmore, C.L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Kyser, G.; Hair, M. (1993). Turfgrass interference on Digitaria sanguinalis L. Scop. (large crabgrass). WSSA Abst. 33, 21. 1993.
  • Wu, L.; Harding, J.A.; Borganovo, M.; Harivandi, M.A. (1992). "The Versatile Poa annua." Calif. Agric 46(3): 24-26.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1990). "Growth Rate and Turf Performance of Diploid and Hexaploid Buffalograss." Agronomy Abstracts: 184.
  • Wu, L.; Huff, D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1989). "Buffalograss as a Low-Maintenance Turf." Calif. Agric 43(2): 23-25.
  • Fry, J.D.; Harivandi, M.A.; Minner, D.D. (1989). "Creeping Bentgrass Response to P and K on a Sand Medium." HortScience 24(4): 623-624.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1989). "Isoenzyme Variation in Bermudagrass Cultivars Detected by Starch-gel-electrophoresis." Agronomy Abstracts: 167.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1989). White Grub Control in Perennial Ryegrass, California, 1989. Insecticide and Acaricide Tests. 14, 329. 1989.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "In Search of Low Maintenance Turf." Calif. Agric 42(1): 16-17.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1988). Morphology and Evapotranspiration Rate of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) Respond to Paclobutrozol Treatment. ASHS Abstracts. 80. 1988.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Wu, L. (1987). "Starch Gel Electrophoresis and Isoenzyme Genetic Markers for Turfgrass Cultivar Identification." Agronomy Abstracts: 135.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). "Tall Fescue Gaining Popularity as a Turfgrass." Calif. Agric 41(9-10): 9-11.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A.; Garcia, J. (1987). White Grub Control in Perennial Ryegrass, California, 1986. Insecticide and Araricide Tests. 12, 347. 1987.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). Performance of Tall Fescue Cultivars in Coastal North Central California. 22nd International Horticultural Congress. 892. 1986.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1986). Sod Strength, Turf Tiller, and Root Density of Tall Fescue Cultivars Under Three Mowing Heights. 22nd International Horticultural Congress. 892. 1986.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Harding, J.A.; Davis, W.B. (1984). "Identification of Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars with Esterase and Phosphoglucomutase Isoenzyme Markers." Crop Science 24(4): 763-768.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1984). "Observations on Buffalograss Sexual Characteristics and Potential for Seed Production Improvement." HortScience 19(4): 505-506.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Butler, J.D.; Soltanpour, P.N. (1983). "Effects of Soluble Salts on Ion Accumulation in Puccinellia." J. Plant Nutrition 6(3): 255-266.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Davis, W.B. (1983). "Isoenzyme Markers for Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivar Identification." Agronomy Abstracts: 131.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1982). "Performance of Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass Cultivars in Coastal North Central California." Agronomy Abstracts: 142.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Butler, J.D.; Soltanpour, P.N. (1982). "Salt Influence on Cool Season Turfgrasses Germination, Growth and Ion Accumulation." Agronomy Abstracts: 86.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Butler, J.D.; Soltanpour, P.N. (1982). "Salt Influence on Germination and Seedling Survival of Six Cool Season Turfgrass Species." Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 13(7): 519-529.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Butler, J.D. (1980). "Iron Chlorosis of Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars." HortScience 15(4): 496-497.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Butler, J.D.; Soltanpour, P.N. "Effects of Sea Water Concentrations on Germination and Ion Accumulation in Alkaligrass." Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 13(7): 507-517.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Harivandi, M.A. (2013). "A contemporary view of recycled water irrigation." Global Sustainability 1st quarter(1): 58-70.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2012). Irrigation puzzle â?? sourcing water for golf courses. Proceedings from the Summit on Golfâ??s Use of Water â?? Solutions for a More Sustainable Game. Dallas, TX, The United States Golf Association. Far Hills, NJ. 29-31. July 6-7, 2012.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2011). Purple goldâ??a contemporary view of recycled water irrigation. USGA Green Section Record. 49:45, 10. 2011.
  • Cockerham, S.; Cockerham, S. (2011). Turfgrass Water Conservation. Richmond, California, University of Calif. Publication Services.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, B.; Yokote, R.; Morris, K. (2010). Evaluating Fineleaf Fescue Cultivars when Irrigated with Municipal Reclaimed Water. 28th International Horticulture Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. 129. August 22-27, 2010.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2010). Irrigating Turfgrasses with Municipal Reclaimed Water. 28th International Horticulture Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. 127. August 22-27, 2010.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Al, et. (2010). "Managing turfgrasses during drought." Turf News 34(2): 32-36.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2010). No Mow Fineleaf Fescue Grasses for California Urban Landscapes. 94608, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA. Publication 8391, 11. 2010.
  • Wong, F.; Harivandi, M.A. (2009). Diseases. UC IPM Management Guidelines: Turfgrass. Davis, California, UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. UC Publication 3465-T. 2009.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Morris, K.N. (2009). "Fineleaf performance when irrigated with recycled water." Turf News 33(5): 28-30.
  • Flint, M.L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Kaya, H.K. (2009). Insects and mites. UC IPM Management Guidelines: Turfgrass. Davis, California, UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. UC Publication 3465-T. 2009.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B.; Yokote, R. (2009). "Mowed and non-mowed fineleaf fescue performance when irrigated with recycled water." Thru The Green(March-April Issue): 6-9.
