Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Paul S. Verdegaal

Photo of Paul S Verdegaal
Farm Advisor, Emeritus

, CA
(209) 953-6119
psverdegaal@ucanr.edu Create VCard


M.S. Plant Science-Viticulture, U. C Davis. 1990
B.S. Fermentation Science, U. C. Davis. 1976


Viticulture, almonds

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Battany, M.; Urbez-Torres, J.R.; Bettiga, L.J.; McGourty, G.; Smith, R.J.; Gubler, W.D. (2010). "Botryosphaeriaceae." Plant Disease 74(6): 717-724.
  • Pettygrove, G.; O'Geen, A.T.; Southard, R.J.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2008). "Soil-landscape model helps predict potassium supply in vineyards." Calif. Agric 62(4)
  • Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M.; Negron, C.; Connell, J.H.; Viveros, M. (2007). Field Evaluation of Almond Varieties. Proceedings of 33rd Almond Industry Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M.; Negron, C.; Micke, M.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2006). Field Evaluation of Almond Varieties. Proceedings of 33rd Almond Industry Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Cochran, R.C.; Gu, S.; Du, G.; Fugelsang, K.C.; Ingels, C.A. (2005). "Effect of training-pruning regimes on Eutypa dieback and performance of Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines." Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 80(3): 313-318.
  • Buchner, R.; Connell, J.H.; Edstrom, J.; Duncan, R. (2005). Field Evaluation of Almond Rootstocks. Proceedings of 33rd Almond Industry Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M.; Negron, C.; Micke, M.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2005). Field Evaluation of Almond Varieties. Proceedings of 33rd Almond Industry Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Klonsky, K.; Brodt, Sonja; Hendricks, L.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2004). "Influence of farm management style on adoption of biologically integrated farm practices in California." Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 19(4): 237-247.
  • Al, et.; Christensen, P. (2003). Wine Grape Varieties of California. ANR Publication. 2003.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2003). Wine Grape Varieties of California. ANR Publication. 2003.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2002). Integrated Pest Management for Almonds.e. Al and L. Strand. ANR. Publication #3308. 2002.
  • Gradziel, T.M.; Lampinen, B.; Connell, J.H.; Viveros, M.; Thorpe, M.A. (2001). Almond Cultivar Evaluation Using Regional Trials. 27th Almond Industry Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2001). Integrated Pest Management for Almonds.e. Al and L. Strand. ANR. Publication #3308. 2001.
  • Kester, D.E.; Lampinen, B.; Gradziel, T.M.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Yeager, J.T. (2000). Almond Cultivar Evaluation Using Regional Trials. 26th Almond Industry Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Kester, D.E.; Micke, W.M.; Gradziel, T.M.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Yeager, J.T. (1999). Almond Cultivar Evaluation Using Regional Trials. Proceedings of 26th Almond Industry Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Kester, D.E.; Micke, W.M.; Gradziel, T.M.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Yeager, J.T. (1998). Almond Cultivar Evaluation Using Regional Trials. Proceedings of 26th Almond Industry Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Striegler, R.K.; Lake, C.B.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Wolpert, J.A. (1997). Influence of training system on growth, yield, fruit composition, and Eutypa. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Cool Climate Viticulture & Enology, San Diego, CA.
  • Roncoroni, J.; Elmore, C.L.; Wade, L. (1997). "Mulch plus herbicides effectively controls vineyard weeds." California Agriculture 51(2): 14-18.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Kaya, H.; Grant, J.A. (1995). Control of ten-lined June beetle with insect parasitic nematodes. Proceedings of 23rd Annual Almond Research Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1995). Evaluation of Five Zinfandel clones and one Primitivo clone for red wine. Lodi appellation of California ASEV Clonal Symposium. Portland, Oregon. 1995.
  • Leavitt, G.M.; Stapleton, J.J.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1995). "Leaf removal improves fungicide control of powdery mildew in SJV grapes." California Agriculture 49(5): 33-36.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Prichard, T.; Asai, W. (1995). Residual effects of water deficits and irrigation strategies on almonds. Proceedings of 23rd Annual Almond Research Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Kasimatis, A.N.; Wolpert, J.A.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1995). "Viticulture performance of seven Cabernet Sauvignon clones in the northern San Joaquin Valley." Am. J. Enol 46(4): 437-441.
  • Jaffe, B.A.; Underwood, T; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Asai, W.K.; McKenry, M.V. (1994). "Effect of lime on Criconemella xenoplax." Journal of Nematology 26: 606-611.
