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Cheryl A Wilen

Area Integrated Pest Management Advisor - Emeritus
9335 Hazard Way, Ste. 201
San Diego, CA 92123
cawilen@ucanr.edu Create VCard



Cheryl Wilen


University of California Cooperative Extension

Statewide IPM Program

9335 Hazard Way, Ste. 201, San Diego, CA 92123

email: cawilen@ucanr.edu


May 2004 

Participatory IPM Extension training at Wageningen, The Netherlands

January, 1989 to March, 1994

Ph.D. in Botany at the University of California - Riverside with emphasis on weed physiology and ecology.  Dissertation title: Ecophysiological Mechanisms of Pennisetum clandestinum Invasions in California.

June, 1985 to June, 1988

Attended St. Louis Community College at Meremac to improve skills in data processing and computer programming.

January, 1981 to May, 1983

Master of Science in Horticulture at the University of Arizona with emphasis on vegetable production and plant protection.  Thesis title: Differential Sensitivities of Transplanted Tomato Cultivars to 2,6-Dinitroaniline Herbicides.

August, 1977 to December, 1980

Bachelor of Science in Horticulture at the University of Maryland with emphasis on fruit and vegetable production.


Employment History

July 2014 to December 2017

Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases Strategic Initiative Leader. Provide leadership to ANR Academics working in pest biology and management. This appointment included membership in the ANR Program Council which provides recommendations and guiance to the Vice President and Associate Vice President of ANR. Duties included review and approval of continuing research grants, providing recommendation for academic positions and programmatic budgets, working with other Strategic Initiative leaders to develop a strategic plan for the Strategic Initiatives. 

July, 2015 to October, 2015

Interim Director of University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. Provide administrative oversight and leadership to UC IPM Program until new Director in place.  Manage staff of 17 including business manager, associate directors, writers, editors, and programmers. Responsible for travel and personnel approvals.  Represent UC IPM at statewide and national level. Provide administrative and programmatic information to UC ANR upper administration. Davis, California.

April, 2014-September, 2014

Acting Director of University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. Provide administrative oversight to UC IPM Program while Director was on study leave.  Manage staff of 17 including business manager, associate directors, writers, editors, and programmers. Responsible for travel and personnel approvals. Davis, California.

October 2017 to present

Natural Resources IPM Extension Coordinator for UC IPM Program. Work with UCANR academics and staff and public agencies to identify resource gaps and coordinate with development of materials to address those gaps. As a member of UCIPM's leadership team, provide information and direction to UC IPM program to support development of extension materials and training programs.  

 July 2011 to December 2017

UC IPM Advisor Extension Coordinator for UC IPM Program. Report on UC IPM Advisor activities monthly and coordinate with UC IPM Program headquarters. Coordinate and leads in-person and conference calls with IPM advisors. Participate in monthly UC IPM Leadership team meetings.Coordinate and lead in-person meetings annually for IPM Advisors and affiliated advisor. Meet with Area IPM Advisors and their county directors to ensure clear understanding of local needs and issues and interation with UC IPM Program. Provide input to Area IPM Advisors' and affiliated advisors' annual and program reviews.

September, 1995 to April, 2020

Area Integrated Pest Management Advisor for Orange, Los Angeles, and San Diego Counties.  Conduct applied research with growers and pest control advisors in the turf, ornamental, and nursery industries to help develop successful IPM programs.  Extend information through seminars, meetings and publications. Current projects include development and implementation of IPM educational programs for non-commercial pesticide users, development of snail control monitoring programs, and vertebrate pest and weed management in nurseries and landscapes.   Statewide IPM Program, University of California Cooperative Extension.

August, 2019 to April, 2020

Interim County Director for San Diego County. Manage research/extension and administrative staff of 23 including two academics. Responsible for securing and administering funding from internal and external sources. Ensure ongoing dialog with UC ANR colleagues and administration and County of San Diego. Work with external partners to develop ongoing mutually supportive relationships.

February, 1994 to September, 1995

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Botany and Plant Sciences.  Conduct studies on yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) in the field, greenhouse, and laboratory to establish temperature thresholds for emergence and growth.  Develop and test degree-day models to predict emergence and plant development.  University of California, Riverside, California.

January, 1989 to February, 1994

Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Botany and Plant Sciences.  Conducted and assisted in experiments relating to weed ecology and physiology.  Projects included studies on competitive interactions between plants, measurements of growth rates and rates of photosynthesis as an indicator of potential spread of weeds, and electrophoretic examination of plant proteins.  University of California, Riverside, California.

