Posts Tagged: Neal Williams
Bumble Bees: Feeling Impact of Climate Change
We remember the reaction of Robbin Thorp (1933-2019), UC Davis distinguished emeritus professor of entomology and an international authority on bumble bees, when he spotted a lone Western bumble bee, Bombus occidentalis, on Aug. 15,...
UC Davis research shows that rising temperatures are particularly alarming to some bumble bee species, including the Western bumble bee, Bombus occidentalis. This one was located on Aug. 15, 2012 in the Mt. Shasta area. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
UC Davis researchers found that one of "the winners" in their climate change study is the yellow-faced bumble bee, Bombus vosnesenskii, shown here heading for a California golden poppy. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
A male bumble bee, Bombus bifarius, nectaring on coastal goldfield, Lasthenia minor, at Bodega Bay. A UC Davis study shows that the rising temperatures are particularly alarming to a number of species, including this one. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Lawn-pocalypse! Surviving Drought
Ah, summer! The season of sunburns, pool parties, and… lawn droughts. If your once lush, green carpet now looks like a crunchy brown doormat, you're not alone. Let's dive into why your yard is staging a dramatic death scene and what you can do to...
Bermuda grass and weeds overtaking drought stressed turf grass.
Meet Sol Wantz, President of the UC Davis Entomology Club and a Wild Bee Researcher
Meet Sol Wantz, who serves as president of the UC Davis Entomology Club, a curator intern at the Bohart Museum of Entomology, and an undergraduate student researcher in the laboratory of pollination ecologist Neal Williams, a UC Davis Department of...
Sol Wantz, who grew up in the Bay Area, serves as president of the UC Davis Entomology Club. This image was taken at Chiricahua National Monument in Arizona over the summer of 2023.
'Understanding the Dynamics of Plant-Animal Interactions in a Changing World'
"Understanding the Dynamics of Plant-Animal Interactions in a Changing World." That's the title of conservation ecologist Paul CaraDonna's seminar that he'll present to the UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology from 4:10 to 5...
A black-tailed bumble bee, Bombus melanopygus, foraging on a rose in Benicia, Calif. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Professor Neal Williams Shares Information on Native Bees on 'Science Friday'
Noted pollination ecologist Neal Williams, professor in the UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology and a 2015-2020 Chancellor's Fellow, recently discussed native bees on the international podcast, Science Friday, with host...
Pollination ecologist Neal Williams, professor, UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology, working on his research. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)