  • Westerdahl, B.B.; Harivandi, M.A.; Caswell-Chen, E. (2009). Nematodes. UC IPM Management Guidelines: Turfgrass. Davis, California, UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. UC Publication 3465-T. 2009.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Elmore, C.L.; Cudney, D.W. (2009). Species Selection. UC IPM Management Guidelines: Turfgrass. Davis, California, UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. UC Publication 3465-T. 2009.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Morris, K.N. (2009). The use of non-mowed fine-leaf fescue grasses on golf courses. USGA Green Section Record. 47:6, 20-28. 2009.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Baird, J.; Hartin, J.; Henry, M.; Shaw, D. (2009). UC Div. of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Davis, California, UC ANR. UC Publication # 8395. 2009.
  • Willen, C.A.; LeStrangle, M.; Harivandi, M.A. (2009). Weeds. UC IPM Management Guidelines: Turfgrass. Davis, California, UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. UC Publication 3465-T. 2009.
  • Beard, J.B.; Beard, J.B. (2008). Recycled, gray and saline water for irrigation of turfgrass. Water Quality and Quantity Issues for Turfgrasses in Urban Landscapes. Ames, Iowa, U.S, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. Special publication 27: 243-257.
  • Tanji, K.; Grattan, S.; Grieve, C.; Harivandi, M.A.; Rollins, L.; Shaw, D.; Sheikh, B.; Wu, L. (2008). Salt Management Guide for Landscape Irrigation with Recycled Water in Coastal Southern California. Alexandria, Virginia, Water Reuse Foundation. 2008.
  • Tanji, K.; Gratten, S.; Grieve, C.; Harivandi, M.A.; Rollins, L.; Shaw, D.; Sheikh, B.; Wu, L. (2008). Salt management guide for landscape irrigation with recycled water in coastal southern Californiaâ??a comprehensive literature review. Report to the National Water Research Institute. Fountain Valley, Ca. 340. 2008.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2007). Lawnâ??Nâ??Dogs. Oakland, CA, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8255, 4. 2007.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2007). Lawnsâ??Nâ??Dogs. SF Professional Gardenerâ??s Assoc. Newsletter. 56:4, 7-12. 2007.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B.; Yokote, R. (2007) Mowed and non-mowed fineleaf fescue when irrigated with recycled water.
  • Pessarakli, M. (2007). Salinity issues associated with recycled wastewater irrigation of turfgrass landscapes. Handbook of Turfgrass Management and Physiology. Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press.: 419-429.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2007). "Using Recycled Water on Golf Courses." Golf Course Management 75(6): 98-108.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2006). "Irrigating sports turf with municipal recycled water." Between the Stripes(Summer Issue): 11-13.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2006). "Sodding Hard Fescue." Turf News 29(5): 66-70.
  • Westerdahl, B.B.; Harivandi, M.A.; Costello, L. (2005). Biology and management of nematodes on turfgrass in Northern California. USGA Green Section Record. 43:5, 7-10. 2005.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B.; Morris, K.N. (2005). "Evaluating bentgrasses for quality, speed, thatch development and annual bluegrass invasion." International Turfgrass Society Research Journal (Annexe) 10: 60-61.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Caprile, J. (2005). Potential research activities at the proposed UCCE research station â?? Brentwood, CA. A report to DANR Associate Vice President. 2005.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2005). Recycled water irrigation and turfgrass salinity tolerance. Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Riverside, CA.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2005). Recycled water irrigation and turfgrass salinity tolerance. Proceedings of the International Salinity Forum, Riverside, CA.
  • Westerdahl, B.B.; Harivandi, M.A.; Costello, L.R. (2005). "Searching for alternatives to Nemacure to control turfgrass nematodes in N. California." International Turfgrass Society Research Journal (Annexe) 10: 79-80.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2004). Considerations in retrofitting a golf course for recycled Water Irrigation. USGA Green Section Record. Nov-Dec. Issue, 30-33. 2004.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2004). Evaluating recycled waters for golf course irrigation. USGA Green Section Record. Nov-Dec. Issue, 25-29. 2004.
  • Westerdahl, B.B.; Harivandi, M.A. (2004). Publication Cycling of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes of Turfgrass in Northern California. Proc. 15th International Plant Protection Congress, Beijing, China.
  • Reynolds, Cheryl A.; Flint, M.L.; Geisel, P.; Gibeault, V.A.; Harivandi, M.A.; Wong, F. (2004, 2004). "UC Guide to Healthy Lawn." from http://ipm.ucdavis.edu/TOOLS/TURF/.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B.; Yokote, R. (2003). "Bentgrasses for Golf Course Greens: Final Comparative Evlauation Report." Thru The Green(Nov.-Dec. Issue): 13.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2003). Irrigating sports turf with municipal recycled water. 1st International Conference Turf Management and Science Sports Fields. Athens, Greece, Book of Abstracts. 35. June 2-7, 2003.
  • Westerdahl, B.B.; Harivandi, M.A.; Costello, L.; McCullough, M.; Gross, P. (2003). Management of plant parasitic nematodes on turfgrass. 1st International Conference Turf Management and Science Sports Fields. Athens, Greece, Book of Abstracts. 96. June 2-7, 2003.
