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Sabrina L. Drill Ph.D.

Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
sldrill@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Ventura County
Environmental Stewards (formerly California Naturalist Program)



Sabrina Drill is the Emeritus Natural Resources Advisor for UC Cooperative Extension in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties and former Director of California Naturalist. She is currently a Climate Fellow with the National Extension Climate Initiative and a Urban Resilience Fellow with the Western Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research. Her current areas of research and extension include urban ecology, environmental justice, restoration of urban streams, climate change resilience, terrestrial and aquatic invasive species, fire ecology and recovery, and public participation in science. Throughout her extension career she has worked to build capacity for community-based resource management, and to substantively engage under-represented communities in stewardship of their local watersheds and ecosystems. Dr. Drill has conducted research in Southern California, the Colorado River, the Hudson River, and the East African Great Lakes. She is a former Fulbright fellow, and has worked for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Harvard University, and the Council for Watershed Health. She holds a Ph.D. in Geography and a M.S. in Biology from UCLA, a B.S. in Biology from Virginia Tech, and an A.A. in Natural Science from Simon’s Rock of Bard College.


Ph. D. Geography, UCLA. 2001
M.S. Biology, UCLA. 1996
B.A. Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 1990
A.A. Natural Science, Simon's Rock of Bard College. 1987



Climate resilience, urban ecology, watershed education, community science and engagement, environmental justice, conservation and restoration of aquatic and wildland habitats and anadramous fishes, aquatic and terrestrial invasive species, fire ecology and landscape preparation, land use and conservation planning

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Diaz-Carrasco, Claudia; Fabregas Janeiro, Lupita (In Press). Engaging Underserved Urban Communities in Resource Stewardship. Routledge Handbook on Sustainable Cities and Landscapes.J. Pierce and C. Schell. Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Post, Jason (In Press). Urban Aquatic Ecology, Restoration, and Fishing on The Los Angeles River – Making it Just Blue Enough? Routledge Handbook on Sustainable Cities and Landscapes.J. Pierce and C. Schell. Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Rosenblatt, Connor, et al. (2022). The Effect of the COVID 19 Pandemic and Associated Restrictions on Participation in Community and Citizen Science. Citizen Science Theory and Practice. https://theoryandpractice.citizenscienceassociation.org/articles/10.5334/cstp.463/
  • Grosholz, Edwin; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2021). Engaging Community Scientists in the Management of an Invasive Marine Pest. California Agriculture. Davis, CA, UCANR Publications.
  • Pincetich, Chris; Drill, Sabrina (2021). Natural History of the California Current. California Naturalist Series. Davis, CA, UCANR Publications. 8684, 24 pp. https://doi.org/10.3733/ucanr.8684
  • Pierce, J.R.; Tan, M.M.J, et al. (2021). Scaling Biodiversity Conservation Efforts: An Examination of the Relationship Between Global Biodiversity Targets and Local Plans. Frontiers in Conservation Science. Frontiers. 2, 97.
  • McBride, Sara K.; Kurtz, Elizabeth, et al. (2020). Extreme weather and natural hazards in the time of COVID-19: a social science research agenda. Social Science Extreme Events Research Network. Boulder, CO, Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado, Boulder. 15 pp. https://converge.colorado.edu/v1/uploads/images/extremeweatherandgeohazards-1594314842933.pdf
  • Mongolo, Jennifer; Trusso, Nina, et al. (2017). "A longitudinal temperature profile of the Los Angeles River from June through October 2016." Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 116(3): 174-192.
  • Merenlender, Adina M; Crall, Alycia W., et al. (2016). "Evaluating environmental education, citizen science, and stewardship through naturalist programs." Conservation Biology 30(6): 1255-1265.
  • Lande, Michelle; Johnson, Leigh; Drill, Sabrina; Haver, Darren (2013). Aquatic Invasive Species Indentification and Best Management Practices Card Set. San Diego, CA, UC Cooperative Extension. 40.
  • Drill, Sabrina L. (2013). "Mobile Applications for Participatory Science." Journal of Extension 51(1): [on-line].
  • Drill, Sabrina (2012). "Mobile Applications for Extension." Journal of Extension 50(5)
  • Drill, Sabrina (2012). "Tools for Creating Mobile Applications for Extension." Journal of Extension 50(6)
  • Ferranto, Shasta; Huntsinger, Lynn, et al. (2011). "Forest and Rangeland Owners Value Land for Natural Amenities and as a Financial Investment." California Agriculture 65: 184-191.
