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By-Laws for the 2021-22 Year


Article I 4-H Management Board (RS)

Section 1 - Purpose and Responsibilities (RL)

  1. The overall purpose of the board is to oversee the management aspects of the county 4-H Youth Development Program (YDP). Oversight includes establishing local policies as needed and implementation of policy, as well as basic management decisions related to the program.
  2. The members of the board will work together to address all management issues that come before the board; this includes committees, relationships and management issues of a more general type.
  3. Working in partnership with 4-H YDP staff, the board provides leadership for development of a strategic plan that guides program and fund development efforts in the county 4-H YDP. D. In addition the board is responsible for the following specific areas:
    1. 4-H Policy
    2. Incentives and Recognition
    3. Fundraising
    4. Finances
    5. Visibility and Public Relations
    6. Expansion

Article II 4-H Management Board Membership (RS)

Section 1 - Board Members (RS)

  1. Board membership consists of 9 Adult Director positions and a variable number of Youth Director positions filled by the county 4-H Senior Youth Members (15 years of age or older)
  2. All Adult and Senior Youth (15 years and older Director positions must be filled through an application and selection process. (RL)
  3. Adult Directors must be 4-H adult volunteers who are appointed by the county director. (RL)
  4. All Youth Directors must be at least 15 years of age be 4-H members. (RL)
  5. Adult Directors and Youth Directors are equal members working in partnership to fulfill the purpose and responsibilities of the 4-H Management Board. (RL) 
  6. Immediate family members my not apply to become Adult Directors during the same term.

Section 2 - Ex-Officio Members (RL)

  1. The county director and 4-H YDP staff serving the county shall be ex-officio members of the 4-H Youth Development Management Board. No designation shall be necessary.
  2. Ex-officio members shall have the right to express opinions on any matters under discussion, but shall not be entitled to a vote.

Section 3 - Recruitment and Selection (RS)

  1. Recruitment for positions on the board will be publicized through the 4-H newsletter, local print media, outside organizations and newsletters, letters to 4-H adult volunteers and members as well as through telephone calls and personal contacts.
  2. Board members will be selected by an interview panel made up of at least three individuals: 1) the Board Chair, 2) a second board member designated by the Board Chair and 3) the 4-H YDP staff. If the Board Chair position is being filled the board will designate two board members to serve on the interview panel.
    (The first selection will be done by 4-H YDP staff and members of the 4-H Future's Task Force.)
  3. Youth Directors (15 years of age and older) will be selected through an application and interview process

Section 4 - Terms (RS)

  1. Adult Directors shall serve a two-year term, with eligibility for reappointment to another two-year term. There must be at least a two-year period after the second term before reappointment can be made to the same position. If a replacement cannot be found the term may be extended beyond four years, until a replacement is selected, by majority vote of the board. (RL)
  2. Youth Directors will serve a two year term with an option to be appointed to another term

Article Ill 4-H Management Board Structure (RS)

Section 1 - Positions (RL)

  1. The board consists of the following positions:
    1. Chair
    2. Assistant Chair
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer
    5. Incentives and Recognition
    6. Fund Raising
    7. Visibility and Public Relations
    8. Expansion and Review
    9. Youth Directors
    10. Military Liaison
  2. Duties of each Director are outlined in the respective job description.

Article IV 4-H Management Board Meetings (RS)

Section 1 - Regular Meetings (RS)

  1. The board will have at least four (4) regularly scheduled meetings per year. At least one meeting will be a joint meeting with the 4-H Program Development Board for program planning and budget coordination.

Section 2 - Special Meetings (RL)

  1. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Board Chair, in concurrence with the 4-H YDP staff.

Section 3 - Agenda (RL)

  1. The agenda of each regular or special meeting of the board shall be prepared in conjunction with the 4-H YDP staff.
  2. The agenda should include an open forum item for people to address the board on an item of interest that does not appear on the agenda. Items requiring action must be placed on a future agenda.
  3. Items on the agenda may be addressed in an open forum while the board is addressing that specific item and before a vote is taken. Items not on the agenda may be brought forward by the public only during the Public Comment time. The Board will not discuss or approve any items that are not on the agenda.
  4. Interested parties can request to have a specific item added to the agenda subject to approval by the Chair. All agenda items must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the board meeting
  5. The agenda will be posted online a week before the meeting.

Section 4 - Attendance (RL)

  1. Board meetings are open to all 4-H members, adult volunteers, ex-officio members and those invited to participate under specific agenda items.
  2. 4-H members and adult volunteers may express opinions, but shall not be entitled to vote.
  3. 4-H members and adult volunteers may express opinions only during the open forum unless called upon by the Chair, but shall not be entitled to vote.
  4. No meetings of the board or its committees shall be secret.