  • Anonymous (2003). On-site evaluation of creeping bentragrass for potting greens. Beltsville Ag. Res. Center, Beltsville, MD, 20705, Nationl Turfgrass Feration, Inc. United States Dept. of Agric. 81. 2003.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2003). UC Master Gardener Lecture on Turfgrass Management Parts I and II. Davis, CA, UC ANR Communication Services. 2003. http://www.uctv.tv/series/index.asp?detail=detail&showID=7400&number=11
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Guo, X. (2002). "Distribution of phenolic acids and allilopathic potential in cool season and warm season turgrass species." California Turfgrass Culture 52(1, 2): 5-9.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2002). Fertilizing turfgrasses in Northern California. S.F.P.G.A. Newsletter. 51:2-4, 18-19. 2002.
  • Pittenger, D.R. (2002). Lawns. Retail Garden Center Manual. Oakland, California, University of California ANR Publications. Publications 3492: 39-52.
  • Hartin, J.; Geisel, P.; Harivandi, M.A. (2002). "Lawns diseases: prevention and management." Pest Notes Publication 7497: 8.
  • Pittenger, D.R. (2002). Lawns in California. Master Gardener Handbook. Oakland, California, University of California ANR Publications. Publications 3382: 295-310.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (2002). "Mowing California Turfgrasses." UCCE Landscape Notes (Tulare and King Counties)(September issue): 2-3.
  • Wu, L.; Hagan, W.L.; Mousli, M.Z. (2002). "Tall fescue cultivar performance in Californiaâ??s Central Coast (1997-2000)." California Turfgrass Culture 52(1, 2): 10-12.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2002). Turfgrass Traffic and Compaction: problems and solutions. Oakland, CA, UC ANR. Statewide Publication 8080, 6. 2002.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B. (2002). "Turf-type tall fescue for Northern California." NCTLC News(Winter issue): 6-7.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B. (2002). "Turf-type tall fescues for Northern California." Thru the Green 2(8): 8-9.
  • Harris, R.R.; Kocher, S.D.; Kull, K.M. (2001). Effects of County Land Use Regulations And Management On Anadromous Salmonids And Their Habitats: Sonoma, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, California. University of California, Berkeley, CA, Prepared for the FishNet 4 C program. 69. 2001. http://www.krisweb.com/biblio/ccc_ucb_harris_2001_countylanduse.pdf
  • Snyder, R.L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Al, et. (2001). Final report to the California Urban Water Conservation Council: Non-Ideal Weather Station ETO Project. 84. 2001.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2001). "Golf Courses and the environment." California Turfgrass Culture 51(1, 2): 5-6.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (2001). "Mowing California Turfgrasses." Calif. Fairways 10(3): 26-28.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B. (2001). "Selecting bentgrasses for golf course greens." Thru the Green 1(6): 6-7.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2001). "Turfgrass Fertilization." The Nor. Cal. Sports Turf News 3(3): 3.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A.; Henry, J.M.; Wu, L.; Geisel, P.M.; Unruh, C.L. (2001). Turfgrass selection for the home landscape. University of California Ag. And Nat. Resources. DANR Publication 8035, 7. 2001.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2001). Use of Grasscycling to improve turf quality: From the Ground Up. City of San Jose Green Waste Management Newsletter. May issue. 2001.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (2000). ITM (Intelligent Turfgrass Management) to prevent weed invasion. Proc. Calif. Weed Conference, Sacramento, Calif.
  • Dreistadt, S.H.; Harivandi, M.A.; Costa, H.; Hartin, J. (2000). "Lawn insects." DANR Pest Notes Publication 7476: 6.
  • Hartin, J.; Harivandi, M.A. (2000). Reusing turfgrass clippings to improve turfgrass health and performance in Central and Northern California. Sacramento, CA, California Integrated Waste Management Board.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B. (2000). "Selecting the best perennial ryegrass variety for golf course fairways - The trial at Sunnyvale Golf Course." Thru the Green(January issue): 6.
  • Wu, L.; Guo, X.; Harivandi, M.A.; Waters, R.; Brown, J. (2000). Study of California native grass and landscape plants species for recycled water irrigation in California Landscapes and Gardens. Reports of the Elvenia J. Slosson Fund for Ornamental Horticulture 1998-1999. UC DANR, Oakland, California. 33-42. 2000.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). All About Lawns. Des Moines, IA, Ortho Books.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). Are golf courses polluting the environment? Iranian Soc. Agric. Life SA Prof. N. America Newsletter. 1:1, 5-7. 1999.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). Buffalograss - - A promising drought - resistant grass for lawn use. Iranian Society of Agric. Life Sci. Prof. N. America Newsletter. 1:1, 7-8. 1999.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). Golf Course and The environment. Proc. New Zealand Golf Course Superintendents National Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). "Golf green construction - a review of the University of California method." Turf Tales 6(2): 14-15.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). Interpreting turfgrass irrigation water test results. ANR. Statewide Leaflet #8009. 1999.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). "Interpreting turfgrass irrigation water test results." California Turfgrass Culture 49(1-4): 1-6.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). Irrigation water quality: what you canâ??t see can hurt you. Proc. New Zealand Golf Course Superintendents National Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). "Making the case for turf." Golf Course Management(March issue): 256.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1999). Mowing your lawn and â??grasscyclingâ?? ANR. Statewide Leaflet #8006. 1999.
  • Stowell, L.J.; Yenny, R.; Harivandi, M.A. (1999). "Poa annua invasion of bentgrass greens." Calif. Fairways 8(1): 16-20.
