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User Manuals

Note: Each set of user manuals includes labels/headers that indicate if it is for Project Board users ANR merit and promotion (ANR M+P) and those with campus merit and promotion (Campus M+P).


Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Reporting

FTE reporting is due every July 1st (i.e., you do NOT need to update it for the February or March 1st due date). FTE information is used for resource planning and the UC ANR Programmatic Footprint Maps, which are updated once a day. You may wish to view the Program Areas crosswalk to the maps to determine on which maps you will be displayed.

ANR M+P FTE user manuals:

New hires FTE reporting instructions (ANR M+P version)

All academics with ANR merit/promotion - Call for FTE

Campus M+P FTE user manuals:

New hires FTE reporting instructions (campus version)

CE Specialists at UCB, UCD-VetMed, or UCR - Call for FTE

CE Specialists at UCD-CAES - Call for FTE 


Annual Reporting

All academics are required to report annually with a due date of February 1st (ANR M+P) or March 1st (Campus M+P) each year.

User Manual for CE Specialists with Campus Merit + Promotion

User Manual for Academics with ANR Merit + Promotion


Civil Rights Compliance

Only academics with ANR M+P are required to document civil rights compliance in Project Board.

User Manual for ANR M+P civil rights compliance


Academic Program Review

Candidates: Uploading and submitting annual evaluation or advancement materials

Supervisors/Reviewers: Accessing candidate materials and uploading review comments

Assent/Dissent instructions for Annual Evaluation candidates

Accessing Completed Case Files and Feedback



Admin Manuals (for AHR, PPE, IT)

Academic Program Review User Manual for ANR IT and AHR Admin

Project Board Annual Resets and Outages for ANR IT and PP&E Admin