Section 5 - Quorum for Regular and Special Meetings (RS)

  1. A quorum for Management Board meetings will be met by 50% plus one of the board members appointed. No meetings or business shall be transacted without a quorum.

Section 6 - Voting Members (RL)

  1. Board members are the only voting members of the 4-H Management Board. Board members include both Adult and Youth Directors.
  2. Board Members must recuse themselves from voting on all matters when immediate family/blood relatives are involved


Article V 4-H Management Board Committees (RS)

Section 1 - Standing Committees (RL)

  1. The following Directors will coordinate and serve as chairpersons of management committees:
    1. Expansion and Review
    2. Fundraising 
    3. Visibility Public Relations
    4. Incentives and Recognition
  2. The standing management committees will be responsible for short and long range goal setting, planning and program implementation in its respective area of responsibility.
  3. Committee makeup will include senior 4-H members (aged 15-19 years).
  4. Committee chairs and members will decide on the number of meetings per year and other such items related to the infrastructure of the committee.
  5. Committees should keep the board informed by giving reports as to their plans, what they are doing and how they are functioning.

Section 2 - Ad-Hoc Committees (RL)

  1. The Board Chair, with the approval of a majority of the other board members, may establish ad-hoc committees as necessary.
  2. The Board Chair will name the chairperson of each ad-hoc committee, with the approval of the other board members and 4-H YDP staff.
  3. At least every five (5) years an ad-hoc committee should be formed to work in partnership with the 4-H YDP staff to review and revise the overall strategic plan that guides program and fund development efforts in the county 4-H YDP.
  4. Ad-hoc committees must be given clear, definite instructions about their duties or assignments, how long they are to take, parameters of their authority to act and to whom, and when and what they are to report.

Section 3 - Membership (RL)

  1. Members of committees must be 4-H members or adult volunteers appointed by the county director.

Article VI Finances (RS)

Section 1 - 4-H Youth Development Funds (RL)

  1. Use of 4-H funds must be in accordance with the University of California and 4-H YDP policies and 4-H YDP mission and core values as interpreted by the 4-H YDP staff. The county UCCE/4-H office will be the legal mailing address for the county 4-H Youth Development Management Board.

Section 2 - Money-Raising Activities (RL)

  1. All money-raising activities for the 4-H YDP, for committees and for individual 4-H units shall be in compliance with the policies of the University of California, 4-H YDP and federal, state and local laws and regulations. Annual fundraising must be approved by the county director. Particular care shall be exercised in the use of the 4-H name and emblem. Use of the 4-H name and emblem on articles sold for profit and in solicitations for commercial enterprises in the name of the 4-H YDP must be approved by the county director or State 4-H YDP Director, as appropriate. Lotteries, raffles and other games of chance shall not be used for fundraising purposes.
  2. Members and/or Clubs will be incentivized for volunteering at county fundraising events
  3. Members who volunteer 10 or more hours for the year will be recognized by the county. Please note volunteer hours do not count as community or project meeting make up. Hours will be counted in the 4-H year, September 1-August 30.
  4. Fee Reduction/Fee Waivers
    All Fee Reduction/Fee Waivers shall be sent to the County Office for the Approval of the Management Board. Payment for the fees will be a shared responsibility between the club and the Management Board, each will be responsible for 50% of the requested amount - minus any additional fees the club collects. Special circumstances such as the club's ability to pay will be a consideration. 

Section 3 - Funding Requests

  1. All funding requests applications (including budget request from event charipersons) must be submitted to 4-H YDP staff at least one month prior to the date the funds are needed. If unable to attend, prior paperwork must be presented to the Board with reason for not appearing in person. The Board will review application and vote on the request. The application will be available on the San Diego County website. The Board will fund up to/no more than $250 per request.
  2. All requests for funds will be granted with the condition that the members appear in person to make request unless previous permission is granted by the Board for the member not to attend. They must ask for a specific amount and have an itemized budget form completed as to how the money will be spent. Upon their return they will provide a report to the Management Board and if appropriate provide training r give a presentation on their experience on what they have learned at an appropriate activity, event or club meeting.
  3. Adult members will be granted funds if they are attending an event for the first time or once in a five year period for the same event.

Section 4 - Contracts (RL)

  1. The 4-H Youth Development Management Board cannot commit the University to any contractual obligations. All funding proposals and goods and services requiring contracts must be processed in accordance with University policies and approved by the county director.

