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View, download or print the Fall 2024 Workshops.

About the Workshops

Registration and cancellations
  • Workshops are free—registration is required for all workshops.
  • Participation is limited. Limit is indicated for each workshop.
  • Registration is on a first come, first served basis.
  • Heavy rain cancels outdoor workshops (unless noted); canceled workshops will be rescheduled.
Workshop Locations
Questions? Need to cancel? Want to get on a Workshop Waiting List?

Please email us at anrmgbutte@ucanr.edu. Be sure to include your phone number in case we need to contact you.


Neighborhood Habitat Certification

Co-sponsored with Paradise Garden Club
Monday, September 9, 1–2:30pm
Terry Ashe Recreation Center, limit 50

Every yard counts! By converting unused lawns into natural, drought tolerant California landscaping and habitat, we can conserve and protect valuable water resources and rebuild needed wildlife corridors within our community. Join this workshop, led by the coordinator of Altacal Audubon’s Certified Neighborhood Habitat Program, who will discuss the program requirements and steps to certification. Learn how you can make your own yard count!

Register for Neighborhood Habitat Certification


Saturday, September 21, 10–11:30am
Demonstration Garden, limit 25

Learn the best time to propagate woody perennials and divide plants; how to select and make cuttings; the proper techniques for dividing plants; the best planting mediums to use; and how to plant cuttings and divided plants. You will leave this workshop with several plant cuttings from our Demonstration Garden to start at home. Bring your own garden pruners; materials and techniques will be discussed, and handouts will be provided.

Register for Propagation


Tuesday, September 24, 10–11:30am
Demonstration Garden, limit 25

Drip irrigation is arguably the most efficient method of providing water to trees, crops, gardens, and landscapes. The surface drip irrigation system emitter was first developed in Israel, where the dry climate makes water conservation a necessity. This workshop will provide an overview of different options available for drip irrigation systems and how to install them. You will also learn how to troubleshoot and inspect your system, and how to make repairs when needed.

Register for Irrigation

How to Remove Your Lawn NEW

Thursday, September 26, 10–11:30am
Demonstration Garden, limit 25

Say goodbye to mowing and hello to lower water use and increased biodiversity when you remove your lawn. In its place, you can install attractive landscaping with low water needs and native plants that attract pollinators and provide wildlife habitat.

Lawn conversion doesn't have to be physically difficult, but it does take planning and time. Both the sheet mulching and solarization methods of replacing your lawn will be displayed in the MG Demonstration Garden. We'll take you through the steps of planning, preparation, process, and replanting, and walk through our gardens for landscape ideas and tips. We will also provide a list of low water and native plants.

Register for How to Remove Your Lawn


Gophers, Moles, and Voles

Wednesday, October 9, 10–11:30am
Demonstration Garden, limit 25

There is nothing peskier than vertebrate pests in the garden. Join us to gain some knowledge about how to deal with these critters that plague your yard. We will also have a Master Gardener available to show you exactly how to set gopher traps.

Register for Gophers, Moles, and Voles

Integrated Pest Management

Tuesday, October 15, 10–11:30am
Pat’s Barn, limit 30

This interactive class will focus on the basics of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The purpose of IPM is to solve your own pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment. IPM can be used for all pests in your landscape and home.

Register for Integrated Pest Management

It’s a Wrap! Autumn Garden Cleanup, Winter Prep, and Preservation

Co-sponsored with OLLI
Saturday, October 19, 12:30–2pm
Bradley 2 at The Social, limit 55

It's the end of the growing season, and gardening is winding down…or is it? Fall gardening consists of far more than just raking, rolling up hoses, and pulling spent plants. It is the time for planning, preparing, and preserving. Come and enjoy a bountiful workshop/discussion that will delve into some essential seasonal steps to ensure that next year's garden (as well as this winter’s dinner table) is even more successful. Bonus: some of the steps won't even get your hands dirty!

Register for It’s a Wrap!


Friday, October 25, 10–11:30am
Demonstration Garden, limit 25

Composting uses leaves, garden waste, and kitchen scraps to create wonderful soil-enriching compost. In this workshop we will discuss the different ways to create compost. Techniques range from simple to complex. We will explain the choices so that you can choose the style that best fits your resources and needs.

Register for Composting

How to Use Our Garden Guide

Saturday, October 26, 9:30–11am
Plant Barn Nursery, limit 15

This workshop explores our Butte County Garden Guide and Three-Year Journal, available in two versions: bound as a book and unbound in a loose-leaf binder.

Join us while we discuss using the Garden Guide to find the best times to perform seasonal and weekly garden tasks, as well as finding useful information on plants, climate, and soil for our region. An integral part of this workshop is using the Garden Guide to record lessons learned and keep track of useful plant and weather information for your garden over the years. This invaluable resource, written by UC Master Gardeners of Butte County, is full of material about our local climate, plants, and wildlife, and includes weekly tips and fun facts

Register for How to Use Our Garden Guide


Registration available early October.

Landscape Design NEW

2 part series
Thursdays, November 7th and 14th 9:30–11:30am
Pat’s Barn, limit 30

Many gardeners start a garden project by selecting plants, then puzzle over what to do with them when they get home. Sound familiar? In this workshop you will learn the steps that professionals use to develop beautiful, cohesive, lower maintenance planting designs. Each workshop participant will have the opportunity to measure and apply the principles for their own site, if desired. Hint: buying the plants is the last step.


Saturday, November 16, 11am–1pm
Pat’s Barn, limit 30

Bats! Learn everything you always wanted to know about these fascinating creatures from Dr. Shahroukh Mistry, an expert on bat biology. Dr. Mistry teaches in the biology department at Butte College, and his current research is on Acoustic Monitoring of Bat Diversity and Activity in Northern California, and Prehistoric Distribution of Extinct Vampire Bat Species. His great specialty, however, is making science, especially bat science, accessible, enjoyable, and fun.

Native Bees

Co-sponsored with Paradise Garden Club
Monday, November 18, 1–2:30pm
Terry Ashe Recreation Center, limit 50

Most of us can recognize the non-native, ever-present European honey bees in our yards, but many are unaware that there are 1600 species of native bees that can be found in California.

This workshop will introduce you to a number of California native bees including bumblebees, leaf cutting bees, mason bees, and carpenter bees. We will provide resources and information to help you understand the bees’ lifespans and their plant and habitat needs, along with ways you can observe and support these valuable pollinators.


Registration available early November.

Perennial Vegetable Gardening NEW

Tuesday, December 3, 1–2:30pm
Pat’s Barn, limit 30

This workshop defines perennial vegetables and explains why we should grow them, how they differ from annuals, how to cultivate them, and how to fit them into your landscape. Thirty-five of the best perennials for our local gardens are presented, with links to detailed growing directions. The perennials are then listed opposite their corresponding annuals. Finally, if you are adventurous, an extensive list of perennials for the Mediterranean climate is given. Why not reduce your labor (and inputs), get reasonable yields, and explore new plants?

Watch a Workshop

Missed a workshop? Videos of some past workshops can be found on our YouTube channel.

Like Our Workshops?

Gifts help support our workshops, the Demonstration Garden at Patrick Ranch, and Master Gardener community outreach projects in Butte County.

Give a gift to the UC Master Gardeners of Butte Coubty

Thank you! Your support is greatly appreciated!