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James Jay Farrar

Director, Statewide IPM Program
2801 Second Street
Davis, CA 95618-7774
jjfarrar@ucanr.edu Create VCard



Ph.D. Botany/Plant Pathology minor, University of Wisconsin - Madison. 1995
M.S. Plant Pathology, UC Davis. 1990
B.S. Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin - Madison. 1987


IPM, integrated pest management, plant pathology, vegetable diseases, fungi

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Farrar, James J. (2023). Using National Agricultural Statistics Service Pest Management Practices Surveys to Assess IPM Adoption in California. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 14, 1-10.
  • Farrar, James J.; Ellsworth, Peter C., et al. (2018). Assessing compatibility of a pesticide in an IPM program. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 9:1, 3; 1-6.
  • Crump, Amanda; Farrar, James, et al. (2018). Employing California Pesticide Use Data for Evaluating Integrated Pest Management Programs and Informing Pesticide Policy and Regulation. Managing and Analyzing Pesticide Use Data for Pest Management, Environmental Monitoring, Public Health and Public Policies.M. Zhang, S. Jackson, M. Robertson and M. Zeiss. American Chemical Society Symposium Series #1283. 225-237. 2018.
  • Farrar, J.J.; Baur, M.E., et al. (2016). Adoption of IPM Practices in Grape, Tree Fruit, and Nut Production in the Western United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 7:1, 8.
  • Pokorny, A.; Smilanick, J., et al. (2016). "Determination of fungicide resistance in Botrytis cinerea from strawberry in the central coast region of California." Plant Health Progress 17: 30-34.
  • Farrar, J.J.; Baur, M.E., et al. (2016). Measuring IPM Impacts in California and Arizona. Journal of Integrated Pest Management. 7:1, 13;1-6.
  • Farrar, J. J. (2012). Management of important foliar and fruit diseases. Tomato Health Management.R. Davis, K. Pernezny and J. Broome. APS Press.: 87-93.
  • Farrar, James J.; Nunez, J. Joseph, et al. (2009). "Losses due to lenticel rot are an increasing concern for Kern County potato growers." California Agriculture 65: 127-130.
  • Farrar, James J.; Pryor, Barry A., et al. (2004). "Alternaria diseases of carrot." Plant Disease 88: 776-784.
  • Farrar, James J.; Nunez, J. Joseph, et al. (2002). Repeated soil applications of a fungicide reduce its activity against cavity spot of carrots. California Agriculture. 56:2, 76-79.
  • Farrar, J. J.; Nunez, J. J., et al. (2000). Influence of soil saturation and temperature on Erwinia chrysanthemi soft rot of carrot. Plant Disease. 84, 665-668.
  • Farrar, J.J. (1999). Structure of rock cress false-flowers caused by infection with the rust fungus, Puccinia consimilis. Great Basin Naturalist. 59, 384-386.
  • Farrar, J.J.; R.F., Evert (1997). Seasonal changes in the ultrastructure of the vascular cambium of Robinia pseudoacacia. Trees: Structure and Function. 11, 191-202.
  • Farrar, J.J.; R.F., Evert (1997). Ultrastructure of cell division in the fusiform cells of the vascular cambium of Robinia pseudoacacia. Trees: Structure and Function. 11, 203-215.
  • Farrar, J. J.; Davis, R. M. (1991). Relationships among ear morphology, Western flower thrips, and Fusarium ear rot of corn. Phytopathology. 81, 661-666.
  • Davis, R.M.; Kegel, F.R., et al. (1989). Fusarium ear rot of corn. California Agriculture. 43:6, 4-5.

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