  • Lindsey, P.; Harivandi, M.A.; Setka, G. (1999). Recycled landscape irrigation water and ornamental plant compatibility study. Report of the Elvina J. Slosson Fund for Ornamental Horticulture (1995-98). Univ. of Calif. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA. 27-32. 1999.
  • Wu, L.; Harding, J.A.; Harivandi, M.A. (1999). Studies of recycled water irrigation and effects of elevated mineral nutrient concentrations on growth and ion uptake of landscape plant species and ornamental grasses. Report of the Elvina J. Slosson Fund for Ornamental Horticulture (1995-98). Univ. of Calif. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA. 21-27. 1999.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1999). Sufficient moisture at the grass roots. Proc. New Zealand Golf Course Superintendents National Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1998). Agronomic Factors Influencing Water Use Efficiency. Proceedings of Large Turf Irrigation Systems: Design and Management Update Conference, California State University, Fresno, Center for Irrigation Technology.
  • Wu, L.L.; Guo, X.; Harivandi, M.A.; Waters, R.; Brown, J.; Blakes, D. (1998). Annual UC Water Reuse Research Conference. Proc. 50th Annual conference of California Weed Science Society. Monterey, CA. June 4-5, 1998.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1998). "Golf Green Contruction - A review of the University of California method." California Turfgrass Culture 48(3, 4): 17-19.
  • Snyder, R.L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Lanini, T. (1998). "How much should you water your lawn." Growing Points 2(2): 4-5.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Beard, J.B. (1998). "How to interpert a water test report." Golf Course Management(June issue): 49-55.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1998). "Irrigation Efficiency for Turfgrass Managers." Growing Points 2(2): 1-3.
  • McGuirk, S.; Harivandi, M.A. (1998). "Irrigation System Can Offer Alternative Uses." Grounds Maintenance 33(1): 28-32, 86.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1998). Preventing Weed Invasion in Lawns Through Cultural Management. Proc. 50th Annual conference of California Weed Science Society, Monterey, CA.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1998). "Q&A: Effluent and Salt Tolerance Studies Reaping Benefits." Golf Course News 10(2): 32-33.
  • Wu, L.L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1998). Screening of landscape plants for response to recycled water irrigation. Final research report for the Marin Municipal Water District and the City of San Jose Water Recycling Research Project. 32. 1998.
  • McGuirk, S.; Harivandi, M.A. (1998). "Seeding, sprigging, and sodding fairways." Calif. Fairways 7(2): 28-30.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hamilton, W.D. (1998). "The impact of El Nino on soil oxygen and nutrients." Alameda County Master Gardener News and Notes(April issue): 3-5.
  • Elmore, C.L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Rajmanek, M. (1997). Controlling crabgrass with less herbicide, final report. UC Statewide IPM Project 1997 Annual Report. 28. 1997.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1997). Managing Lawns on Heavy Soils. UCCE. Publication #7227. 1997.
  • McGuirk, S.; Harivandi, M.A. (1997). "Seedbed preparation." Grounds Maintenance 32(9): 58-63.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L. (1997). "The Performance of Tall Fescue Cultivars in California=s Central Coast." California Turfgrass Culture 47(1, 2): 3-7.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B. (1997). Turf - type tall fescue performance in the Bay Area. San Francisco Professional Gardener=s Association Newsletter. 45:12, 8-10. 1997.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1997). "Turfgrass Management in Shade." California Turfgrass Culture 47(1, 2): 1-3.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B. (1997). "Turf-type tall fescue performance in the Bay Area." Thru the Green(June issue): 6.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L. (1996). "Buffalograss performance in California's Central Coast." California Turfgrass Culture 46(3, 4): 9-11.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1996). Comparing bentgrasses for Poa invasion. Proc. GCSAA's 67th International Golf Course Conference and Show, Orlando, FL.
  • Elmore, C.L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Rajmanek, M. (1996). Crabgrass management in turfgrass: Understanding invasion and improving control with reduced herbicide use. UC Statewide IPM Project Report. 30. 1996.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A.; O'Shaughnessy, T. (1996). "Grasscycling in California." California Turfgrass Culture 46(1, 2): 1-14.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1996). Green Construction -- The University of California Method. Proc. 14th Australian Turfgrass Conference and Trade Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1996). Managing lawns in shade. UCCE. Publication #7214. 1996.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1996). Soils Salinity Management. Proc. 14th Australian Turfgrass Conference and Trade Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1996). Thatch, layering and black layer management on greens. Proc. 14th Australian Turfgrass Conference and Trade Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1996). "Thatch: The Hidden Enemy." Calif. Fairways 5(2): 12-14.