  • Leavitt, G.M.; Stapleton, J.J.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1994). "Integration of leaf removal and reduced fungicides applications for management of grape powdery mildew in the San Joaquin Valley." Journal Plant Pathology
  • Asai, W.; Prichard, T.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1994). Residual effects of water deficits and irrigation strategies in almonds. Proceedings 22nd Annual Almond Industry Conference.
  • Asai, W.; Prichard, T.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Teviotdale, B. (1993). Effects of water supply and irrigation strategies on almonds. Proceedings 21st Annual Almond Research Conference.
  • Al, et.; Flaherty, D.L. (1992). Grape Pest Management. DANR. Publication 3343. 1992.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Golino, D.A.; Rowhani, A. (1992). "Sampling Procedures to find Nepoviruses in Grapevines Need Improvement." California Agriculture 43(3): 11-13.
  • English-Loeb, G.; Karban, R.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1991). "Vaccinating against Spider Mites." California Agriculture 45(1)
  • Rough, D.; van Steenwyk, R.A.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1990). "Biology and Control of the Ten Lined June Beetle in Almonds." California Agriculture 74(4): 25-26.
  • Rous, C.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Wolf, M. (1990). Pruning Level and Leaf Removal Effects on Cabernet Sauvignon, (Vitis vinifera. Proceedings of 41st Annual Meeting of American Society for Viticulture and Enology.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Mullen, R.J.; Viss, T. (1989). A Pre-Emergence Weed Control Trial in One-Year Old Nonpareil Almonds. County Publication. 1989.
  • Colbert, D.; Canevari, M.; Chavarria, R. (1989). Efficacy and Yield Comparison of Herbicides in Seedling Alfalfa in the Central Valley of California. Proc. Of Western Society of Weed Science. 42, 70-74. 1989.
  • Barnett, W.; Stapleton, J.J.; Kelley, K.; Norton, M. (1989). "Leaf Removal for Management of Diseases and Pests of Wine Grapes in the San Joaquin Valley." Phytopathology 79(10)
  • Prichard, T.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1988). Response of Winegrapes (Chenin blanc) to Water-Induced Stress. I. Effects of Grape Yields and Vegetable Growth, Proceedings of 39th Annual Meeting of American Society for Viticulture and Enology. 1988.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Prichard, T. (1988). Response of Winegrapes (Chenin blanc) to Water-Induced Stress I. Effects of Grape Yields and Vegetable Growth. Proceedings of 39th Annual Meeting of American Society for Viticulture and Enology. 1988.
  • Prichard, T.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1988). Response of Winegrapes (Chenin blanc) to Water-Induced Stress: II Incidence of Botrytis Rot and Must Composition. Proceedings of 39th Annual Meeting of American Society for Viticulture and Enology. 1988.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Klonsky, K.M.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; DeMoura, R.L. (2012). 2012 Sample Costs to Establish a Vineyard and Produce Winegrapes in Crush District 11. San Joaquin County. 2012.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2012). Mechanization Meeting Summary of Lodi Winegrape Commission Symposium. Mechanization Meeting Summary of Lodi Winegrape Commission Symposium. March 27, 2012.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2012). "San Joaquin County summary for 2011." Wines and Vines
  • Schwankl, L.; Prichard, T.L.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2010). Controlling Off-site Movement of Agricultural Chemical Residues in Winegrape Production. Pesticide Management Alliance Grant. 2010.
  • Rivers, D.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2010). Pest Management Alliance II Project Final Report. Almond Research Conference Proceedings.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Canevari, W.M. (2010). Wine Grape Weed Control 2010 Trial Results. 2010.
  • Rivers, D.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2009). Pest Management Alliance II Project Summary. Almond Research Conference Proceedings.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2009). "San Joaquin County Summary." Wines and Vines
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2009). San Joaquin County Viticulture. Annual summary. 2009.
  • Pettygrove, G.; Hideomi Minoshima, Stuart; O'Geen, A.T.; Southard, R.J.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2009). Spatial Variability of Soil K Fixation Within Vineyards of Californiaâ??s Lodi Winegrape District. Symposium-Terroir: Winegrapes and the Environment: I. Soil Science Society of America. Abstract #55657. November 4, 2009.
  • Hideomi Minoshima, Stuart; Pettygrove, G.; O'Geen, A.T.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2009). Spatial Variability of Soil K Fixation Within Vineyards of California’s Lodi Winegrape District. Symposium-Terroir: Winegrapes and the Environment: I. Soil Science Society of America. Abstract #55657. November 4, 2009.