July, 1983 to December, 1988

Research Biologist heading the secondary level of screening experimental chemicals as preemergent herbicides and herbicide safeners. Evaluated chemicals' activities on whole plants and directing synthesis of compounds as indicated by trend analysis studies.  Duties included supervision and coordination of technicians and conducting and interpreting quantitative structure activity studies.  Maintained database of compounds' biological activities.  Other duties included the interpretation of data for patent attorneys and acting as a liaison between software support personnel and researchers. Monsanto Agricultural Company, St. Louis, Missouri.

Additional information

Licenses: Pest Control Adviser (PCA) in 3 categories and Pesticide Applicator (QAL) in 2 categories

Professional Membership: Weed Science Society of America, Western Society of Weed Science, California Weed Science Society, Entomological Association of Southern California

Skilled in anticipatory problem solving.

Awards: Orange County Chapter of California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers 2002 Research Award. California Weed Science Society 2007 Award of Excellence, 2007 National Associations of Counties Achievement Award; 2007 IPM Innovators Award from California Dept. of Pesticide Regulation; Pacific Branch Entomological Society of America 2010 IPM Team Award; Entomological Society of America 2010 IPM Team Award; 2016 Bronze award winner in the Diversity category for extension materials from the Association for Communication Excellence; 2018 CANERS Research Award from California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers; 2018 winner for identifying plants from fuzzy photos; 2018 UCANR Distinguished Service Award for leadership

Selected Recent Publications

Refereed Publications

Byrne, F.J. E. E. Grafton-Cardwell, J. G. Morse, A.E. Olguina, A. R. Zeilinger, C. Wilen, J. Bethke, M. P. Daugherty (2018). Assessing the risk of containerized citrus contributing to Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) spread in California: Residence times and insecticide residues at retail nursery outlets. Crop Protection. 109, 33-41.

DiTomaso, Joe; Bell, Carl; Wilen, Cheryl. 2017 (revised). Pest Note: Invasive Plants. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74139.html

Rosskopf, E., N. Burelle, S. Fennimore, and C. Wilen. 2016. Soil/Media Disinfestation for Management of Florists’ Crops Diseases in: Plant Disease Management. Handbook of Florist's Crops Disease. ed.  R. J. McGovern and W. H. Elmer. Springer Publications.

Faber, B.; Hansen, B., Wilen, C. (2015). UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Avocado. Avocado Weed Management. Univ. of California, Agric. & Nat. Res. DANR Pub. No. 3436.

Westerdahl, B. D. Long, C. T. Schiller, C. A. Wilen. 2015. Nimitz (MCW-2) for Management of Root-knot Nematode in Tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae, 1069: 260-264.

Bethke, J.A, J. N. Kabashima, J. P. Newman, K. Robb, and C. Wilen. (2014)  Insects, Mites, and Other Invertebrate Pests  Chapter 14 in Container Nursery Production and Business Management Manual. ANR Publication 3540. Editor Julie P. Newman.

Goodell P., Zalom F., Strand J., Wilen C., Windbiel-Rojas K. 2014. 2014. Maintaining Log Term Management: Over 35 years, integrated pest management has reduced pest risks and pesticide use.California Ag. 68(4):153-157.

Greenberg, Les, Michael K. Rust, Richards, Jaben, Wu, Xiaoqin, Kabashima, John, Wilen, Cheryl, Gan, Jay, and Choe, Dong-Hwan. 2014 "Practical Pest Management Strategies to Reduce Pesticide Runoff for Argentine Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Control." J. Econ. Entomol. 107(6): 2147-2153.

Newman, J. P., C. Wilen, K. Robb, J. A. Bethke, and J. Kabashima. (2014). Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Chapter 12 in Container Nursery Production and Business Management Manual. ANR Publication 3540. Editor Julie P. Newman.

Robb, K.; Newman, J., Wilen, C.A. (2014). Using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to prevent pesticide runoff. A Manual for Greenhouses and Nurseries.K. Gilbert and J. Newman. ANR Publication.

Surls, R., G. Feenstra, S. Golden, R. Galt, S. Hardesty, C. Napawan, C. Wilen (3/5/2014). Gearing up to Support Urban Farming in California: Preliminary Results of a Needs Assessment. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems Journal: DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1742170514000052 (About DOI), 10 pages. Published online: 05 March 2014

Wilen. C. and C.E. Elmore. (2014) Integrated Weed Management. Chapter 15 in Container Nursery Production and Business Management Manual. ANR Publication 3540. Editor Julie P. Newman.

