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Rob Wilson

Farm Advisor
ANR Intermountain Research & Extension Center
2816 Havlina Road
PO Box 850
Tulelake, CA 96134
(530) 667-5117
rgwilson@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Tulelake Office
Siskiyou County


M.S. Weed Science, Colorado State University. 2001


Pest managment in vegetable and field crops; Potato variety development; Production of potatoes, onions, peppermint, and small grains

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Kippes, N; Tsai, H, et al. (2021). Diploid mint (M. longifolia) can produce spearmint type oil with a high yield potential. Scientific Reports. 11, 23521.
  • Pickett, C; Borkent, C, et al. (2021). Introduction of the cereal leaf beetle parasitoid Tetrastichus julis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) into California. Biocontrol Science and Technology.
  • Geisseler, Daniel; Wilson, Rob (2020). Nitrogen in potato rotations with cover crops: field trial and simulations using DSSAT. Agronomy Journal. 112, 2275-2287.
  • Wilson, Robert; Culp, Darrin, et al. (2019). Cover crops prove effective at increasing soil nitrogen for organic potato production. California Agriculture. 73:2, 79-90.
  • Miller, K; Aegerter, B, et al. (2019). Relationship between soil properties and nitrogen mineralization in undisturbed soil cores from California agroecosystems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 50:1, 77-92.
  • Miller, J; Scheuring, D, et al. (2018). Reveille Russet: An Early, Widely Adapted, High-Count Carton Russet for the Fresh Market. American Journal of Potato Research. 95:1, 79-86.
  • Rijal, J.; Wilson, R., et al. (2015). "Characterization of spatial distribution of Tetranychus urticae in peppermint in California and implication for improving sampling plan." Experimental and Applied Acarology 68(2): 155-171.
  • Wilson, R.; Orloff, S.B., et al. (2015). "Evaluation of insecticides and application methods to protect onions from onion maggot, Delia antiqua, and seedcorn maggot, Delia platura damage." Crop Protection 67: 102-108.
  • Barnett, B.; Holm, D., et al. (2014). "Site and cultivar effects on the potato-root associated core microbiome and its relationship to tuber yield and nutrients." American Potato Journal
  • Tollerup, K.; Marcum, D., et al. (2013). "Binomial and Enumerative Sampling of Tetranychus urticae (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) on Peppermint in California." Journal of Economic Entomology 106(4): 1707-1715.
  • Tollerup, K.; Marcum, D., et al. (2013). "Biology of Mint Root Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Control Options on California Peppermint." Journal of Integrated Pest Management 4(3): A1-A4.
  • Kyser, G.; Wilson, R., et al. (2013). "Herbicide-assisted Restoration of Great Basin Sagebrush Steppe Infested with Medusahead and Downy Brome." Rangeland Ecology and Management 66(5): 588-596.
  • DiTomaso, J.; Kyser, G., et al. (2013). Weed Control in Natural Areas in the Western United States. UC Weed Research and Information Center. 544 pp.
  • Marcum, D.; Lanini, W., et al. (2012). UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines Peppermint: Weeds. UC ANR. Publication 3456.
  • Wilson, R.; Orloff, S., et al. (2010). "Integrating Herbicide Use and Perennial Grass Revegetation to Suppress Weeds in Non-crop Areas." Invasive Plant Science and Management 3(1): 81-92.
  • Wilson, R. (2009). Established perennial grass tolerance and downy brome control with rimsulfuron and sulfometuron. WSWS Progress Report. 60.
  • Wilson, R. (2009). Medusahead control on Great Basin rangeland with various herbicides. WSWS Progress Report. 23-24.
  • Wilson, R. (2009). Seeded perennial grass tolerance to various herbicides used for annual grass control. WSWS Progress Report. 58-59.
  • Wilson, R. (2009). Squarrose knapweed control on rangeland with herbicides applied at the rosette and bolting stage. WSWS Progress Report. 21.
  • Wilson, R.; Orloff, S., et al. (2008) Assessing Nitrogen Fertilization Needs for Irrigated Orchardgrass in the Intermountain Region of California. Forage and Grazinglands DOI: 10.1094/FG-2008-0618-01-RS
  • Wilson, R.; Boelk, D., et al. (2008). "Integrated Management of Perennial Pepperweed." Invasive Plant Science and Management 1: 11-19.
  • Kyser, G.; Doran, M., et al. (2008). "Site Characteristics Determine the Success of Prescribed Burning for Medusahead Control." Invasive Plant Science and Management 1: 376-384.
  • Wilson, R.; Orloff, S. (2008). "Winter Annual Weed Control with Herbicides in Alfalfa-Orchardgrass Mixtures." Weed Technology 22(1): 30-33.
  • Kyser, G.; DiTomaso, J., et al. (2007). "Control of Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) and Other Annual Grasses with Imazapic." Weed Technology 21(1): 66-75.
  • Wilson, R.; Lile, D., et al. (2006). Dryland Pastures: Establishment and Management in the Intermountain Region of Northern California. UC ANR. Publication 8163.
  • Canevari, M.; Orloff, S., et al. (2006). Pest Management of Small Grains- Weeds. Small Grains Production Manual Part 9. UC ANR. 8172.
  • Wilson, R. (2005). Perennial Pepperweed control with herbicides applied at the rosette and flower-bud stage. WSWS Progress Report. 183-184.
  • Wilson, R. (2005). Scotch thistle control on rangeland with herbicides applied at the rosette and bolting stage. WSWS Progress Report. 12-13.
  • Wilson, R.; DiTomaso, J., et al. (2004). Pest Notes: Perennial Pepperweed. UC ANR. Publication 74121.
  • Wilson, R.; Beck, K., et al. (2004). "The Combined Effect of Herbicides and Sphenoptera jugoslavica on Diffuse Knapweed Population Dynamics and S. jugoslavica Reproduction Success." Weed Science 52: 3, 418-423.

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