  • McCreary, Douglas (2011). Living Among the Oaks: A Management Guide for Woodland Owners and Managers.S. Drill, G. Giusti, L. Costello and W. Tietje. Davis, CA, UC Oak Woodland Conservation Workgroup. Publication 21538, 16. 2011. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/GrasslandsHardwoodRangelands/21538.aspx
  • Drill, Sabrina L.; Aliaga, Paola, et al. (2010). Environment and Community: Caring for our Natural Resources. An English as a Second Language Curriculum. ANR Publications.: 99.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Surls, R., et al. (2009). "Bringing the Environment into the English-as-a-Second-Language Classroom." Journal of Extension 47(3)
  • Dagit, R.; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2009). Die off and current status of southern steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Malibu Creek, Los Angeles County, USA. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. Southern California Academy of Science. 108, 1-15. 2009.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2008). The use of protected areas for biodiversity and stock conservation. Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: proceedings of the Fourth World Fisheries Congress.J. Nielsen, J. Dodson, K. Friedland, T. Hamon, J. Musick and E. Verspoor. Bethesda, Maryland, American Fisheries Society. 49: 1253-1262.
  • Guisti, G. (2005). Oak Woodland as Wildlife Habitat. A Planner's Guide to Oak Woodlands, 2nd Edition. Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program and DANR Press, University of California.
  • Drill, Sabrina (1996). A genetic analysis of hatchery propagation for management of the endangered razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus. Department of Biology, University of California, Los Angeles. 58.
  • Buth, D.G.; Haglund, T.R., et al. (1996). Geographic patterns of allozyme divergence in the endangered Klamath basin catostomid fishes, Chasmistes brevirostris and Deltisites luxatus. Isozyme Bulletin. 29, 26. 1996.
  • Drill, Sabrina (1996). Hatchery propagation for management of the endangered razorback sucker: a genetic analysis. Isozyme Bulletin. 29, 27. 1996.
  • Buth, D.G.; Gordon, M.S., et al. (1995). Genetic heterogeneity in isogenic homozygous clonal zebrafish, Danio rerio. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
  • Buth, D.G.; Haglund, T.R., et al. (1994). Resolution of creatine kinase expression in catostomid fishes: starch makes a difference. Isozyme Bulletin. 27, 61. 1994.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Meyer, Ryan; Drill, Sabrina (In Press). News: Assessing community and citizen science at UC ANR. California Agriculture. 1.
  • Meyer, Ryan; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (In Press). Special Issue Introduction: Community and Citizen Science. California Agriculture. UC ANR. 2.
  • Kocher, S.D; Kearns, F., et al. (2020). Disasters Happen, We Can and Will Be Prepared: Disaster Preparation and Response Guide for the UC ANR Community. UCANR. 22. https://ucanr.edu/sites/Disaster/
  • Meyer, Ryan; Drill, Sabrina (2019). Community and Citizen Science at the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. UC Davis. 51.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2019). Cooperative Extension's Online Training about Shot Hole Borers. Ventura County Farm Bureau Newsletter. 51:3, 1. May/June.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2019). Supporting Urban Ecosystems and Communities in times of Natural Disaster. Proceedings if the Annual Meeting of the Extension Disaster Education Network. Spokane, WA. 17. 9/18/19.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2019). Sustainable and Fire-Resistant Landscaping - Before and After Fire. Beyond Recovery : Restoration for the Future. Abstracts of the 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration. Santa Barbara, SERCAL. 23. 4/10/19. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/558d9dd9e4b097e27b791a1f/t/5d3e01b89b519f00016007e1/1564344766037/2019pro+webfinal.pdf
  • Meyer, Ryan; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2019). What do citizen and community science mean for cooperative extension? Abstracts if the Annual Meeting of the Citizen Science Association. Citizen Science Association. 3/14/2019.
  • Johnson, Shelly; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2018). Diversity in Natural Resource Outreach Programs. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs. New Orleans, LA, ANROSP. 5. 9/11/2018. https://anrosp.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/ANROSP%202018%20Agenda%20-%20DRAFT.pdf
  • Drill, Sabrina (2018). Eco-tip: Take Steps to Keep Homes Safe From Fire. Ventura County Star. 2. 8/17/2018.
