Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Posts Tagged: GivingTuesday

2020 Giving Tuesday donations break UC ANR records

The 2020 Giving Tuesday donations for UC Agriculture and Natural Resources have broken records for the organization's previous giving campaigns. 

“I am thrilled to report that we raised over $196,000 for UC ANR programs on Giving Tuesday this year – a 49% increase over the $130,000 raised during Giving Tuesday last year!” said Glenda Humiston, University of California vice president for agriculture and natural resources. 

UC ANR received 854 gifts from 736 donors during the 24-hour campaign this year; in 2019, 494 donors gave 580 gifts for Giving Tuesday.

“Like most organizations across the country, we were worried that giving would be down,” said Lorna Krkich, executive director of Development Services. “This result is both inspiring and an affirmation of the value our programs provide Californians.”

Before the coronavirus pandemic, UC Cooperative Extension advisors met with farmers to diagnose crop problems and they worked with homeowners and land managers to prepare for wildfire. UC Master Gardener volunteers demonstrated gardening practices for backyard gardeners and 4-H volunteers guided children in leadership and science projects.

In March, shelter-in-place restrictions gave rise to UC Cooperative Extension and other UC ANR employees finding opportunities to address their communities' new and urgent needs.

As restaurants closed, they began helping farmers find new markets for their produce and meat. To avoid public gatherings, UC Master Gardeners and other UC Cooperative Extension programs began offering virtual workshops online. 4-H youth sewed masks for people who needed personal protective equipment. In August, when lightning ignited wildfires all over the state, UC Cooperative Extension advised residents on defensible space around their homes and helped evacuate livestock.  

“The resounding success of Giving Tuesday shows that more and more people are beginning to recognize and appreciate the amazing work UC ANR employees do to make life better for Californians,” said Emily Delk, director of annual giving and donor stewardship.

Humiston said, “Many thanks to everyone who gave money to expand research and outreach, and to those who volunteer their time to extend UC ANR programs to more people.”

Posted on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 9:49 AM
Tags: GivingTuesday (4)

UC ANR pushes play for #GivingTuesday


While COVID-19 has put the world on pause, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources continues to bring the power of UC research in agriculture, natural resources, nutrition, and youth development to local communities to improve the lives of all Californians.

On Tuesday, Dec. 1, UC ANR will be participating in #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals to celebrate generosity worldwide. #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 

With the #PushPlayCA theme, UC ANR is counting on the public to help it push past the obstacles of 2020 to serve Californians. Recently UC Cooperative Extension has been helping residents prepare their homes to withstand wildfire, giving virtual gardening lessons to people who want to grow their own food, and helping small family farmers find new markets for their produce after their restaurant contracts were canceled due to COVID-19.

“Gifts to UC ANR help ensure we can continue to provide essential resources and trusted information to the people of California in times of crisis and beyond,” said Glenda Humiston, UC vice president for agriculture and natural resources. “Your investment supports research, education and services in your community and in all 58 counties in California. We can't do it without your help!”

Donors may designate the UC ANR programs or locations to which they wish to donate. The website ucanr.edu/givingtuesday contains links to all UC ANR programs, research and extension centers and UCCE offices.

UC ANR anticipates an exciting campaign thanks in part to generous donors, volunteers, staff and board members who have given a total of $40,000 in matching funds—a tremendous incentive to donors across the state who want to double the impact of their gifts.

Gifts made online starting at 12:01 a.m. on Dec. 1 are eligible to be matched until the matching funds are depleted. “That means stay up late on Nov. 30 to double the value of your gift,” said Emily Delk, UC ANR director of annual giving.

To give gifts and support UC ANR programs and research for a healthier California, visit ucanr.edu/givingtuesday on Dec. 1. 

To learn more about what UC ANR is doing in your community, visit https://ucanr.edu and follow @ucanr on social media.

Posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 11:39 AM
Tags: GivingTuesday (4)

UC ANR supporters give over $85,000 on #GivingTuesday

Thanks to everyone who participated, UC ANR's #GivingTuesday campaign was a tremendous success.

