Posts Tagged: UC Davis Bee Haven
'Nearly Wild' and 'In the Pink'
Talk about flower power. When you walk through the UC Davis Bee Haven, a half-acre garden on Bee Biology Road, west of the central campus, you'll see bees and other pollinators foraging on a pink floribunda rose cultivar, “Nearly Wild."...
A pink floribunda rose cultivar, "Nearly Wild," draws honey bees and native bees in the UC Davis Bee Haven. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
A native bee seeks to join two honey bees in gathering nectar and pollen from a floribunda rose cultivar, "Nearly Wild," in the UC Davis Bee Haven. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Side view of a honey bee foraging on a "Nearly Wild" rose cultivar in the UC Davis Bee Haven. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
A honey bee foraging on "Nearly Wild" looks at the photographer. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Lawn-pocalypse! Surviving Drought
Ah, summer! The season of sunburns, pool parties, and… lawn droughts. If your once lush, green carpet now looks like a crunchy brown doormat, you're not alone. Let's dive into why your yard is staging a dramatic death scene and what you can do to...
Bermuda grass and weeds overtaking drought stressed turf grass.
Final Thoughts: the Haven Past, Present, and Future
It began with an idea forged by Häagen-Dazs and UC Davis. Recognizing a need for the public to better understand the link between bees and our food supply, the garden was created in Spring 2009 thanks to a donation from Häagen-Dazs....
The Haven's Busiest Bees: Our Volunteers
It's simple: the Haven wouldn't be here today without volunteers. Their hard work of pruning, weeding, mulching, and assorted other tasks has made the Haven what it is today. Volunteers are also essential to our outreach events. Since 2014, volunteers...
Bee Gardening Resources After the Haven
As mentioned in my post of May 1, my position at the Haven is being eliminated. Recognizing that the need for bee gardening information will remain, this post is a summary of resource materials, web sites, and nurseries that you may find helpful in the...