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Summary Addresses high priority issues including improvement (breeding), integrated pest management (insect, disease, and alternatives to methyl bromide for fumigation for nematodes, etc.), irrigation and efficient orchard management within the walnut industry of California.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Clarissa Reyes (Chair)
Phone 530-822-7515
Unit: Sutter-Yuba Counties
Membership List
Tricoli, David Dean's Office CA&ES (UCD)
  Supervisor Plant Transformation Facility
AES Scientist
Adaskaveg, James Plant Pathology
  Professor and Plant Pathologist (test editing) Mycology, plant pathology, ecology and epidimiology of fungi (test edits)
Bostock, Richard Plant Pathology - CAES
  Distinguished Professor, Plant Pathologist-AES Physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of host-pathogen interaction; diseases of fruit and nut crops
Brown, Patrick Department of Plant Sciences
  Pomologist-AES, Professor of Plant Nutrition Plant mineral nutrition; root soil interaction; rhizosphere dynamics and genetic aspects of plant nutrition; function of boron in plants; sustainable agriculture
Dandekar, Abhaya Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor Geneticist-AES Molecular, biochemical, genomic and epigenetic analysis of tree fruit and nut genetic and biochemical traits to improve management strategies
DeJong, Theodore Department of Plant Sciences
  Emeritus Professor   CE Pomologist-AES   Plant Physiologist-AES Environmental physiology; tree crop physiology; carbon partitioning and crop modeling; pomology; physiology and management of fruit tree crops; peach rootstock development and physiology; dried plum breeding
Dvorak, Jan Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor V Evolution of plant genomes and chromosomes; evolution of wheat and related species, construction of linkage maps based on molecular markers in wheat and related species in the tribe Triticeae; mechanisms of the action of the Ph1 gene of wheat on crossing over between homoeologous chromosomes; molecular mechanisms of salt stress tolerance in wheat and its improvement.
Wes, Hackett
Labavitch, John Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Pomologist-AES Developmental and regulatory biology postharvest biology of fruits - emphasis on cell wall polysaccharide metabolism and biochemistry of plant-pathogen and plant-insect interactions
Lewis, Edwin Nematology CAES
  Associate Professor Entomopathogenic nematodes for insect pest management, their use as antagonists of plant-parasitic nematodes, and the biology and ecology of the black vine weevil.
Lindow, Steven Dean's Office CNR
  Professor and Executive Associate Dean, CNR Molecular and ecological studies of plant-associated bacteria
McGranahan, Gale Department of Plant Sciences
  Pomologist-AES   Emerita Breeding, selection, genetics, foreign gene transfer and tissue culture of walnuts for rootstock and variety improvement
Michailides, Themis Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Plant Pathologist and Lecturer Ecology, epidemiology and control of fungal diseases of fruit and nut crops and vines, postharvest diseases, aflatoxin and mycotoxins of nut crops and figs.
Millar, Jocelyn Entomology (UCR)
  Distinguished Professor, Entomology, Cooperating Faculty, Chemistry Insect behavior; identification, synthesis, and testing of insect kairomones and pheromones; insect acoustic signaling
Mills, Nicholas Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  Professor Entomologist-AES Biological control of insect pests, ecology and insect parasitoids, tree fruit pests
Neale, David Department of Plant Sciences
Parfitt, Dan Department of Plant Sciences
  Pomologist-AES Genetics of fruit crops genetic diversity, germplasm use, pistachio breeding
Polito, Vito Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Pomologist-AES Chairman   Department of Pomology   Davis Reproductive biology of tree-crop species: olive, walnut, pistachio, almond and other Mediterranean tree crops
Shackel, Kenneth Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor/Pomologist-AES Plant-based irrigation management, particularly in trees and vines. Use of the pressure chamber and stem water potential (SWP) as a measure of plant stress, and the use of stress to optimize productivity and save water.
Teuber, Larry Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor V Genetics and biology of: floral characters influencing alfalfa pollination by honey bees, gene flow in honey bee cross pollinated crops, resistance to lygus bugs and whiteflies, Director University of California Foundation Seed Progarm
Welter, Stephen ESPM - Organisms and the Environment
  Entomologist   Professor   ESPM   Organisms and the Environment, Assoc. Dean Academic Affairs. IPM of fruit and nut crops, Plant-insect interactions, Biological Control
Wes, Hackett
CE Advisor
Anderson, Kathleen Stanislaus County
  Farm Advisor Walnuts, Apricots, Apples, Cherries
Beede, Robert Kings County
  (Retired) Farm Advisor Emeritus Horticulture: Tree fruit, nuts, grapes
Bentley, Walter Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Integrated Pest Management Entomologist, Emeritus Entomology
Bianchi, Mary San Luis Obispo County
  Emeritus - Horticulture Farm Advisor Horticulture, pomology, subtropicals, water management and water quality. Horticulture in San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County.