“We surpassed our goal of $60,000, raising $85,168,” said Mary Maffly Ciricillo, director of Annual Giving and Individual Gifts. “This is close to a 24 percent increase over last year's Giving Tuesday total of $68,322.”

As an added incentive to potential donors, ANR received over $37,000 in donations toward match challenge funds supporting all of UC ANR programs.

The California 4-H Foundation alone brought in over $32,000. Compared to 2016, there was a 250 percent increase in giving to UC ANR programs – including Master Gardeners, Master Food Preservers, IPM, the REC System, and county offices – totaling over $15,000.

The number of gifts received also rose, from 224 gifts in 2016 to 318 gifts this year. “We even received a gift designated to urban horticulture!” Ciricillo said.

In addition to raising money, the #GivingTuesday social media campaign helped raise the visibility of ANR programs and awareness that programs such as the 4-H Youth Development Program are part of the University of California.

The UC Master Gardener Program team made a video of the unselfies posted on social media by their supporters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI_tVcNhBcQ.

“We appreciate everyone's cooperation in this fundraising effort and hope we can continue to build on our success for the next #GivingTuesday,” Ciricillo said. “These private funds will help us expand UC ANR's reach.”

Below is a list of funds that donors selected to receive their Giving Tuesday gifts:

  • 4-H Foundation UC Donor Funds
  • 4-H Undesignated
  • Alameda County Master Gardener Fund (Endow)
  • Alameda County UCCE - Master Gardeners
  • ANR - California Naturalist Scholarship Fund
  • ANR - Giving Tuesday Match Fund
  • ANR - Master Food Preservers Fund
  • ANR - Master Gardener Annual Giving Fund
  • ANR Informatics and GIS Fund
  • California Institute for Water Resources
  • Central Sierra - UCCE
  • Colusa County UCCE - Master Gardener Program
  • Contra Costa County UCCE Fund
  • Desert Research and Extension Center FARM SMART Fund
  • El Dorado County UCCE - Master Gardeners
  • El Dorado County UCCE - Rangeland Fund
  • Elkus Ranch Fund
  • Fresno County UCCE
  • Hopland REC Fund
  • Integrated Pest Management Program Fund
  • Kern County - 4-H Program 
  • Kearney Research and Extension Center Fund
  • Los Angeles County UCCE - Master Gardeners
  • Los Angeles County UCCE Fund
  • Lindcove Research and Extension Center
  • Marin Master Gardeners Opportunity Fund
  • Merced County Agriculture Extension and Research Endowment
  • Merced County UCCE - Master Gardener Fund
  • Nutrition Policy Institute General Fund
  • Orange County UCCE - Master Food Preserver Fund
  • Orange County UCCE Fund
  • Plumas County UCCE - Project Learning Tree
  • Research and Extension Center System
  • Riverside County UCCE - Master Gardeners
  • Sacramento County UCCE - Master Gardener Fund
  • San Joaquin County UCCE - Master Gardener Fund
  • San Mateo County - 4-H Program 
  • San Mateo County UCCE - Master Gardener Greenhouse
  • San Mateo County UCCE Fund
  • San Mateo/San Francisco UCCE - Master Gardener Fund
  • San Mateo/SF UCCE - Master Food Preserver
  • Santa Barbara County 4-H
  • Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center Fund
  • Sonoma County UCCE - Citizen Science Projects
  • Statewide Master Gardener Endowment Fund
  • Statewide Program - Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences Program
  • Sutter-Yuba Counties UCCE - Master Gardeners
  • UC California Naturalist Program
  • UCCE Master Gardeners of Orange County
  • Urban Horticulture
  • Ventura County Master Gardeners
  • Ventura County UCCE - Master Gardener Fund
  • Ventura County UCCE Fund
Posted on Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 4:29 PM

UC ANR encourages posting unselfies for #GivingTuesday Nov. 28

On Nov. 28, UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources will participate in #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving powered by our social networks. Celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season.