Baldwin, R. A., D. B. Marcum, S. B. Orloff, S. Vasquez, C. A. Wilen, R. M. Engeman (2013) The influence of trap type and cover status on capture rates of pocket gophers in California. Crop Prot. 46:7-12.

Wilen, C.A., C. A. Geiger, and W. T. MacLachlan. (2012). Urban Pest Management and Surface Water Quality: Encouraging the Use of Integrated Pest Management in: Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality eds. Goh, K. and J. Gan + 2 others. Amer. Chem Soc.

Wilen, C.A., V.F. Lazaneo, and S. Parker. 2011. Does the general public relate to the term "Integrated Pest Management”? J. Extension. 49:1, 1RIB3. Online http://www.joe.org/joe/2011february/rb3.php

Flint, M.L. and C.A. Wilen. 2009. Pest Notes: Snails and Slugs. UC ANR Publication number 7427.

Newman, J., K. Robb, C. Wilen. 2009. Chapter 5: Using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to prevent pesticide runoff. Pp. 55- 72 In: Greenhouse and Nursery Management Practices to Protect Water Quality. Ed. J. Newman.  UC ANR Publication number 3508.

Stapleton, J. J., C. A. Wilen, and R. H. Molinar.  2008.  Pest Notes: Soil Solarization for Gardens and Landscapes. UC ANR Publication number 74145.

Varela, L.G., M.W. Johnson, L. Strand, C.A. Wilen, and C. Pickel. 2008. Light brown apple moth’s arrival in California worries commodity groups.  California Agriculture April–June. Pp. 57-61.

Newman, J., K. Robb, C. Wilen. 2008. Using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to prevent pesticide runoff. In: A Manual for Greenhouses and Nurseries. Ed. J. Newman and K. Gilbert. ANR Publication.

Bell, C. E., J. M. DiTomaso, and C. A. Wilen. 2007. Pest Notes: Invasive Plants. UC ANR Publication 74139. 7pp. http://ipm.ucdavis.edu/PDF/PESTNOTES/pninvasiveplants.pdf

Wilen, C.A. and C. L. Elmore. 2007 (revised). Pest Notes: Weed Management in Landscapes. UC ANR Publication 7441.

Varela, L. G. , J. M. Hashim-Buckey, C. A. Wilen, and P. A. Phillips. 2007 (revised). Pest Notes: Glassy-winged Sharpshooter. UC ANR Publication 7492.

Wilen, C.A. 2006. Chickweeds.  Pest Notes, DANR Publication number 74129.

Wilen, C.A. 2006. Common groundsel. Pest Notes, DANR Publication number 74130.

Wilen, C.A. 2006. Mallows. Pest Notes, DANR Publication number 74127.

Wilen, C.A. 2006. Puncturevine. Pest Notes, DANR Publication number 74128.

Wilen, C., D. L. Haver, M. L. Flint, P. M. Geisel, and C. L. Unruh. 2006. Hiring a pest control company. UC ANR Publication number 74125.

Wilen, C., D. L. Haver, M. L. Flint, P. M. Geisel, and C. L. Unruh. 2006.  Pest Notes, Pesticides: Safe and effective use in the home and landscape. UC ANR Publication 74126.

Wilen, C. A., C. E. Bell, J. I. Grieshop, and K. L. Robb. 2006. Survey of University of California Academics' Attitudes Regarding the Impact of Escaped Horticultural Introductions on Wildlands. J. Extension 44 (1) Article Number 1RIB http://www.joe.org/joe/2006february/rb1.shtml

Selected Non-Refereed Publications

Wilen, C.A. 2009. Snails and Slugs in Ornamental Production; Research Priority Setting. Report to Western IPM Center. Available at http://www.wrpmc.ucdavis.edu/CenterProjects/Wilen_Workgroup_2009_Final.pdf.

Wilen, C. 2007. Choosing herbicides responsibly. Southwest Trees and Turf 14(2):1, 14.

Wilen, C.A. 2007.  Plastic mulches - it's not just black or white.  Proc. 55th Calif. Weed Sci. Soc. In press.

Newman, J., K. Robb, and C. Wilen. 2007. Using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to prevent pesticide runoff. Pp. 90-112 in: Management Practices to Protect Water Quality: A Manual for Greenhouses and Nurseries. Ed. J. Newman and K. Gilbert. UCCE Ventura County Publication. 188 Pp.

