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Learning Development Budget

Requesting funds
Instructions for hiring a trainer
Trainings supported by L&D funds

Requesting Funds from the Learning & Development (L&D) Budget

Apply by June 27, 2024 for FY24-25 Apply here.

Each year ANR Learning & Development (L&D) funds trainings, workshops, classes, and online learning resources for ANR employees. The call for funds requests from Learning & Development is open ANRwide. 

We recognize that we have a talented and knowledgeable employee base and that many of our colleagues continually step up to facilitate internal professional development opportunities. Therefore, we would like to know what learning opportunities you might like to organize for our colleagues and what funding level you would need. 

Due to limited funds, not all requests will be filled, and some may be filled at a lower amount than requested. It may take up to several months to receive notice of L&D budget decisions – and it is not unlikely it could take until summer of 2023 to receive your decision letter.

Hiring a Training Presenter?
Click here for information about hiring a trainer.

History of training and subscriptions supported by L&D funds

FY 23-24

Capacity Building

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Foreign Influence Module
Defining Clientele & Affirmative Action Planning
Conducting a Needs Assessment
Improving All Reasonable Effort and Engagement with Diverse Audiences
Practical Methods to Measuring Outcomes
Best Practices for Developing Surveys & Basics of Sampling Methods
Methods to Analyze Surveys: Part 1 Qualitative Data
Methods to Analyze Surveys: Part 2 Continuous Quantitative Data
Methods to Analyze Surveys: Part 3 Discrete Quantitative Data
Writing Strong Impact Statements and Stories

Crucial Conversation

Grant Essentials Summit

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Summit 

Employee Resource Groups

Black & Allied Employees
LatinX & Friends
People of Color

How to Record a Video on Your Smartphone

INTOO Coaching

LinkedIn Learning 

Mentorship Program

Orientation and Onboarding
New Employee Welcomes, Admin and Programmatic Orientations

UC Berkeley NOW Conference

UC Women's Initiative for Professional Development

CITI Program: Research, Ethics, and Compliance Training

Systemwide Agreement - Leadership

Management Assessment Program

FY 22-23

Employee Resource Groups

The use of the available funding is meant to be spent to support the both the development of the ERG members and the outreach/education of the ANR community. It is meant to provide you an opportunity to provide training and events for ANR, and to incur expenses associated with running the ERG.  In your recommendation below, it sounds like development and engagement opportunities for the ERG members and is an allowable expense.

Black & Allied Employees
People of Color
Asian Pacific Islanders

Capacity Building

Defining Clientele & Affirmative Action Planning
Conducting a Needs Assessment
Improving All Reasonable Effort and Engagement with Diverse Audiences
Practical Methods to Measuring Outcomes
Best Practices for Developing Surveys & Basics of Sampling Methods
Methods to Analyze Surveys: Part 1 Qualitative Data
Methods to Analyze Surveys: Part 2 Continuous Quantitative Data
Methods to Analyze Surveys: Part 3 Discrete Quantitative Data
Writing Strong Impact Statements

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Can we talk about Implicit Bias Workshop I

CITI Program: Research, Ethics, and Compliance Training

Systemwide Agreement - Leadership

Management Assessment Program

Orientation and Onboarding
New Employee Welcomes, Admin and Programmatic Orientations

FY 21-22

DEI Learning Opportunities

Asian Pacific Islander History Month
Coming Together for Racial Understanding
Black and Allied Employees Affinity Group
Hispanic Heritage Month
Implicit Bias for ANR Community (includes volunteers)
Intercultural Development Inventory
LGBTQ+ Affinity Group
POC Affinity Group

Office, Team, and Personal Management

Gartner Coroporate Leadership Council
LinkedIn Learning
Mentorship Program for Staff

Extension Methods & Delivery

Capacity Building - Needs Assessment, Impact Writing, Evaluation ..etc.

Building Support 

CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative

FY 20-21

Building Support

Grant Essentials Workshop

DEI Learning Opportunities

Affirmative Action
Asian Pacific Islander Month
Black History Month
Making the Unconscious Conscious ANRwide

Office, Team, and Personal Management

Collaborative Facilitation
CORO Leadership
Crucial Conversations
Mentorship Program for Staff
New Employee Orientation
Programmatic Orientation for New Academics
UC Women's Initiative for Professional Development
LinkedIn Learning
Gartner Corporate Leadership Council

Extension Methods & Delivery

Capacity Building - Needs Assessment, Impact Writing, Evaluation ..etc.
Instructional Design for CalNAT training on Citizen Science

Building Support

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
Grant Writing Workshop