UCCE Master Gardener Program
of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties
Humboldt County Office
5630 South Broadway
Eureka, CA 95503
Phone (707)445-7351
Del Norte County Office
586 G Street
Crescent City, CA 95531
Phone (707)464-4711
Pomes-Apples, Pears, Quince
Growing and Care of Pome Fruits
UCANR California Backyard Orchard Website
Pruning Fruit Trees UCANR California Backyard Orchard
Dave Wilson Nursery Fruit Tree Information and Videos
UC IPM Website Cultural Care, Pests and Diseases
Cultural Care for Apple, Pear, Quince Schedule of Care
Winter chilling requirements (below 45 degrees F):
Most varieties: 500-1000 hours
Low-chill varieties: 300-600 hours