- Author: Andy Lyons
- Author: Sean Hogan
- Author: Shane Feirer
- Author: Robert Johnson
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The IGIS Team is pleased to share our workshop schedule for Fall 2022. Workshops are the best part of our 'trilogy' of strategic goals - research, technical projects, and training - because this is where we get to share the tips and tricks we pick up every day. See descriptions below, and if you're not available to attend one that really interests you keep an eye open for the recordings on our YouTube Channel.
Introduction to ArcGIS Online
Friday September 30, 2022 • 1:00 - 4:00pm • online • free
ArcGIS Online is the online component of the ESRI geospatial ecosystem, and the foundation for web mapping, story maps, and mobile data collection. This workshop will provide an overview of ArcGIS Online and teach participants how to create a web map. This workshop is a prerequisite for the Story Maps and Field Maps workshops, and recommended for ArcGIS Pro.
Requirements: No experience required. Participants must have an ArcGIS Online account set up prior to the workshop (free for all UCANR employees, temporary accounts available for others). Details and registration.
Applications of Drone Technology for Naturalists
A pre-conference workshop for the California Naturalist Statewide Conference, Tahoe City
Friday October 7, 2022 • 1:00 - 3:00pm • free for conference attendees
If you've watched TV nature programs in the past 5 years, you've probably seen some breathtaking drone photos and video. "Could I do that?" you may be asking yourself. Join the UC ANR Informatics and GIS Statewide Program in a fun and educational introduction to applications of drone technology in natural environments. This two-hour workshop will begin with an overview of drone platforms, cameras, regulations, and best practices for operations, followed by a demonstration of one or more drone platforms with tips on taking drone photos, video, and 360 photospheres. Time permitting, the group will have an opportunity to get your hands on the controls of a drone and do some flying yourself.
Requirements: Participants must be registered with the CalNat Statewide Conference. No experience needed. Details and registration.
Intro to R Workshop Series
Part. 1. Tuesday October 11, 2022. 3:30 - 5:00p • online • free
Part. 2. Wednesday October 12, 2022. 3:30 - 5:00p • online • free
Part. 3. Friday October 14, 2022. 10:30 - 12:00p • online • free
R is an enormously popular open-source platform for statistics, programming, and data science. The command line interface however is very different from Excel, and can take some getting used to. This introductory 3-part workshop series will start from the beginning. Through slides and hands-on exercises, participants will learn the fundamentals of working with data in R, including importing data, cleaning and manipulating tabular data for analysis, and running simple statistical tests.
Requirements. No experience necessary. Participants with some experience are welcome to start with Part 2, but are expected to know the basics. To complete the hands-on exercises, you'll need a RStudio Cloud account (free), or have RStudio Desktop installed (also free). Details and Registration.
Introduction to ArcGIS Pro
Friday October 21, 2022 • 1:00 - 4:00pm • online • free
ArcGIS Pro is ESRI's powerhouse desktop application for all things GIS. It can do anything from basic cartography to advanced geospatial modeling. This introduction will get you started creating maps with local and online GIS data.
Requirements: Participants must have ArcGIS Pro installed on their personal computer prior to the workshop. ArcGIS Pro is for Windows only. Licenses are free for all UCANR employees, and temporary accounts available for others. No experience needed, but the ArcGIS Online workshop (Sept 30) or equivalent experience is strongly encouraged. Details and registration.
Introduction to ArcGIS Field Maps
Friday November 18, 2022 • 1:00 - 4:00pm • online • free
ArcGIS Field Maps is ESRI's most recent and most powerful platform for mobile data collection. It is the successor to ArcGIS Collector, which is being phased out. This hands-on workshop will explain how the platform works and guide participants through creating a mobile data collection app.
Requirements: Participants must have an ArcGIS Online account set up prior to the workshop (free for all UCANR employees, temporary accounts available for others). The Intro to AGOL workshop, or equivalent background, is a prerequisite for this workshop. Details and registration.
Computing Agroclimate Metrics in R
Friday Dec. 2, 2022 • 11:00a - 12:30pm • online • free
Agroclimate metrics are the backbone of all manner of models for crop development, crop management, site suitability, and pest development. Common metrics include the number of frost days, winter chill accumulation, extreme heat days, diurnal temperature range, maximum July temperature, total precipitation, degree days, and many others.
This webinar will demonstrate how to compute common agroclimate metrics in R for the past, present, and future. We will learn how to import into R weather data using packages like cimir and caladaptR, and compute metrics using tidyverse methods and specialized packages like degday.
Requirements: Participants who wish to complete the hands-on portion of the workshop should have a RStudio Cloud account, and have basic familiarity with R and RStudio. Details and registration.
Introduction to ArcGIS Story Maps
Friday Dec. 9, 2022 • 1:00 - 4:00pm • online • free
Story Maps for ArcGIS is a powerful and popular platform for creating websites that convey compelling narratives through text, media, and maps. Story Maps are increasingly used for online extension, program reporting, and presentations. This workshop will get you started and give you the tools to create your own Story Maps.
Requirements: Participants must have an ArcGIS Online account set up prior to the workshop (free for all UCANR employees, temporary accounts available for others). The Intro to AGOL workshop, or equivalent background, is a prerequisite for this workshop. Details and registration.