Our Strategic Vision
What guides us?
In April 2009 we endorsed the vision statement that now guides ANR in developing research, education, service programs, and how we allocate resources to meet the needs of California for the next 15 to 20 years.
To get a full picture of our direction you can download PDF versions of the full ANR Strategic Vision 2025 as well as an Executive Summary.ANR envisions a thriving California in 2025 where healthy people and communities, healthy food systems, and healthy environments are strengthened by a close partnership between the University of California and its research and extension programs and the people of the state. The University remains connected and committed to the people of California, who enjoy a high quality of life, a healthy environment, and economic success in a global economy.
ANR Strategic Vision 2025 (9000 KB)
ANR Strategic Vision 2025 Executive Summary (200 KB)
Our roots

The Morrill Act provided states with land or money to develop educational institutions with a focus on agriculture, science and engineering at a time when higher education centered on classical studies. In California, an Agricultural, Mining, and Mechanical Arts College was established on the east shore of San Francisco Bay. It soon merged with the College of California in Oakland to become the University of California in Berkeley.
In 1914, Congress sought to boost agricultural productivity and enhance the lives of rural families by creating cooperative extension, a service that channels research advances from college campuses to rural Americans.
Today, UC Cooperative Extension has farm, 4-H and nutrition, family and consumer sciences advisors based in more than 50 county offices conducting research and offering practical, science-based solutions to all Californians.