Posts Tagged: gardens
Home Gardens in Japanese Cities
The past two columns in this space have focused on the formal gardens of Kyoto, and some ideas that can be borrowed from them for use in our own home gardens. But what about the average urban dweller in Japan? What kind of relationship to plants...
An exuberant collection of plants in containers covers the front of this residence in Kyoto. J.C. Lawrence
A Kyoto resident creates a pleasing plant display in this container garden at street level in Kyoto. J.C. Lawrence
Ideas to Borrow from Japanese Gardens
There is a lot to learn from the long, venerable tradition of gardening in Japan, a point made in last week's Real Dirt, which focused on the history and meaning of Japanese gardens. Indeed, in Kyoto alone there are more than 50 temple and palace...
Swaths of blue iris beneath trees at Sanzen-in garden in Ohara, northern Kyoto. J.C. Lawrence
Japanese Gardens
Looking for some garden inspiration? Let's do some “armchair travelling” across the Pacific to one of the world's loveliest places for garden viewing: Kyoto, Japan. Do you want your garden to be a place of...
Lawn-pocalypse! Surviving Drought
Ah, summer! The season of sunburns, pool parties, and… lawn droughts. If your once lush, green carpet now looks like a crunchy brown doormat, you're not alone. Let's dive into why your yard is staging a dramatic death scene and what you can do to...
Bermuda grass and weeds overtaking drought stressed turf grass.
Final Thoughts: the Haven Past, Present, and Future
It began with an idea forged by Häagen-Dazs and UC Davis. Recognizing a need for the public to better understand the link between bees and our food supply, the garden was created in Spring 2009 thanks to a donation from Häagen-Dazs....