  • al, et.; Wolpert, J.A. (2009). Syllabus for Varietal Wine Grape Production Short Course. University Extension publication. 2009.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Canevari, W.M. (2009). Wine Grape Weed Control 2009 Trial Results. 2009.
  • Rivers, D.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2008). Pest Management Alliance II Project Summary. Almond Research Conference Proceedings.
  • Klonsky, K.M.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; DeMoura, R.L. (2008). Sample Costs to Establish a Vineyard and Produce Winegrapes, San Joaquin Valley North, Crush District 11. 2008.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Prichard, T.L.; Ingels, C. (2007). Deficit Irrigation Strategies and the Influence of Extended Maturation on Vine Health, Fruit Yield and Quality: Syrah in Region III-IV. Dept. of Water Resources Project Annual Report. 2007.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2007). "Harvest 2006: North America, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines
  • Technical Advisor (2007). Lodi Winegrowers Workbook; A self assessment of integrated farming practices.. Storm, . Ohmart and e. al. Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission. 2007.
  • Connell, J.H.; Lampinen, B.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M. (2007). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 2007.
  • Duncan, R.A.; Holtz, B.A.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; DeMoura, R.L. (2007). Sample Costs to Produce Organic Almonds, Micro-sprinkler Irrigation. San Joaquin Valley North. 2007.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2007). Set Enhancement Trial of Malbec in 2006. Proceedings 55th Lodi Grape Day.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Canevari, W.M.; Colbert, D.; Whiteley, S. (2007). Weed Control Research Progress Report. 2007.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2006). Crop Digest San Joaquin County Newsletter. Crop Digest San Joaquin County Newsletter.J. Grant. Quarterly. 2006-2007. 2006.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2006). Hang Time Update: Review of Trials in Lodi District for 2005. Proceedings 54th Lodi Grape Day.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2006). "Harvest 2005: North America, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines
  • Connell, J.H.; Lampinen, B.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M. (2006). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 2006.
  • Smith, R.J.; Prichard, T.L.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (2006). Regulated Deficit Irrigation Management for Winegrapes. Dept. of Water Resources Project Report. 2006.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Duncan, R.A.; Holtz, B.A.; DeMoura, R.L. (2006). Sample Costs to Establish an Orchard and Produce Almonds, Flood Irrigation. San Joaquin Valley North. 2006.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Duncan, R.A.; Holtz, B.A.; DeMoura, R.L. (2006). Sample Costs to Establish an Orchard and Produce Almonds, Micro-sprinkler Irrigation. San Joaquin Valley North. 2006.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2006). Variety Harvest Dates -Ten Year Average of Variety Trial in Lodi. San Joaquin County Publication. 2006.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Canevari, W.M.; Colbert, D.; Whiteley, S. (2006). Weed Control Research Progress Report. 2006.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2005-2007). In the Vineyard. Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission Grower Newsletter. 2005-2007.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2005). Crop Digest San Joaquin County Newsletter. Crop Digest San Joaquin County Newsletter.D. Boelk. 2005.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2005). Hang Time to Harvest: A Review of Science and Experience. Proceedings 53rd Lodi Grape Day.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2005). "Harvest 2004: North America, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines
  • Connell, J.H.; Lampinen, B.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M. (2005). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 2005.
  • Klonsky, K.M.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; DeMoura, R.L. (2005). Sample Costs to Establish a Vineyard and Produce Wine Grapes. San Joaquin Valley North. 2005.
  • al, et.; Wolpert, J.A. (2005). Syllabus for Varietal Wine Grape Production Short Course. University Extension publication. University Extension Publication. 2005.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2005). Variety Notes - Observations of Variety Trial in Lodi. San Joaquin County Publication. 2005.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Canevari, W.M.; Colbert, D.; Whiteley, S. (2005). Weed Control Research Progress Report. 2005.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2004). "Harvest 2003, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 85(2)
  • Connell, J.H.; Lampinen, B.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M. (2004). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 2004.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2004). Statistics Overview: Separating Science, Sales and Snake Oil. Proceedings 52nd Lodi Grape Day.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2003-2004). In the Vineyard. Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission Newsletter. 2003-2004.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2003). Evaluation of Five Syrah Clones on Two Rootstocks in the Lodi District-First Harvest. Proceedings 51st Lodi Grape Day.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2003). Grape production in San Joaquin County. San Joaquin County Publication. 2003.