  • Smith, Stacie; Gomez, Mauricio, et al. (2018). Fire and Flow Forum Strategic Plan: A Stakeholder Response to Rising Climatic Threats in Southern California Watersheds. South Coast Habitat Restoration and National Marine Fisheries Service. 23. http://schabitatrestoration.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/FireFlowForum_2018_Final_web.pdf
  • Drill, Sabrina; Meyer, Ryan, et al. (2018). Supporting Community and Citizen Science: UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and California Naturalist. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs. 13. 9/13/2018. https://anrosp.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/ANROSP%202018%20Agenda%20-%20DRAFT.pdf
  • Sapper, Becky; Drill, Sabrina (2017). Beyond Volunteer Hours – Determining Non-Service Hour Value of Master Naturalist Programs. Abstracts of the 2017 Meeting of the Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Professionals. Sept. 19th-21st, 2017.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Bhakta, Bindu (2017). Master Naturalists and Citizen Science, a Natural Match (Poster). Abstracts of the 2017 Meeting of the Citizen Science Association. May 17th-20th, 2017.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Adina, Merenlender., et al. (2017). UC California Naturalist Instructor Training Manual. UC California Naturalist. 107.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Chandler, Mark, et al. (2017). Using Citizen Science and Deep Participation to Support Urban Diversity (Symposium). Abstracts of the 2017 Meeting of the Citizen Science Association. May 17th-20th, 2017.
  • Garboletto, Mateo; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2016). CALINVASIVES: a Revolutionary Tool to Monitor Invasive Threats. Abstracts of the Sixth Sudden Oak Death Science Symposium. Jun 20-23, 2016.
  • Dagit, Rosi; Bowling, William P., et al. (2016). State of the River 3: The Long Beach Fish Study.F. River. 65 pp.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Merenlender, Adina, et al. (2015). Advancing Diverse Participation: Lessons from UC California Naturalist. Abstracts of the 44th Annual Conference of the North American Association for Environmental Education. Oct. 15-18, 2015.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Merenlender, Adina (2015). Advancing Diverse Participation: Lessons from UC California Naturalist. Abstracts of the 44th Annual Conference of NAAEE. San Diego, CA, North American Association for Environmental Education. October.
  • Webb, Rebecca; Johnson, Leigh, et al. (2015). California Aquatic Invasive Species Website. http://ucanr.edu/sites/CalAIS/
  • Gamble, Brook; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2015). Citizen Science in the California Naturalist Program. Abstracts of the 2015 Meeting of the Citizen Science Association. Feb. 11-12, 2015.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Merenlender, Adina, et al. (2015). Increasing diversity and utility of Master Naturalist programs through collaborations with community colleges and conservation corps. Abstracts of the 2015 Meeting of the Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Professionals. Sept. 15-16, 2015.
  • Merenlender, Adina; Drill, Sabrina (2015). New Directions for Statewide Naturalist Education Programs. Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals.
  • Gonzales, Jan; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2015). Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Website. http://ucanr.edu/sites/pshb/
  • Merenlener, Adina; Drill, Sabrina (2014). New Directions for Statewide Naturalist Education Programs. Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP). Sacramento, CA, ANREP. 1. May 20 2014.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2014). New Pest Threatens Oaks. Ventura County Farm Bureau Newsleter. Ventura, CA, Ventura County Farm Bureau. 46:6, 1. June. http://www.farmbureauvc.com/pdf_forms/newsletters/FB_News_February14.pdf
  • Drill, Sabrina (2014). Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Spreading in California. Ventura County Farm Bureau Newsletter. Ventura County Farm Bureau. 46:2, 1. February.
  • Merenlener, Adina; Drill, Sabrina; Gamble, Brook; Warnert, Jeanette (2014). THE UC CALIFORNIA NATURALIST PROGRAM: BUILDING A DIVERSE COMMUNITY OF CITIZEN SCIENTISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDS. California Oak Symposium. Visalia, CA, UCANR. 1.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Trumbo, Joel (2013). Special Concerns for Invasive Weed Treatments Near Aquatic Habitats. Newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council. California Invasive Plant Council. 21:1, 3.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Merenlender, A., et al. (2013). "The California Naturalist Program." Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 112(2): 1.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2012). "Pests and Diseases of Southern California Oaks." from http://ucanr.edu/sites/socaloakpests/.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2012). "Pests and Diseases of Southern California Oaks." from http://ucanr.edu/sites/socaloakpests/.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2012). "Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer in California." from http://ucanr.edu/sites/socaloakpests/Polyphagous_Shot_Hole_Borer/.
  • Drill, Sabrina L. (2011). "Sustainable and Fire-Safe Landscapes: Achieving Wildfire Resistance and Environmental Health in the Wildland/Urban Interface." Fremontia 38(2): 37-41.