Buchner, Richard Tehama County
  Orchard Advisor - Emeritus Pomology for Tehama County. Strawberry nursery production in North Coast & Mountain Region
Caprile - Emeritus, Janet Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Farm Advisor Commercial fruit, nut, vine, vegetable, field, specialty crops
Connell, Joseph
  Farm Advisor Emeritus Almonds, olives, citrus, subtropicals, ornamentals
Culumber, Mae Fresno County
  Nut Crops Farm Advisor
Doll, David Merced County
  Pomology Farm Advisor Almonds, Pistachios, Walnuts, and Urban Forestry
Edstrom, John Colusa County
  Farm Advisor emeritus Almonds
Elkins, Rachel Lake County
  Pomology Farm Advisor in Lake and Mendocino Counties and Master Gardener Advisor in Lake County - Emeritus
Fichtner, Elizabeth Tulare County
  Farm Advisor Orchard Systems
Fulton, Allan Glenn County
  Irrigation and Water Resources Advisor emeritus
Grant, Joseph
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus walnuts, cherries, olives, miscellaneous fruits; fruit crops, integrated pest management
Hasey, Janine Sutter-Yuba Counties
  Tree Crop and Environmental Horticulture Advisor Emeritus, Master Gardener Advisor Pomology, Horticulture, Master Gardener Program
Haviland, David Kern County
  Farm Advisor Entomologist and Pest Management. Advise in identification and control of Pest.
Ingels, Chuck Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Farm Advisor Tree crops, grapes, environmental horticulture, and Master Gardeners/urban horticulture. Areas of research and extension focus include IPM, evaluation of sustainable products and practices, water conservation and deficit irrigation, home orchards and vineyards, sustainable landscaping, alternative turfgrass species, and tree training, pruning, and grafting.
Jarvis-Shean, Katherine Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Orchard Systems Advisor
Kron, Cindy Sonoma County
  North Coast Area IPM Advisor Integrated Pest Management, Entomology, Viticulture
Krueger, William Glenn County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus All tree crops in Glenn County and olives in Tehama County, integrated pest management
Lightle, Dani Tehama County
  Orchard Systems Advisor
Milliron, Luke Butte County
  Orchard Systems Advisor
Mohamed, Abdelmoneim Stanislaus County
  Irrigation and Soils Advisor Irrigation systems, Groundwater sustainability, Precision irrigation in orchard and vineyard cropping systems
Mokwunye, Idongesit Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Area CE IPM Entomology Advisor Pistachio, Almond, Walnut, Stone fruits and Table grapes
Pickel, Carolyn Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Area IPM Advisor, Emeritus IPM programs
Reyes, Clarissa Sutter-Yuba Counties
  Orchard Systems Advisor Plant-water relations, drought physiology; walnut, peach, kiwifruit
Rijal, Jhalendra Stanislaus County
  Area IPM Advisor Entomology, insect pest management, insect mating disruption, insect spatial distribution and quantitative sampling, insect behavior and chemical ecology
Schmierer, Jerry Colusa County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus Plant science, alfalfa, wheat,dry beans, corn, barley, and oil seed crops with speciality in precision agriculture and weed management.
Sibbett, G.
  Farm Advisor Emeritus Pomology, horticulture
Tollerup, Kris Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Advisor, IPM Almond, Pistachio, Tree Fruit, Grapes
Wheeler-Dykes, Becky Glenn County
  Orchard Systems & Weed Ecology Advisor
Wunderlich, Lynn Amador County
  Farm Advisor Viticulture and Pomology for the foothills; Sprayer calibration; Integrated Pest Management; Biological Control
Yaghmour, Mohammad Kern County
  Area Orchard Systems Advisor
Zuber, Cameron Merced County
  Orchard Crops Farm Advisor Merced County: Deciduous trees, not including pistachios and figs. Madera County: Walnut.
CE Specialist
Al-Khatib, Kassim Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor, Plant Sciences CE Specialist in Weed Sciences
Crisosto, Carlos Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Postharvest Physiologist Extension and research on postharvest biology and technology of fruits; fruit and nuts quality and deterioration and handling systems
Das, Srabani UC Merced - Cooperative Extension Specialist
  Assistant CE Specialist (Regenerative Agriculture) soil health, soil carbon, perennial cropping, regenerative agriculture
Flint, Mary Louise Entomology (UCD)
  Extension Entomologist Emeritus, Entomology, UC Davis Integrated Pest Management, biological control, landscape and garden IPM, information dissemination and entomology.
Goldhamer, David Hydrology Program
  CE Water Management Specialist Water management of horticultural crops, regulated deficit irrigation, plant water relations, plant-based water status sensors
Golino, Deborah Foundation Plant Services - CAES
  CE Specialist, Director, Foundation Plant Services, Plant Pathology Department Virus diseases of horticultural crops and nursery clean stock programs
Hanson, Bradley Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Chemical and non-chemical weed control in agricultural crops with a focus on herbicide peformance, resistance, crop safety, and environmental fate.
Harris, Linda J Food Science & Technology
  Professor of Cooperative Extension Microbial food safety throughout the food chain with a focus on the microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables and tree nuts.