  • Connell, J.H.; Lampinen, B.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M. (2003). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 2003.
  • al, et.; Wolpert, J.A. (2003). Syllabus for Varietal Wine Grape Production Short Course. University Extension publication. 2003.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2002). Forensic Viticulture: Experiences of a Farm Advisor. Proceedings 50th Lodi Grape Day.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2002). "Harvest 2001, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 83(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2002). "Harvest 2002, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 84(2)
  • Connell, J.H.; Lampinen, B.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M. (2002). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 2002.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Mullen, R.J.; Whiteley, R.S. (2001). A Pre-Emergence Weed Control Study in Two Year Old Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes. County Publication. 2001.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2001). "Harvest 2000, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 80(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2001). Harvest Dates for Wine Varieties. San Joaquin County publication. 2001.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Prichard, T.L. (2001). Imposing Water Deficits to Improve Wine Quality and Reduce Costs. County Publication. 2001.
  • Connell, J.H.; Lampinen, B.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Metcalf, S.; Gradziel, T.M. (2001). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 2001.
  • Klonsky, K.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; DeMoura, R. (2001). Sample costs to establish and produce Cabernet Sauvignon in the Lodi appellation. San Joaquin County/LDGGA/LWWC publication. 2001.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Mullen, R.J.; Whiteley, R.S.; Williamson, J. (2000). A Pre-Emergence Weed Control Study in Two Year Old Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes. County Publication. 2000.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2000). "Harvest 1999, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 80(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2000). Lodi Winegrowers Workbook; A self assessment of integrated farming practices.. Mathiasson, . Ohmart and e. Al. LWWC. 2000.
  • Connell, J.H.; Micke, W.C.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Yeager, J.T.; Gradziel, T.M. (2000). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 2000.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (2000). Variety Selection. San Joaquin County publication. 2000.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Prichard, T.L. (2000). Wine Grape Water Use and the Effects of Water Deficits. San Joaquin County publication. 2000.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1999). "Harvest 1998, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 80(2, Annual Vineyard Issue)
  • Connell, J.H.; Micke, W.C.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Yeager, J.T.; Gradziel, T.M. (1999). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 1999.
  • Striegler, R.K.; Lake, C.B.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Wolpert, J.A. (1998). "Cabernet Sauvignon Grapevines, How Training System and Soil Type Influence Yield and Quality." American Vineyard
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1998). Crop Level and Canopy Management of Zinfandel for Red Wine in the Lodi-Woodbridge District of California. 49th Annual ASEV meeting. Sacramento, CA. 35. 1998.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1998). "Harvest 1997, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 79(2, Annual Vineyard Issue)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1998). In the Vineyard. Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission Newsletter. 1998.
  • Connell, J.H.; Micke, W.C.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Yeager, J.T.; Gradziel, T.M. (1998). Regional Almond Variety Trials. 1998.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1998). Whatâ??s the Viticultural Outlook for the Next Couple of Years? San Joaquin County, Vineyard and Winery Management. May/June 1998.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1998). What’s the Viticultural Outlook for the Next Couple of Years? San Joaquin County, Vineyard and Winery Management. May/June 1998.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1997). Calendar of Operations. San Joaquin County publication. 1997.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1997). Grape Production in San Joaquin County. San Joaquin County publication. 1997.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1997). "Harvest 1996, San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 78(2, Vineyard Issue)
  • Prichard, T.L.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Rous, C. (1997). Influence of Deficit Irrigation, Crop Load and Leaf Removal on Cabernet Sauvignon. Proceedings at 48th Annual ASEV meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Viveros, M.; Micke, W.C.; Connell, J.H.; Yeager, J.T.; Gradziel, T.M. (1996). Almond regional variety trials. Pomology Department, UC Davis. 1996.
  • Kasimatis, A.N.; Wolpert, J.A.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). "Cabernet Sauvignon clonal selections evaluated." Practical Winery and Vineyard September-October 1996: 13-17.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). "Check for viruses before propagation." California Grower
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Kaya, H.; Grant, J.A. (1996). Control of ten-lined June beetle with insect parasitic nematodes. Proceedings of 24th Annual Almond Research Conference, Modesto, CA.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). "Grape production in San Joaquin County." San Joaquin County Farm Bureau News
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). Grape Production in San Joaquin County. San Joaquin County publication. 1996.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). Implementing integrated farm management systems for winegrapes: interim report. Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission Research/IPM Program Update. April 1996.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). Modification of wine characteristics through irrigation management. Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission Research/IPM Program Update. August 1996.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). "Planting considerations for vineyards." California Grower
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). "Post-plant Vineyard Care." California Grower
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). "The nationâ??s vineyards in 1995: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 77
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1996). "The nation’s vineyards in 1995: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 77
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Prichard, T.L. (1996). Vineyard Irrigation Systems. County Publication. 1996.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1995). Grape production in San Joaquin County. San Joaquin County publication. 1995.