Although not as well-known as the shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday appeals to people who are swept up in the spirit of giving at the end of the year. Participants post “unselfies” on social media, as opposed to selfies, stating why they donate. By posting these photos on social media about why they give on #GivingTuesday, donors and volunteers celebrate and encourage giving.

Anyone can post an “unselfie.” Simply visit ucanr.edu/givingtuesday, download and print an unselfie sign that says, “I #UNselfie for ____ #GivingTuesday,” “Together, we can reach for California's greatest potential on this #GivingTuesday” and “I'm donating to UCANR this #GivingTuesday because…” Participants can hold the sign below their face and snap an unselfie to post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other social media with the hashtags #GivingTuesday and #UCANReach.

For UC ANR, #GivingTuesday is an opportunity to raise funds for UC Cooperative Extension county programs, research and extension centers and statewide programs. As a result of the ongoing effects of the drought, recent wildfires and persistent pockets of poverty, California's needs in the coming year will be great, and year-end giving presents an opportunity for donors to assist.

“UC Cooperative Extension professionals have a deep passion for their work and a dedication to the communities they serve,” said Glenda Humiston. University of California vice president for agriculture and natural resources. “While most deliver their research and programs quietly every day, it is especially incredible to witness their response to disaster; for example, recent wildfires saw local UCCE offices responding immediately with vital information for coping with the fires, care for livestock and pets, as well as service in food banks and other volunteer needs.”

In Sonoma County, as residents evacuated during the fires, UC Cooperative Extension staff and 4-H members helped rescue livestock. In Solano County, wildfire took the homes of 17 UC Master Gardener volunteers so the UC Master Gardener Program connected them with volunteers throughout the state who wanted to provide relief.

“UC Master Gardener volunteers are true to their generous nature and have offered tremendous support to fellow volunteers who have lost homes in the fires. With compassionate hearts, they have offered lodging, supplies and words of support,” said Missy Gable, UC Master Gardener Program director. “In the future, we will look to replant what was lost and find healing in the care and establishment of new landscapes and wild spaces.”

For UC ANR stakeholders, #GivingTuesday is an opportunity to support the many research and outreach programs that strengthen California communities each day and more importantly, during times of crisis. 

“The value of the programs cannot be overstated,” Chico farmer Rory Crowley wrote in the Chico Enterprise-Record. “Agriculture is the main economic driver in Butte County, and it is extremely important to support our farmers and ranchers through these initiatives. This year we have a unique opportunity to give back to our Butte County researchers and agriculturists.”

Over $64,000 was raised on #GivingTuesday last year to support UC ANR programs including the 4-H Youth Development Program and UC Master Gardener Program.

“Last year, the 4-H Foundation recorded a 430 percent increase in donations over the previous fiscal year, raising over $30,000 in one day from 37 counties!” said Mary Ciricillo, director of annual giving for UC ANR. This was due in large part to a match challenge from an anonymous donor.

“This year, I'm excited to share that we will have two match challenge funds. One supporting the California 4-H Foundation and one for all UC ANR.” said Ciricillo.

Clicking "Make a Gift" at ucanr.edu/givingtuesday reveals links to all UC ANR programs, research and extension centers and UCCE offices so donors may designate the programs or locations to which they wish to donate.

The UC Master Gardener Giving Tuesday website is at http://mg.ucanr.edu/givingtuesday

The 4-H Youth Development Program also has its own website at http://4h.ucanr.edu/GivingTuesday.

“#GivingTuesday is a fun way for people to show their appreciation for the work their UC ANR friends do,” said Andrea Ambrose, acting director of UC ANR Development Services. “Take an #UNselfie with one of our signs and tell us, your family and friends what inspired you to donate. Remember to use the hashtags #UCANReach, #GivingTuesday and #unselfie!”

Last year UCANR, UC Master Gardeners and 4-H received 224 gifts and hope to surpass that number this year.





Posted on Monday, November 27, 2017 at 8:15 AM

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