Section 5 - Assets (RL)

  1. Assets received or raised by the 4-H Youth Development Management Board must be utilized in the delivery of the county 4-H YDP and are under the administrative purview and responsibility of the University of California. Investments must follow University of California and 4-H YDP policies and procedures and be approved by the county director. 
  2. Asset Handling Protocols:
    1. All Treasurer's Request Forms and Treasurer's Receipt Forms must first come to the County Office for YDP Staff signature
    2. All reimbursement receipts must be turned in with a completed Treasurer's Request Form no later than 14 days after the event, 
    3. All funds turned in to the Treasurer must be turned in with a completed Treasurer's Receipt Form no later than 14 days after the event

Section 6 - Dissolution of the 4-H Youth Development Management Board (RL)

  1. In the event the 4-H Youth Development Management Board is dissolved, all assets (including equipment, property, bank accounts, etc.) are the responsibility of the University of California and shall be transferred to the county director. The county director will hold any unrestricted assets in escrow for up to three (3) years pending re-establishment of the Management Board before distributing the assets for support of the county 4-H YDP. Restricted assets would continue to be dispersed according to donor designations under the oversight of the county director. The county 4-H Youth Development Board Chair will notify the county 4- H YDP staff who will submit a Request for Unit Change Form to the State 4-H Office at the time the 4-H Youth Development Management Board votes to dissolve.

Section 7 - Disbanding of 4-H Units (RL)

  1. In the event a chartered 4-H unit is disbanded, all assets (including equipment, property, bank accounts, etc.) shall be transferred to the county 4-H Youth Development Management Board to be held in escrow for three (3) years pending re-establishment of the unit before distributing the assets for support of the county 4-H YDP.


Article VII 4-H Program Development Board (RS)

Section 1 - Purpose (RL)

  1. The Program Development Board is responsible for the development and coordination of educational programs, events, activities and training in the county 4- H YDP.
  2. The Program Development Board is responsible for the following specific areas:
    1. Area and County Event Coordination
    2. Citizenship and Community Service Advisory
    3. Dog Science
    4. Equine Science
    5. Large Animal Science
    6. Science, Engineering and Technology
    7. Small Animal Science
    8. Youth Leadership
    9. Adult Leadership

Section 2 - Members (RL)

  1. A. Membership on the Program Development Board consists of 9 Key Leader positions. The number of Key Leaders will equal the number of specific areas the board is responsible for.
  2. All Key Leader positions must be filled through an application and selection process.
  3. Key Leaders must be 4-H members (15 years or older) or adult volunteers who are appointed by the county director.

Section 3 - Ex-Officio Members (RL)

  1. The county director and 4-H YDP staff serving the county shall be ex-officio members of the Program Development Board. No designation shall be necessary.
  2. Ex-officio members shall have the right to express opinions on any matters under discussion, but shall not be entitled to a vote.

Section 4 - Recruitment and Selection (RS)

  1. Recruitment for positions on the Program Development Board will be publicized through the 4-H newsletter, local print media, outside organizations and newsletters, letters to 4-H adult volunteers and members as well as through telephone calls and personal contacts. 
  2. Key Leaders will be selected by an interview panel made up of at least three individuals: 1) two Key Leaders and 2) the 4-H YDP staff.

Section 5 - Terms (RS)

  1. Key Leaders shall serve a two-year term, with eligibility for reappointment to another two-year term. There must be at least a one-year period after the second term before reappointment can be made to the same position. (RL)
  2. Approximately one-half of the Key Leaders will begin with a one-year term and the others will begin with two-year terms.

Section 6 - Program Development Board Structure (RL)

  1. The Program Development Board consists of the following positions:
    1. Area and County Event Advisory 
    2. Citizenship and Community Service Advisory
    3. Dog Advisory
    4. Horse Advisory
    5. Large Animal Advisory
    6. Science, Engineering and Technology Advisory
    7. Small Animal Advisory
    8. Youth Leadership
    9. Adult Leadership
  2. Duties of each Key Leader are outlined in the respective job description.

Section 7 - Regular Meetings (RS)

  1. The Program Development Board will have at least three (3) regularly scheduled meetings per year. At least one meeting will be a joint meeting with the 4-H Management Board for program planning and budget coordination.
  2. Training may occur during regular meetings of the board.

Section 8 - Special Meetings (RL)

  1. Special meetings may be called at any time by a Key Leader, in concurrence with the 4-H YDP staff.

Section 9 - Agenda (RL)

  1. The agenda of each regular or special meeting of the board shall be prepared by the 4-H YDP staff in conjunction with the Key Leaders.