  • Klonsky, K.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Livingston, P. (1995). Sample costs to establish and produce wine grapes in the Lodi appellation. San Joaquin County/LDGGA publication. 1995.
  • al, et.; Wolpert, J.A. (1995). Syllabus for Varietal Wine Grape Production Short Course. University Extension publication. 1995.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1995). "The Nationâ??s Vineyards in 1994: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 76
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1995). "The Nation’s Vineyards in 1994: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 76
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Prichard, T. (1995). Vineyard irrigation systems. San Joaquin County publication. 1995.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1994). "Challenges for San Joaquin County Viticulture." San Joaquin County Farm Bureau News(Lodi Grape Festival Edition)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1994). Control of ring nematode/bacterial canker almonds with Enzone. Proceedings 22nd Annual Almond Industry Conference.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1994). Grape production in San Joaquin County. San Joaquin County publication. 1994.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1994). "The 1993 Grape Season." San Joaquin County Farm Bureau News
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1994). "The Nationâ??s Vineyards in 1993: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 75(Vineyard issue)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1994). "The Nation’s Vineyards in 1993: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 75(Vineyard issue)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1993). "Almonds in 1993." San Joaquin County Farm Bureau News
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1993). "Early Harvests and a Tight Budget." San Joaquin County Farm Bureau News
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1993). "Grape Production in San Joaquin County." San Joaquin County Farm Bureau News(Lodi Grape Festival Edition)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1993). "The Nation’s Vineyards in 1992: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 74(Vineyard issue)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1992). "Contributor, Rootstock Battle Continues Throughout California." Grape Grower 24(9)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Grant, J.A. (1992). Implementing a Local Automated Weather and Pest Management Information Network. 1992 Annual Report. University of California Statewide IPM Project. 1992.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1992). "Postplant Vineyard Care." Grape Grower 24(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1992). "Season Summary." San Joaquin County Farm Bureau News
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1992). "The Nationâ??s Vineyards in 1991: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 73(Vineyard issue)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1992). "The Nation’s Vineyards in 1991: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 73(Vineyard issue)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1991). "Harvest." Wines and Vines 72(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S.; Prichard, T.; Smith, R. (1991). "New Irrigation Strategies Help Wine Grape Growers Cope with Limited Water Supplies." Soil and Water(80)
  • Leavitt, G.M.; Stapleton, J.J.; Verdegaal, Paul S. (1991). Possible Integrated Management of Grape Powdery Mildew (Uncinula necator. Proc. XII International Plant Protection Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Plant Protection Quarterly.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1990). "The nationâ??s vineyards in 1989: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 71(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1990). "The nation’s vineyards in 1989: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 71(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1989). "1988 in the Vineyards: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 70(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1988). "Enthusiasm Builds in San Joaquin Grape Harvest." San Joaquin County Farm Bureau News
  • Gubler, D.; Stapleton, J.J.; Fogle, D.; Bettiga, L.; Verdegaal, Paul S.; Kelley, K. (1988). "Relationships Among Climate, Primary Inocculum Source, Dormant and Post-Emergence Control Sprays, Grape Powdery Mildew in California." Phytopathology 78(12)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1988). "The Nationâ??s Vineyard Year: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 69(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1988). "The Nation’s Vineyard Year: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 69(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1987). "Charting the 1986 Vineyard Year: San Joaquin County." Wines and Vines 68(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1987). "Crown Gall Increasing as Problem in California Vineyards." California Fruit Grower 64(2)
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1987). "Weather, Easing Market Dampen Vintage Year." San Joaquin Farm Bureau News
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. (1987). "Zinfandel Rally San Joaquin Grape Highlight." San Joaquin Farm Bureau News
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. from http://westernfarmpress.com/san-joaquin-county-growers-shaking-average-size-almond-crop.
  • Verdegaal, Paul S. from http://westernfarmpress.com/san-joaquin-county-growers-shaking-average-size-almond-crop.

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