Wilen, C., T. Salmon. T. Ellis. 2006. Cottontail Rabbit Control.  Final report to California Dept. Food and Agric. 103Pp.

Sartain, A., C. A. Wilen, T. Ellis, R. Miller, and T. Salmon. 2006. Tracking cottontail rabbit damage in a southern Californian nursery using GIS and GPS technology. Abst. 22nd Vertebrate Pest Conf. Berkeley, CA p. 31.

Salmon, T. P., R.T. Ellis, C. A. Wilen. 2006. Ground squirrel underground baiting.  Final report to California Dept. Food and Agric. 25 Pg.

Ellis, T., T. Salmon, C. Wilen . 2006. Initial evaluation of sprinkler boxes as underground bait stations for California ground squirrels. Abst. 22nd Vertebrate Pest Conf. Berkeley, CA. P. 9.

Ellis, T., C. Wilen, T. Salmon. 2006. Characterizing and averting cottontail rabbit damage in a southern California nursery. Abst. 22nd Vertebrate Pest Conf. Berkeley, CA. P. 9.


Ph.D. Botany, UC Riverside. 1994
M.S. Horticulture, University of Arizona. 1983
B.S. Horticulture, University of Maryland. 1980


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for ornamental plant production and maintenance including nurseries, greenhouses, field production, floriculture, turf and landscape, pesticide reduction and alternatives. Research specialty in weed management, snails & slugs.

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Tandingan De Ley I, Schurkman J, Wilen C, Dillman AR (2020) Mortality of the invasive white garden snail Theba pisana exposed to three US isolates of Phasmarhabditis spp (PhermaphroditaPcalifornica, and Ppapillosa). PLoS ONE 15(1): e0228244. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0228244

  • Hoffmann, M., H. Ajwa, B. Westerdahl, S. Koike, S., M. Stanghellini, C. Wilen, and S. Fennimore. 2020. Multitactic Preplant Soil Fumigation with Allyl Isothiocyanate in Cut Flowers and Strawberry. HortTechnology 1-8. 10.21273/HORTTECH04362-19

  • Varela, L.G., C.A. Wilen, M.P. Daugherty, D.R. Haviland. 2019. UC IPM Pest Notes: Glassy-winged Sharpshooter. UC ANR Publication 7492. Oakland, CA.

  • Frank J. Byrne, Elizabeth E. Grafton-Cardwell, Joseph G. Morse, Adam E. Olguin,Adam R. Zeilinger, Cheryl Wilen, James Bethke, Matthew P. Daugherty (2018). Assessing the risk of containerized citrus contributing to Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) spread in California: Residence times and insecticide residues at retail nursery outlets. Crop Protection 109 33–41.

  • Wilen, Cheryl; Flint, Mary Louise (2018). Pest Notes: Snails and Slugs UC ANR Publication 7427 (revised). 4/4/2018.
  • Wilen, Cheryl (2018). Pest Notes: Weed Management in Landscapes UC ANR Publication 7441 (revised). UC IPM Pest Notes. 9/27/18.
  • DiTomaso, Joe; Bell, Carl; Wilen, Cheryl. 2017 (revised). Pest Note: Invasive Plants. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74139.html

  • Rosskopf, E., N. Burelle, S. Fennimore, and C. Wilen. 2016. Soil/Media Disinfestation for Management of Florists’ Crops Diseases in: Plant Disease Management. Handbook of Florist's Crops Disease. ed.  R. J. McGovern and W. H. Elmer. Springer Publications.

  • Westerdahl, B. D. Long, C. T. Schiller, C. A. Wilen. 2015. Nimitz (MCW-2) for Management of Root-knot Nematode in Tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae, 1069: 260-264.


  • Faber, B.; Hansen, B., Wilen, C. (2015). UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Avocado. Avocado Weed Management. Univ. of California, Agric. & Nat. Res. DANR Pub. No. 3436.

  • Bethke, J.A, J. N. Kabashima, J. P. Newman, K. Robb, and C. Wilen. (2014)  Insects, Mites, and Other Invertebrate Pests  Chapter 14 in Container Nursery Production and Business Management Manual. ANR Publication 3540. Editor Julie P. Newman. 