Section 10 - Attendance (RL)

  1. 4-H Program Development Board meetings are only open to Key Leaders, ex­officio members and those invited to participate.
  2. No meetings of the board or its committees shall be secret.

Section 11 - Quorum for Regular and Special Meetings (RS)

  1. A quorum for Program Development Board meetings will be met by a majority of the Key Leaders appointed. No meetings or business shall be transacted without a quorum.

Section 12 - Voting Members (RL)

  1. Key Leaders are the only voting members of the Program Development Board.

Section 13 - 4-H Program Development Committees (RL)

  1. A. Committee makeup will be at least 50% senior 4-H members (aged 14-19 years). Committee chairs and members will decide on the number of meetings per year and other such items related to the infrastructure of the committee.
  2. Members of committees must 4-H members or adult volunteers appointed by the county director.

Section 14 - Event/Activity and Ad-Hoc Committees (RL)

  1. The Key Leader, with the approval of the Program Development Committee, may establish event/activity or ad-hoc committees as necessary.
  2. The Key Leader will name the chairperson of each event/activity or ad-hoc committee.
  3. Event/activity or ad-hoc committees must be given clear, definite instructions about their duties or assignments, how long they are to take, parameters of their authority to act and to whom, and when and what they are to report.

Article VIII Relationships (RS)

Section 1 - Relationships (RL)

  1. The members of the 4-H Management and Program Development Boards will work closely with one another and with the 4-H YDP staff. 
  2. The Program Development Board is responsible to the Management Board. The Management Board members will communicate with and coordinate with members of the Program Development Board whenever such communication and coordination will be of benefit to the county 4-H YDP.
  3. Because the Management Board provides oversight to the Program Development Board, concurrent membership on both boards is discouraged. However, a final decision will be made by the Management Board on a case-by­case basis.
  4. Directors and Key Leaders responsible for a committee will work closely with the committee members and will be responsible for a line of communication between the committee and the respective board.
  5. The 4-H Expansion and Review (E&R) Committee will be a committee of the Management Board. The board will solicit assistance and advice of the E&R Committee whenever program policy issues or planning are explored.
  6. The county 4-H YDP staff and county director have final authority for the administration and operation of the county 4-H YDP.

Article IX Rules of Order (RS)

Section 1 - Parliamentary Procedure (RL)

  1. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the meetings of the 4-H Management Board, Program Development Board and its committees.

Article X Amendments (RS)

Section 1 - Procedure (RL)

  1. Amendments to the Bylaws may be made by the 4-H Youth Development Management Board with approval by the 4-H YDP staff and the county director or designee providing they do not depart from the intent of the Bylaws as herein stated. The county director or designee shall submit any proposed amendment in writing to the State 4-H YDP Director. Upon approval, the amendment shall be read at the previous regular meeting of the Management Board at least one month in advance of final action, or shall be sent to every 4-H member and adult volunteer in the county at least one week before final action. All revisions must be filed with the county and State 4-H Office.

Section 2 - Voting (RL)

  1. Amendments to the Bylaws may be passed at a regular meeting of the 4-H Management Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present, providing the above procedure has been followed and there is a quorum present.

Section 3 – Community Club Leaders (CCLs)

  1. CCLs must be approved, certified leaders over the age of 25. All new CCLs must be interviewed by YDP Staff prior to being approved.

Section 4 - Record Books

  1. Record Books will be judged and recognition awarded at the club level. The County Office will provide certificates of recognition, strip ribbons and general pins for club books. Any other awards will be the responsibility of individual clubs.

Section 5 – Enrollment Deadline

  1. The enrollment deadline is December 31st of each program year in order to be eligible to exhibit at fairs as a 4-h Youth Member. It is the responsibility of the member / parent to verify that they are “actively” enrolled in the 4-H Online System. Assistance should be provided by the Community Club Leader and if needed the YDP Staff.

Section 6 - Adult Volunteer Age Restriction

  1. Adult Volunteers age 19 – 25 will be restricted from overnight chaperoning as well as driving youth members
  2. All 19 to 25 adult volunteers will be accompanied by a certified leader over the age of 25 at all 4-H activities

Article XI Adoption (RS)

Section 1 - Adoption (RL)

  1. The adoption of these Bylaws shall be concurrent with the adoption of the Constitution of the 4-H Youth Development Management Board. The effective date shall be upon the approval of the Management Board and that date shall be stamped on each page of the Bylaws.