  • Lindsey, P.; Walters, R.; Feil, K.; Setka, G.; Harivandi, M.A. (1996). The design and construction of a demonstration/research garden comparing the impact of recycled vs. potable irrigation water on landscape plants, soils, and irrigation components. Proc. The 1996 Water Reuse Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • Walters, R.; Lindsey, P.; Feil, K.; Harivandi, M.A. (1996). The development of a model resource manual and workshop for landscape professionals managing sites on recycled irrigation water. Proc. The 1996 Water Reuse Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1996). The interaction of fire and plant material. The 1996 Calif. Weed Conference Proceedings, Sacramento, CA.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B.; Elmore, C.L. (1996). "The use of recycling mowers in grasscycling." California Turfgrass Culture 46(1, 2): 4-6.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L. (1996). "Zoysiagrass performance in California's Central Coast." California Turfgrass Culture 46(3, 4): 13-17.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Wu, L.; Elmore, C.L.; Hagan, W.B. (1995). "Buffalograss establishment studies." California Turfgrass Culture 45(1, 2): 7-10.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Wu, L. (1995). "Buffalograss planting and management." California Turfgrass Culture 45(1, 2): 10-12.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1995). "Buffalograss response to cold, shade, and salinity." California Turfgrass Culture 45(1, 2): 5-7.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Wu, L. (1995). "Buffalograss--A promising drought-resistant turf for California." California Turfgrass Culture 45(1, 2): 2-5.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1995). "Development of new buffalograss cultivars." California Turfgrass Culture 45(1, 2): 2-5.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1995). Grasscycling. Sacramento, CA, California Integrated Waste Management Board. 4. 1995.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.B. (1994). "Bentgrass performance in California's Central Coast." California Turfgrass Culture 44(3, 4): 9-12.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L. (1994). "Bentgrass variety trials--final results." Thru the Green(July issue): 2-4.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gay, R.C. (1994). California Lawns. UCCE Master Gardeners Syllabus.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1994). "Controlling thatch." Calif. Landscaping(August issue): 21.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1994). "Coop. Ext. compiles safety rules for agricultural/horticultural work." Thru the Green(Dec. issue): 4.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1994). Soil salinity management. Proc. 65th International Golf Course Conference and Show, Dallas, TX.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1994). Study of turf management on annual bluegrass growth and control. Innovations in Landscape Pest Management: A Report of Elvira Slosson Fund for Ornamental Horticulture 1987-1991. Univ. of Calif. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA. 53-56. 1994.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1994). "Sulfur saves alkaline soils." Calif. Landscaping April 1994: 24-26.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L. (1994). "Tall fescue performs well in Central California trials." Western Turf Management 5(7): 2.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1994). "The endless web of compaction." Sports Turf 10(7): 10-14.
  • Al, et.; Snow, J.T. (1994). Wastewater Quality and Treatment Plants. Wastewater Reuse for Golf Course Irrigation. Far Hills, N.J. Chelsea, MI, The United States Golf Association Lewis Publishers.: 106-109.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L. (1994). "What bentgrass variety to seed?" NCTLC News(September issue): 4-5.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). "A review of irrigation water quality." Northwest Turf. Topics 36(3): 8-10.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1993). "Annual bluegrass ecology and management." Golf Course Management(March issue): 10-106.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). "Designing landscapes to utilize reclaimed water." Turf News American Sod Producers Association(Special issue): 31-38.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). Effluent water -- a valuable irrigation resource. Proc. Japanese Turfgrass Conf, Chiba, Japan.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). Effluent water for turfgrass irrigation proc. The 3rd Toyo Green Turf University, Katsuta, Japan.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). "Grass clipping management." California Turfgrass Culture 43(1, 2, 3, 4): 4.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). Grasscycling--An alternative in green waste management. Stanislaus Co. UCCE, Landscape Hort. Bulletin. October issue. 1993.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). Lawns. Menlo Park, CA, Sunset Books, Lane Publishing.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). "Thatch: the hidden enemy." Landscape and Irrigation 17(6): 8-12.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L. (1993). "Turf-type tall fescue performance evaluated on California's Central Coast." No. Cal. Turf and Landscape News(October issue): 10-11.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). Using reclaimed water for Golf Course irrigation. Proc. Japanese Turfgrass Conf, Chiba, Japan.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1993). "Using reclaimed water for irrigation." Golf Course Management(July issue): 28-38.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1992). "Effluent Water for Turfgrass Irrigation." California Fairways 1(2): 16-19.
  • Schwankl, L.J.; Shaw, D.A.; Harivandi, M.A.; Snyder, R.L. (1992). Evaluating Turfgrass Sprinkler Irrigation Systems. UCCE Leaflet 21503, 20. 1992.
  • Gibeault, V.A.; Meyer, J.; Harivandi, M.A.; Henry, M.; Cocherham, S. (1992). "Managing Turfgrass During Drought." California Fairways 1(2): 28-36.
  • Hagan, W.L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1992). "National bentgrass variety trials." Thru the Green(Nov. issue): 1-3.
  • Hagan, W.L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1992). "National bentgrass variety trials at Sunnyvale Municipal Golf Course." California Fairways 1(1): 16-18.
  • Waddington, D.V.; Waddington, D.V.; Waddington, D.V. (1992). Salinity and Turfgrass Culture. Turfgrass. Madison, WI, American Society of Agronomy.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1992). "The Use of Effluent Water for Turfgrass Irrigation." California Turfgrass Culture 32(3, 4): 1-4.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagan, W.L. (1992). "Turf-type tall fescue performance in California's Central Coast." California Turfgrass Culture 42(1, 2, 3, 4): 5-8.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1992). "Turf-Type Tall Fescue Performance in the Bay Area." NCTC Turf and Landscape News July/August 1992: 8.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1992). "Turf-Type Tall Fescue Performance in the Bay Area." NCTC Turf and Landscape News July/August 1992: 8.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1992). "Turf-type tall fescue performance in the Bay Area." Turf and Landscape News: 8.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1991). Effluent Water -- A Valuable Irrigation Resource. Proc. UCR. Turf. Res. Conf. Field Day, UC Riverside.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1991). Effluent Water for Turfgrass Irrigation. UCCE Leaflet 21500. 1991.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1991). "Fine leaf Fescue Performance in the Bay Area." NCTC Turf and Landscape News June 1991: 10.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1991). "Kentucky Bluegrass Performance on California's Central Coast." California Turfgrass Culture 41(1, 2, 3, 4): 5-6.
