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Adding You Tube Video

YouTube Video

Site Builder allows you to upload Flash Video or MP4 video directly into the system. It will then place the video inside of a Flash player, which most users on desktop computers can use.

Since Apple does not support Flash on its mobile operating system, we suggest you upload your videos to You Tube and then embed your You Tube video in your Site Builder page. You Tube automatically supports most mobile devices as well as the traditional desktop computer. They also support transcripts, close captioning and posting your video on You Tube can lead to greater exposure of you content.

It is highly recommended that most departments/programs should establish a YouTube Channel and provide their users a Playlist. Instructions on how to create a You Tube Channel can be found here.
Instructions on how to create a You Tube playlist can be found here.

Embedding your You Tube video in Site Builder is very easy. Follow these steps, and your video will be ready in minutes.

Step one - Upload your video

Upload your video to You Tube. You will need a Google account to do this. Follow You Tube's instructions for uploading and documenting your video. You can also set privacy options as your video uploads. 

Step two - View the video

Now that your video is on You Tube, it's time to get the embedding code. Find the "Share" button under your video. Click it!


Now find the "Embed" button and click it!


Step three - Get the embed code

The Embed code is on top a few properties that you can set as well as some size options for the player. Once you set your properties, click on the embed code and copy it (Ctrl + C).

Embed Code

Step four - Back to Site Builder

Return to Site Builder, go to the page where you want to add the video, and either edit an existing text asset or create a new one. On the text asset, in the text editing box, find the button that says "Source code" Click it!

Source Code

Step five - Pasting your code

Now, you're in HTML mode. If you have other contents in the asset, you'll need to find the location where you want to place your video. Once you do, click your cursor on the spot and press Ctrl+V to paste the embed code into the editor. After the code is pasted, update the HTML pop up and save the asset.

Paste Code

Step six - Profit

You've done it! You should now see your video when you view the live page!

Update: Modern browsers on desktop and mobile devices no longer support Flash files (.swf). Please do not upload Flash files as they will not play.