Johnson, Marshall Entomology (UCR)
  IPM Specialist and Research Entomologist, Emeritus Integrated pest management of grapes, stone fruit, almonds and walnuts; biological control of arthropods; pesticide resistance in pests and natural enemies
Klonsky, Karen Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Specialist in Cooperative Extension, Emerita Farm Management and Production, Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Agriculture
Lampinen, Bruce Department of Plant Sciences
  Integrated Orchard Management, Walnut and Almond Specialist Integrated Orchard Management with an emphasis on walnuts and almonds
Larbi, Peter Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist Agricultural Application Engineering/Spray Application Engineering
McKenry, Michael Nematology Department
  Emeritus Nematologist and CE Nematology Specialist, Emeritus Field pathogenicity and practical control of nematodes in perennial crops
Mitcham, Elizabeth Department of Plant Sciences
  Director, Postharvest Center Postharvest physiology and technology of fruit and nut crops; emphasis on maintaining flavor quality after harvest, enhancing consumption of produce, and reducing food loss. Also studying regulation of fruit ripening and mechanisms underlying calcium def
Pan, Zhongli Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Adjunct Professor Improving the value of agricultural products and their components through new and improved postharvest and processing technologies.
Prichard, Terry Land, Air & Water Resources
  CE Irrigation  Water Management Specialist Irrigation water management, crop response to limited water supplies, water infiltration, Delta water quality and soil salinity issues
Ramos, David Department of Plant Sciences
  Pomologist Walnut production, tree training and pruning, high density management systems, cultivar and rootstock evaluations.
Sandoval Solis, Samuel Land, Air & Water Resources
  Associate Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources Water Resources Management, Environmental Flows, Agricultural Water management, Risk Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Science Communication
Schwankl, Lawrence Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Irrigation Specialist, Retired Irrigation engineering, design, operation and management of irrigation systems, soil moisture monitoring, low-volume irrigation
Siebert, Jerome Agricultural & Resource Economics & Policy
  CE specialist  emeritus Marketing, management and policy resource and environmental economics. Special emphasis on farm program and macro-economic policy relationships to agriculture
Thompson, James Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Emeritus Specialist in Cooperative Extension Postharvest operations including drying and refrigeration of fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, tree nuts, and grains; transportation of agricultural commodities; energy management and alternative energy systems.
Trouillas, Florent Plant Pathology - CAES
  Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist Fruit and Nut Crops, Plant Pathology
VanSteenwyk, Robert Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)
  CE Entomologist Deciduous fruits, nuts and vines
Westerdahl, Becky Nematology CAES
  CE Specialistáá Professor Applied nematology, integrated pest management
Westphal, Andreas Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  UC Riverside Professor of Cooperative Extension Nematology, Tokuji and Bettie L. Furuta Endowed Chair Applied Nematology in perennial crops including walnut, almond, pistachio, grape and citrus
Wilson, Houston Entomology (UCR)
  Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist Orchard/vineyard IPM, insect ecology, organic agriculture, agroecology
Zaccaria, Daniele Land, Air & Water Resources
  Associate Professor and Agricultural Water Management Specialist in Cooperative Extension Agricultural water management and irrigation
Zalom, Frank Entomology (UCD)
  Distinguished Professor Fruit and Vegetable Crop Entomology; Integrated Pest Management
Other ANR
Brodt, Sonja Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  Academic Coordinator (Agriculture & Environment), UC SAREP Agriculture and Environment
DeMoura, Richard Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Staff Research Associate Cost Production Studies
Hendricks, Lonnie Merced County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus
Krochta, John Food Science & Technology
  Professor   Food Engineer Peter J. Shields Endowed Chair of Dairy Food Science Edible films and coatings to control mass transfer in foods; controlled release of bioactive compounds from biopolymers; conversion of agricultural surpluses to fuels and chemicals; biochemical separations
Metcalf, Samuel
Micke, Warren Department of Plant Sciences
  Emeritus   CE Pomologist Cultural practices and production problems of almonds and walnuts.
O Reil, Wilbur
  Farm Advisor (Emeritus)
Olson, William
  County Director and Farm Advisor Walnuts, Prunes ,
Potter, Dan Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor and Plant Systematist Phylogeny and systematics of horticultural crop plants and wild relatives, evolution of Rosaceae, molecular markers for walnut species and cultivars.
Van Horn, Mark Agricultural Sustainability Institute
  Director, Student Farm
Zhang, Minghua Land, Air & Water Resources
Aradhya, Mallikarjuna
Baumgartner, Kendra Plant Pathology - CAES
  USDA-ARS research plant pathologist grapevine diseases
Browne, Greg Plant Pathology - CAES
  USDA Research Plant Pathologist Soil-borne diseases of fruit and nut trees and other horticultural crops
Gut, Larry
Kluepfel, Daniel Plant Pathology - CAES
Light, Doug
Preece, John
  Supervisory Research Leader Horticulture
Rosecrance, Rich
Seybold, Steven
  Research Entomologist
User, Unverified
Other UC
Leslie, Chuck
Ott, Natalia Tehama County
  Orchard Crops Advisor Walnuts, Prunes, Almonds, Olives
Membership Totals
Number of Members107
ANR Members97
Info Only0
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