  • Gibeault, V.A.; Meyer, J.; Harivandi, M.A.; Henry, J.M.; Cocherham, S. (1991). Managing Turfgrasses During Drought. UCCE Leaflet 21499. 1991.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1991). "Second Hand H2O is Plentiful: Turf Irrigation Use Could Grow Rapidly." Lawn Care Industry 15(19): 12-13.
  • Snyder, R.L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Lanini, B.J. (1991). Turfgrass Evapotranspiration Map -- California Central Coast. UCCE Leaflet 21491. 1991.
  • Snyder, R.L.; Schwankl, L.J.; Shaw, D.A.; Kabashima, J.N.; Harivandi, M.A. (1991). Turfgrass Irrigation Scheduling. UCCE Leaflet 21492. 1991.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1991). Using Reclaimed Water on Turf and Landscape. Proc. Zeriscape Conference, Sacramento, California.
  • Gibeault, V.A.; Meyer, J.L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Henry, J.M.; Cockerham, S. (1991). "Water Use of Turfgrasses." Hortshorts November/December 1991
  • Gibeault, V.A.; Meyer, J.L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Henry, J.M.; Cockerham, S. (1991). "Water Use of Turfgrasses." Hortshorts November/December 1991
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1990). Effluent Water for Turfgrass Irrigation. Proc. Turf. Water Conservation in the Arid Southwest Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Wu, L. (1990). "Fine-leaf Fescue Performance in Central Coastal California." California Turfgrass Culture 40(1-4): 7-8.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Elmore, C.L. (1990). "Hard Fescue - Characteristics and Herbicide Tolerance." California Turfgrass Culture 40(1-4): 5-6.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1990). "Managing turfgrasses during drought." California Turfgrass Culture 40(1-5): 1-2.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1990). pH - Its Relationship to Pesticide Management. Proceedings of California Golf Course Superintendents Institute.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1990). "Sulfur, Soil pH and Turfgrass Management." California Turfgrass Culture 40(1-4): 9-11.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1990). "Turfgrass Research in the West." Park Maintenance and Grounds Management 43(7): 5-7.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1990). Turfgrass Selection and Management for Pest Prevention. Proc. Ass. Appl. Insect Ecology 24th Annual Conference, Pleasanton, California.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1990). Water Conserving Grasses and Lawn Substitutes. Water Conserving Plants and Landscape for the Bay Area. Oakland, CA, East Bay Municipal Utility District.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1989). "Buffalograss: Promising, Drought Resistant - And Here Now." Golf Course Management 57(4): 42-54.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1989). Gardening in Dry Climates. San Francisco, CA, Ortho Books.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1989). "Irrigating With Effluent Water." Grounds Maintenance 34(10): 12-16, 52.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1989). Lawns and Ground Covers. Menlo Park, CA, Sunset Books, Lane Publishing.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1989). "Tall Fescue and Thatch Accumulation." Lawn Servicing 6(2): 42.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1989). "Turfgrass Requires Careful Management During Drought." Golden State Fairways 1(3): 22-23.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1989). White Grubs and Their Control. NCTC Newsletter. January issue. 1989.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1989). Winter Turf Color Retention and Cold Resistance Among Buffalograss Collections. Proceedings of the 6th International Turfgrass Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Hagili, D. (1988-90). Bay Area Urban Research and Extension Center 3-Year Report: 1988-90. 1988-90.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). Alameda County Sewage Water Treatment and Reclamation. Report - Alameda County Drought Task Force. UCCE publication. 193. 1988.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Combining Clover and Bermudagrass." Lawn Servicing 5(9): 42.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Compaction - Most Damaging Turf Stress." Lawn Care Industry 12(4): 15, 31.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Controlling Poa annua." Lawn Servicing 5(1): 42-45.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Developing A Water Conserving Irrigation Program for Turf." Lawn Servicing 5(5): 14, 16, 18.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). Hard Fescue - A Good Grass for Minimum Maintenance. Landscape Hort. Bulletin. August issue. 1988.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Herbicide Effects on Seashore Paspalum." Lawn Servicing 5(4): 32-33.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Irrigation Water Quality and Turfgrass Management." California Turfgrass Culture 38(3, 4): 1-4.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Irrigation Water Quality: One Key to Success." Golf Course Management 56(1): 106-193.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Sulfur in Action: Lowering Soil pH." Golf Course Management 56(9): 38-91.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Tall Fescue for Turf." Lawn Servicing 5(9): 42.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). "Turfgrass Water Requirements." Growing Points 25(11)
