Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist
Plant Pathology - CAES9240 South Riverbend Avenue
Parlier, CA 93648

Also in:
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
Dr. Florent Trouillas is a fruit and nut crop pathology specialist. His research program aims to understand current as well as emerging diseases of major fruit and nut crops, and deliver efficient and innovative control strategies. His research includes basic and applied studies on the etiology, biology, epidemiology and control of fruit and nut crop diseases.
Ph. D. Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis. 2009
Plant PathologySpecialty
Fruit and Nut Crops, Plant PathologyAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Fruit and Nut Crop
- Fruit and Nut Crop - General
- Fruit Crops - General
- Tree Fruits - General
- Nut Crops
- Almonds
- Pistachios
- Walnuts
- Deciduous Tree Fruits
- Stone Fruits - General
- Apricots
- Cherries
- Nectarines
- Peaches - General
- Peaches - Cling
- Plums
- Prunes
- Plant Protection
- Pathogens and Nematodes Affecting Plants
- Biological Control of Pests Affecting Plants
- Integrated Pest Management Systems
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Almond - Member
- Olive - Member
- Plant Pathology - Member
- Walnut - Member
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