  • Surls, R., G. Feenstra, S. Golden, R. Galt, S. Hardesty, C. Napawan, C. Wilen (3/5/2014). Gearing up to Support Urban Farming in California: Preliminary Results of a Needs Assessment. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems Journal: 

  • Newman, J. P., C. Wilen, K. Robb, J. A. Bethke, and J. Kabashima. (2014). Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Chapter 12 in Container Nursery Production and Business Management Manual. ANR Publication 3540. Editor Julie P. Newman. 

  • Goodell P., Zalom F., Strand J., Wilen C., Windbiel-Rojas K. 2014. 2014. Maintaining Log Term Management: Over 35 years, integrated pest management has reduced pest risks and pesticide use.California Ag. 68(4):153-157.

  • Greenberg, Les, Michael K. Rust, Richards, Jaben, Wu, Xiaoqin, Kabashima, John, Wilen, Cheryl, Gan, Jay, and Choe, Dong-Hwan. 2014 "Practical Pest Management Strategies to Reduce Pesticide Runoff for Argentine Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Control." J. Econ. Entomol. 107(6): 2147-2153.

  • Robb, K.; Newman, J., Wilen, C.A. (2014). Using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to prevent pesticide runoff. A Manual for Greenhouses and Nurseries.K. Gilbert and J. Newman. ANR Publication. 

  • Wilen. C. and C.E. Elmore. (2014) Integrated Weed Management. Chapter 15 in Container Nursery Production and Business Management Manual. ANR Publication 3540. Editor Julie P. Newman. 

  • Baldwin, R. A., D. B. Marcum, S. B. Orloff, S. Vasquez, C. A. Wilen, R. M. Engeman (2013) The influence of trap type and cover status on capture rates of pocket gophers in California. Crop Prot. 46:7-12.

  • Wilen, C.A., C. A. Geiger, and W. T. MacLachlan. (2012). Urban Pest Management and Surface Water Quality: Encouraging the Use of Integrated Pest Management in: Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality eds. Goh, K. and J. Gan + 2 others. Amer. Chem Soc

  • Niederholzer, F., L. Strand, C. A. Wilen, A. Craigmill, T. Martin, C. Pickel, and J. Hasey (2011). Even small amounts of agricultural insecticides can harm fish - Ag Version. ANR Publication. 

  • Strand, L.; Wilen, C.A., et al. (2011). Even small amounts of landscape insecticides can harm fish - Urban Version. ANR Publication.
  • Newman, J., K. Robb, C. Wilen. (2009). Using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to prevent pesticide runoff. Chapter 5 in Greenhouse and Nursery Management Practices to Protect Water Quality. Editor J. Newman. ANR Publication 3508.Pp. 55-72.

  • Tickes, B., C.A. Wilen, C.E. Bell (2009). Weed section of Bermudagrass Seed Production Pest Management Guidelines. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Bermudagrass Seed Production. UC ANR. Publication 3472 

  • LeStrange, M.; Wilen, C.A., et al. (2009). Weed Section of Turfgrass Pest Management Guidelines. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Turfgrass. UC ANR. Publication 3365-T. 2009.  Updated 2019.

  • Varela, L.G., M.W. Johnson, L. Strand, C. A. Wilen, and C. Pickel (2008). "Light brown apple moth's arrival in California worries commodity groups." Cal. Ag 62(2): 57-61. 

  • Wilen, C.A., D.L. Haver, M.L. Flint, P. M. Geisel and C. L. Unruh. 2008. Pest Notes: Pesticidas: Uso Seguro y Eficaz en el Hogar y en Jardines. UC ANR Publication 74138.

  • Stapleton, J.J., C.A. Wilen, R.H. Molinar (2008). "Soil solarization for gardens & landscapes." Pest Notes Publication Number #74145 

  • Varela, L.G., J.M. Hashim-Buckey, C.A. Wilen, P.A. Phillips (2007). "Glassy-winged Sharpshooter." Pest Notes Publication Number #7492 

  • Elmore, C.L.; Wilen, C.A. (2007). "Weed Management in Landscapes." Pest Notes Publication Number #7441
  • Wilen, C. A., C. E. Bell, J. I. Grieshop, and K. L. Robb. 2006. Survey of University of California Academics' Attitudes Regarding the Impact of Escaped Horticultural Introductions on Wildlands. J. Extension 44 (1) Article Number 1RIB http://www.joe.org/joe/2006february/rb1.shtml

  • Wilen, C.A. (2006). "Chickweeds." UC IPM Pest Notes Publication Number #74129
  • Wilen, C.A. (2006). "Common groundsel." UC IPM Pest Notes Publication Number #74130
  • Wilen, C., D. L. Haver, M. L. Flint, P. M. Geisel, and C. L. Unruh. 2006. Hiring a pest

    control company. UC IPM Pest Notes, DANR Publication number 74125.