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1988). Up the Creek Without a Paddle: Irrigating with Low Quality Water. Proc. 59th International Golf Course Conference, Houston, Texas.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987-1996). Annual Turfgrass Research Summary Booklet. Annual Turfgrass Research Summary Booklet. 1987-1996.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). "Across the Map - Spring Dead Spot." Lawn Servicing 4(1): 36.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). "Across the Map - Tall Fescue Water Use." Lawn Servicing 4(4): 34.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Elmore, C.L.; Henry, J.M. (1987). "An Evaluation of Herbicides on Seashore Paspalum." California Turfgrass Culture 37(1, 2): 5-8.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Bermuda grass Mites in Lawns. UCCE Leaflet 21436. 1987.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Billbugs in Lawns. UCCE Leaflet 21437. 1987.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Cinch Bugs in Lawns. UCCE Leaflet 21438. 1987.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Cutworms and Armyworms in Lawns. UCCE Leaflet 21439. 1987.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Developing a Turf Water Conserving Irrigation Program. Proceedings of Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Turfgrass Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Flea Beetles in Dichondra. UCCE Leaflet 21440. 1987.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). "Iron and Turf Culture." California Turfgrass Culture 37(3, 4)
  • Snyder, R.L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Lawn Watering Requirements Along California's Central Coast. UCCE Leaflet 21432. 1987.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Managing Arthropod Pests in Landscape Turf. California Landscape Magazine. 12:5, 4-11. 1987.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Problems Associated With the Use of Poor Quality Irrigation Water. Proceedings of Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Turfgrass Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Sod Webworms in Lawns. UCCE Leaflet 21441. 1987.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). "Study Ranks Grasses for Overseeding." Lawn Servicing 4(9): 19.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Thatch: Turf Manager's Hidden Enemy. California Landscape Magazine. 12:3, 24-28. 1987.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Water Limited? Save It! Proceedings of 41st Northwest Turfgrass Conference, Glenden, Oregon.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). Water No Good? Use It! Proceedings of 41st Northwest Turfgrass Conference, Glenden, Oregon.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1987). What is Thatch? San Jose Landscape Gardeners Assoc. Newsletter. November 1987. 1987.
  • Ali, A.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1987). White Grubs in Lawns. UCCE Leaflet 21442. 1987.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Across the Map - Crabgrass Control." Lawn Servicing 3(1): 48.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Across the Map - Dollar Spot." Lawn Servicing 3(6): 52.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Across the Map - Paspalum vaginatum." Lawn Servicing 3(5): 33.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Across the Map - Pythium Blight." Lawn Servicing 3(4): 46.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Across the Map - Shade Tolerant Grasses." Lawn Servicing 3(2): 56.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Across the Map - Water Conservation." Lawn Servicing 3(3): 41.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Elmore, C.L. (1986). "Annual Bluegrass Control in Dichondra." California Turfgrass Culture 36(1, 2, 3, 4): 4-5.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Hybrid Bermudagrass Winter Overseeding." California Turfgrass Culture 36(1, 2, 3, 4): 1-4.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Iron Deficiency and Turfgrass Management." Golf Course Management 54(10): 70-114.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). Iron Deficiency Update. Proceedings of 57th International Golf Course Conference and Show, San Francisco, California.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Managing Saline, Sodic or Saline-Sodic Soils for Turfgrasses." North Texas Turf Culture 7(1): 4-8.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). "Moss and Algae Control in Lawns." California Landscape Management 11(1): 20.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). Recognizing and Correcting Your Compaction Problems. Proceedings of the 1986 Turf and Landscape Institute.
  • Wu, L.; Harivandi, M.A.; Davis, W.B. (1986). Selection for Environmental Stress Resistance in Turfgrass: Minimal Maintenance Landscaping. A report of the Elvina J. Slosson Fund for 1983-86. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. 39-41. 1986.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1986). Turfgrass Water Conservation - Research and Development. Proceedings of Conference on Water Conserving Landscapes, Oakland, California.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). "Across the Map - Dichondra Weed Control." Lawn Servicing 2(4): 51.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). "Across the Map - Algae Control." Lawn Servicing 2(6): 48.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). "Across the Map - Fairy Ring Disease." Lawn Servicing 2(3): 54.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). "Across the Map - Fusarium Patch." Lawn Servicing 2(1): 58.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). "Across the Map - Moss Control." Lawn Servicing 2(4): 51.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). "Across the Map - Turfgrass Fertilization." Lawn Servicing 2(2): 46.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). All About Lawns. San Francisco, CA, Ortho Books.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). "Managing Saline, Sodic, or Saline-Sodic Soils for Turfgrasses." California Landscape Management 10(4): 12-14.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). Plant Growth Regulators - An Update. NCTC Newsletter. January 1985. 1985.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). Recent Developments in Low Water-Using Landscapes. Xeriscape 1985 Proceedings, Costa Mesa, California.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1985). Tall Fescue Variety Trial - Preliminary Results. NCTC Newsletter. June/July 1985. 1985.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984-1993). Turfgrass Research in San Francisco Bay Region. Western Region Coordinating Committee-11 (Turfgrass) annual meeting. 1984-1993.
