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Welcome to Nevada County 4-H


4-H is an organization for youth ages 5-18 that promotes hands-on, experiential learning. 4-H welcomes youth members and adult volunteers from all backgrounds and all locations. Members have the opportunity to participate in the 4-H program through after school programs, community clubs, camps, events, conferences and military partnership programs.

Nevada County maintains a large 4-H program, which includes ten 4-H clubs, 100 adult volunteers and over 400 youth. All 4-H leaders are volunteers who give their time to provide leadership and training to youth ranging in age from 5 to 18 years old.

Local Clubs and Contact Information

How to Join 4-H

How to Volunteer in 4-H

In 4-H, we believe in:

  • all young people’s potential;
  • developing young people who are empowered, confident, hard-working, determined, responsible and compassionate—seeing a world beyond themselves so that they have the life-long skills to succeed in college and career,
  • ensuring access and equity for all,
  • the power of America’s leading public universities,
  • the practice of positive youth development (PYD)* by creating positive learning experiences,
  • caring and trusted adult mentors who cultivate positive relationships with youth,
  • creating safe, diverse and inclusive environments, and
  • meeting young people wherever they are.

4-H in Nevada County offers programs through 4-H clubs, countywide projects, community outreach projects and county hosted events. With the generous contribution of time from adult volunteers, Nevada County 4-H is able to offer a variety of hands-on projects available to youth, ages 5 to 18.