  • Bok, A.; Durbin, R., et al. (2010). "A Roadmap to Fire Safety in the Santa Monica Mountains." Santa Monica Mountains Fire Safe Alliance: 35.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Dagit, R., et al. (2010). Anadromous fish at the arid urban edge - status of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations and habitat in Malibu Creek, Los Angeles County. 140th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Sept. 12-16, 2010. http://afs.confex.com/afs/2010/webprogram/start.html
  • Drill, Sabrina; Glaser, Deborad, et al. (2010). Compton Gateway Symposium for Creekside Community Development. WatershedWise. Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council. 12, 4. 2010.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2010). Do Fish Need Water? WatershedWise. Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council. 13, 1. 2010.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2010). New Zealand Mudsnails Fact Sheet. UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties Natural Resources Program. 2010. http://ucanr.org/sites/uccenzms/files/41700.pdf
  • Drill, Sabrina (2010). "SAFE Landscapes Protects Lives, Property, and the Environment." UC Delivers
  • Drill, Sabrina L. (2010). UCCE Brings Watershed U. to the Ventura River. Newsletter of the Ventura County Farm Bureau. 42, 3. 2010.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2010, 2010). "UCCE New Zealand Mudsnails Research and Extension Website." from http://ucanr.org/sites/uccenzms/.
  • Borel, A.; Drill, Sabrina (2009). "Santa Clara River Watershed Times." Santa Clara River Watershed Times Fall 2009: 18.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Quarles, S.L., et al. (2009). Southern California Guidebook: Sustainable and Fire-Safe Landscapes in the Wildland Urban Interface. UC Cooperative Extension.: 45.
  • Swift, Camm; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2008). Section 1: Native Species. State of the River 2: The Fish Study. Friends of the Los Angeles River.: 5-22.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2008). Sustainable and Fire Safe Landscaping. Newsletter of the Ventura County Farm Bureau. August 2008. 2008.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2008). Sustainable Fire Preparation and Fuel Management. Newsletter of the Los Angeles and San Gabriel River Watershed Council. WatershedWise. Spring 2008. 2008.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2007). Cooperative Extension Programs in Natural Resource Management and Land Use Planning. 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Park City, Utah. June 17-21.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Dagit, R. (2007). Habitat evaluation procedures for southern populations of steelhead trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. 137th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. San Francisco, CA. September 2-6.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Borel, V.T. (2007). Making Your Property Fire Safe. SAFE Landscape Fact Sheet Series. UCCE-Los Angeles County. 2007.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2007). New Zealand Mudsnails Invade Southern California. Newsletter of the Southern California Academy of Science. The Smilodon. Spring 2007. 2007.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2007). Rapid Fish Die-off in Malibu Creek. Sea Grant Fisheries Newsletter. Spring 2007. 2007.
  • Borel, V.T.; Drill, Sabrina (2007). Rapid Fish Die-off in Malibu Creek. Santa Clara River Times newsletter. 1, Winter 2006. 2007.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Borel, V.T. (2007). SAFE Landscapes in the WUI. SAFE Landscape Fact Sheet Series. UCCE-Los Angeles County. 2007.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Borel, V.T., et al. (2007). "Sustainable and Fire Safe (SAFE) Landscapes 2008 Calendar and Guidebook.": 18.
  • Johnson, M.; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2006). Addressing Mosquito Borne Diseases in Wetland Preservation and Restoration. 2006 Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project Symposium. Santa Barbara, CA. March 9-10.
  • Surls, R.; Aliaga, P., et al. (2006). Environmental Literacy Among Recent Immigrants. California and the World Ocean. Long Beach, CA. September 17-20, 2006.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2006). Habitat Evaluation Procedures for Steelhead in Matilija Creek, the Ventura River, and Malibu Creek. 24th Salmonid Restoration Conference. Santa Barbara, CA. Feb. 22-25.
  • Dagit, R.; Drill, Sabrina (2006). Historic Distribution of Southern Steelhead Trout in the Santa Monica Bay. 24th Salmonid Restoration Conference. Santa Barbara, CA. Feb. 22-25.
  • Diamond, J.; DeShazo, R., et al. (2006). Southern California Tiered Aquatic Life Uses Pilot Project Phase I. American Fisheries Society California-Nevada Chapter Symposium and 40th Annual Meeting. San Luis Obispo, CA. March 30-April 1.
  • Drill, Sabrina; O'Brien, J. (2006). Where do We Need to Go to Evaluate Southern Steelhead Habitat? 24th Salmonid Restoration Conference. Santa Barbara, CA. Feb. 22-25.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2005). Book Review of: Dahlgren, Craig; Sobel, Jack. Marine Reserves: A Guide to Science, Design, and Use. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 15: 159-151.