  • Gibeault, V.A.; Harivandi, M.A.; Autio, R. (1984). "Cool Season Turfgrass Variety Performance." California Turfgrass Culture 23(2, 3): 12-13.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984). Gardening Techniques. San Francisco, CA, Ortho Books.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984). Irrigation Efficiency. Proceedings of 55th International Turfgrass Conference and Show, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984). Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass Variety Trial Final Results. NCTC Newsletter. March/April 1984. 1984.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984). "Managing Saline, Sodic or Saline-Sodic Soils for Turfgrasses." California Turfgrass Culture 34(2, 3): 9-10.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Davis, W.B.; Gibeault, V.A.; Henry, J.M.; VanDam, J.; Wu, L. (1984). "Selecting the Best Turfgrass." California Turfgrass Culture 34(4): 17-18.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Davis, W.B.; Gibeault, V.A.; Henry, J.M.; VanDam, J.A.; Wu, L.; Youngner, V.B. (1984). Selecting the Best Turfgrass. UCCE Leaflet 2589. 1984.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984). Tall Fescue Trial - Initial Trial. NCTC Newsletter. July/August 1984. 1984.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984). "Thatch - The Turf Manager's Hidden Enemy." California Turfgrass Culture 34(1): 1-3.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984). "Thatch: The Turf Managers Hidden Enemy." Western Landscaping 24(10): 18-20.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984). The Ortho Problem Solver. San Francisco, CA, Ortho Books.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1984). "Turfgrass Irrigation Efficiency." California Turfgrass Culture 34(4): 21-23.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Elmore, C.L. (1984). "Weed Control in Dichondra Progress Report." California Turfgrass Culture 23(2, 3): 11.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). Effective Use of Effluent Water for Turfgrasses. Proceedings of the 37th Northwest Turfgrass Conference.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Butler, J.D. (1983). "Factors Associated With Iron Chlorosis of Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars." Golf Course Management 51(6)
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1983). "Fertilizing Seashore Paspalum." California Turfgrass Culture 32(1, 2, 3): 8-10.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Al, et. (1983). Final Results - Uniform Turfgrass Variety Trials. The report of a cool season turfgrass performance study in 5 western states. UCCE publication. 193. 1983.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). Hard Fescue for Minimum Maintenance. NCTC Newsletter. May/June 1983. 1983.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). How Much to Irrigate - Agronomics. Proceedings of 11th Annual NCTC Irrigation Seminar.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). Managing Lawns in Shade. NCTC Newsletter. September/October 1983. 1983.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). Managing Saline-Alkali Soils for Turfgrasses. Proceedings of the 37th Northwest Turfgrass Conference.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). Moss and Algae Control in Lawns. UCCE Leaflet 21345. 1983.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). Notes from Anaheim. NCTC Newsletter. January/February 1983. 1983.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). Notes from the Capital. NCTC Newsletter. July/August 1983. 1983.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). "Pondering pH and Pesticides." Golf Course Management 51(8)
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). "Questions From the Floor - The use of Treated Effluent Water." Golf Course Management 51(4)
  • Costello, L.; Harivandi, M.A. (1983). "San Francisco Bay Area Golf Course Agronomic Survey: Summary of Results." California Turfgrass Culture 32(1, 2, 3): 5-7.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). Thatch Control in Turf. Proceedings of Turf and Landscape Exposition Educational Seminars.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). "Turfgrass Irrigation - More Knowledge Equals Less Water." Landscape and Irrigation 2(8): 80-85.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1983). "Using Effluent Water for Turfgrass Irrigation." Irrigation Journal 33(2): 22-23.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Butler, J.D. (1982). "Factors Associated with Iron Chlorosis of Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars." California Turfgrass Culture 32(1, 2): 1-2.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1982). "Fairy Ring Disease in Turf." Growing Points May 1982
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1982). NCTC and Turfgrass Research. NCTC Newsletter. May/June 1982. 1982.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1982). Notes from Atlanta. NCTC Newsletter. January/February 1982. 1982.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1982). Rough Bluegrass for Shady Sites. NCTC Newsletter. May/June 1982. 1982.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1982). Tall Fescue - The Grass of the 80's. NCTC Newsletter. March/April 1982. 1982.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1982). Turfgrass Liming. NCTC Newsletter. September/October 1982. 1982.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). A Review of Bentgrass. NCTC Newsletter. July/August 1981. 1981.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). "Factors in Turfgrass Irrigation." California Turfgrass Culture 31(2): 18-21.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). Fine Leaved Fescues. NCTC Newsletter. September/October 1981. 1981.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). "Influence of pH on Pesticide Activity." California Turfgrass Culture 31(2): 15-18.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). Kentucky bluegrass. NCTC Newsletter. March/April 1981. 1981.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). Perennial Ryegrass Well Adapted to the Northern and Central Coastal Regions of California. NCTC Newsletter. May/June 1981. 1981.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). The Use of Effluent Water in Golf Course Management Program. Proceedings of California Golf Course Superintendent's Institute.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). "Turfgrass Fertilization." Growing Points March 1981
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). Turfgrass Selection. NCTC Newsletter. January/February 1981. 1981.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1981). What is Water? Proceedings of California Golf Course Superintendent's Institute.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1980-2013). County Leaflets. 1980-2013.
  • Harivandi, M.A. (1980). Hybrids - Turfgrass Performance Evaluation. NCTC Newsletter. November/December 1980. 1980.
  • Harivandi, M.A.; Gibeault, V.A. (1980). "Rust on Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass Cultivars." California Turfgrass Culture 30(2, 3, 4): 21.
  • Butler, J.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1979). "How to Solve Iron Chlorosis Problems." Lawn Care Industry 3(5): 7.
  • Butler, J.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1978). A Review of Turfgrass Iron Problems and Solutions. Proceedings of 24th Rocky Mountain Regional Turfgrass Conference.
  • Butler, J.D.; Harivandi, M.A. (1976). Turfgrass Iron Problems and Solutions. Proceedings of NW Turf Conference.

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