  • Wilen, C.A. (2006). "Mallows." UC IPM Pest Notes Publication Number #74127
  • Wilen, C.A. (2006). "Puncturevine." UC IPM Pest Notes Publication Number #74128
  • Gan, J., Y. Zhu, C.A. Wilen, D. Pittenger, and D. Crowley (2003). "Effect of planting covers on herbicide persistence in landscape soils."Environmental Science & Technology 37: 2775-2779. 

  • Bell, C.E., C.A. Wilen, A. E. Stanton. (2003). "Invasive plants of horticultural origin." Hortscience 38: 14-16. 

    My role:

  • Costa, H.S., K.L. Robb, C.A. Wilen (2002). "Field trials measuring the effects of ultraviolet-absorbing greenhouse plastic films on insect populations." Journal of Economic Entomology 95: 113-120. 

  • Phillips, P.A., C.A. Wilen, L.G. Varela (2001). "Glassy-winged sharpshooter." Pest Notes Publication Number #7492: 4. 

  • Costa, H.S., K.L. Robb, C.A. Wilen (2001). "Increased persistence of Beauveria bassiana spore viability under high ultraviolet-blocking greenhouse plastic." Hortscience 36: 1082-1084.

  • Elmore, C.L.; Wilen, C.A. (2001). "Weed management in landscapes." Pest Notes Publication Number #7441: 6.
  • Hartin, J.; Wilen, C.A., et al. (2000). "Oleander Leaf Scorch." UC IPM Pest Notes Publication Number #7480
  • Wilen, C.A.; Elmore, C.L. (2000). Weed section of the UC IPM Program. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Floriculture.B. Ohlendorf. IPM Education and Publications, UC Statewide IPM Program. 2000.
  • Wilen, C.A., U.K. Schuch, and C.L. Elmore. 1999. Mulches and subirrigation control weeds in container production. J. Envir. Hort. 17:174-180.

  • Cudney, D.W., D. Shaw, C.A. Wilen (1999). "Pest Notes: Green Kyllinga." UC IPM Pest Notes Publication Number 7459. 

  • Wilen, C.A. (1999). Pesticide Resistance: What it is and how to avoid it. DANR. Pubb 99/101. 1999.
  • Raabe, R.; Grebus, M., et al. (1997). Disease section of the UC IPM Program. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Floriculture.B. Ohlendorf. IPM Education and Publications, UC Statewide IPM Program. 1997.
  • Masiunas, J.M., M. McGiffen, C.A. Wilen, C.E.Bell, T. Lanini, J. Derr, G. Kolasani (1997). Integrated weed management in horticultural crops. Weed Management and Horticultural Crops. ASHS Press.: 1-16.  

  • McGiffen, M.E.; Wilen, C.A., et al. (1997). "Nutsedge." UC IPM Pest Notes Publication Number #7432: 4.
  • Neal, J.C.; Derr, J.F, et al. (1997). Weed management in landscape and nursery plantings. Weed Management and Horticultural Crops.C. Wilen. ASHS Press.: 42-59.
  • Wilen, C.A.; Elmore, C.L. (1997). "Weed management in landscapes." UC IPM Pest Notes Publication Number #7441: 5.
  • Holt, J.S.; Wilen, C.A., et al. (1996). "Effects of soil moisture on observed and predicted yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus." Weed Science 44: 890-896.
  • Holt, J.S.; Wilen, C.A. (1996). "Physiological mechanisms for the rapid growth of Pennisetum clandestinum in Mediterranean climates." Weed Science 36: 213-226.
  • Holt, J.S.; Wilen, C.A., et al. (1996). "Predicting yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) emergence using degree-day models." Weed Science 44: 821-829.
  • Holt, J.S.; Wilen, C.A. (1996). "Spatial growth of kikuyugrass (Pennisetum clandestinum)." Weed Science 44: 323-330.
  • Cudney, D.W.; Elmore, C.L., et al. (1996). Weed section of the UC IPM Program. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Turfgrass.B. Ohlendorf. IPM Education and Publications, UC Statewide IPM Program. 1996.
  • Wilen, C.A., J.S. Holt, N.C. Ellstrand, and R.G. Shaw. 1995. Genotypic diversity of kikuyugrass (Pennisetum clandestinum) populations in California. Weed Science. 43:209-214.

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