  • Dagit, R.; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2005). "Historic Distribution of Southern Steelhead Trout in the -Santa Monica Bay Region." Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission AWIP-S-4: 235.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2005). Managing Mosquitoes in Wetlands Restoration Projects. National Conference on West Nile Virus in the United States. San Jose, California. February 8-9.
  • Pratt, J.; Drill, Sabrina (2005). Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project. State of the Bay Conference. Los Angeles, California, Santa Monica Bar Restoration Commission. January 13.
  • Haver, D.; Drill, Sabrina (2005). Mosquito Control in Nurseries. California Ornamental Research Foundation. Ventura, CA. March 3r.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2005). The Impact of West Nile Virus on Wildlife in Southern California. 2005 Conference of California Fish and Game Commissions. Pasadena, California. May 13.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2004). Assessing restoration opportunities for steelhead in the Santa Monica Mountains. California-Nevada Chapter Meeting. Redding, California, American Fisheries Society. April 21-24.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2004). "West Nile Virus and Managing Mosquitoes." from http://celosangeles.ucdavis.edu.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Pritchett, D.A. (2003). Measuring barriers to fish passage in the Santa Monica Mountains. Annual Meeting of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. California State University, Northridge. May 9-10.
  • Pritchett, D.A.; Drill, Sabrina (2003). Measuring fish passage barriers for the Santa Monica Mountains steelhead habitat assessment project, 2003-2005. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Salmonid Restoration Federation and Urban Streams Conference, San Luis Obispo, California.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2003). Restoring steelhead passage in the Ventura River: an update on the Matilija Dam restoration feasibility study. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Salmonid Restoration Federation and Urban Streams Conference, San Luis Obispo, California.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2003). Vector control in created and restored wetlands. Southern Region of the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California Continuing Education Symposium. San Bernardino, California. January 7-8.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2003). What is a watershed? and Fishes of the Arroyo Seco. Watershed U.-Arroyo Seco. Los Angeles River and Garden Center, Los Angeles, California. April 24-May 29.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2002). A toolbox for watershed management. Natural Resources Program, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2002. http://celosangeles.ucdavis.edu/natural_resources/toolbox.html
  • Drill, Sabrina (2002). Biodiversity Conservation and Community Based Management in Lake Malawi, East Africa. Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles. 258.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2002). Conservation of the endangered Southern California Steelhead in the Ventura River: an update on the proposed removal of Matilija Dam. Annual Meeting of the Southern California Academy of Science. Claremont McKenna College, Claremont. June 7-8.
  • Imhoff, C.; Starr, Sarah, et al. (2002). Hydrology and Water Quality. The Los Angeles River Guide for Teachers and Group Leaders. Los Angeles, California, Friends of the Los Angeles River.: 164.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Walton, W.E. (2002). Mosquitoes in California wetlands: biology, control, and health impacts. Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project Symposium 2002. Ventura, California. October 17-18.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2002). Southern California Species Profiles: Least Bell's vireo, California Red-legged frog, Arroyo toad, Arroyo chub, Santa Ana sucker, Unarmored 3-spine stickleback, Los Angeles sunflower, San Fernando Valley spineflower, Arundo. Natural Resources Program, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. University of California Cooperative Extension. 2002. http://celosangeles.ucdavis.edu/natural_resources/species_profile.html
  • Pritchett, D.A.; Drill, Sabrina, et al. (2002). Southern California Steelhead: A Living Legacy. Southern California Steelhead Recovery Coalition, UC Cooperative Extension, and California Department of Fish and Game. 2002.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Reed, R. (2002). Stakeholder involvement: challenges and changes. California State University, Fresno, Working at a Watershed Level: A Workshop on Water Resource Issues in California's Central Valley. June 3-7, 2002.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2002). The use of protected areas for biodiversity and stock conservation in Lake Malawi, East Africa. 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Kansas City, Missouri. July 3--8.
  • Drill, Sabrina; Haver, D.L., et al. (2002). Water Pollution and Regulation. Natural Resources and Environmental Horticulture Programs, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties. University of California Cooperative Exentsion. 2002.
  • Drill, Sabrina (2001). Community based fisheries management and conservation in Lake Malawi. 81st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Pennsylvania State University, State College. July 5-10.
  • Drill, Sabrina (1998). Conservation and fisheries management in the African Great Lakes. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Boston. 1998.
  • Drill, Sabrina (1995). A genetic analysis of artificial propagation of the endangered razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council.

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