Acronym directory


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Head, Heart, Hands, Health: the UCCE 4-H Youth Development Program helps 100,000 young Californians become responsible adults.


Land-Grant Institutions Established by the Passage of the First Morrill Act (1862): the Morrill Act was intended to provide a broad segment of the population with a practical education that had direct relevance to their daily lives.


1890 Land-Grant Colleges and Universities and Tuskegee University: Historically black land-grant colleges and universities, through the Act of August 30, 1890 (the Second Morrill Act), and several other authorities, may receive federal funds for agricultural research, extension and teaching.


Native American Institutions which received land-grant status in 1994 as a provision in the Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization Act, titled The Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1994.



Academic Assembly Council


American Association of State Colleges of Agriculture and Renewable Resources: an affiliate of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), is an organization of approximately 60 state colleges and universities that offer undergraduate education in agriculture and renewable resources. AASCARR's purpose is to promote leadership in agricultural and renewable resource education. The association works closely with the Academic Programs Section of NASULGC and the Office of Higher Education at the USDA to promote the importance of agricultural education.


American Distance Education Consortium: an international consortium of state universities and land grant institutions providing high-quality and economic distance education programs and services via the latest and most appropriate information technologies.


AESOP Enterprises, Ltd. is a consulting firm that specializes in science and education issues, especially for the land grant system. AESOP has been located in Washington, DC, since 1990 and serves as a think tank, mediation team, media firm and/or advocacy group.


Agricultural Experiment Station: AES is a world-respected team of basic and applied researchers. They collectively work on more than 1,100 projects and most also teach courses at the three University of California campuses affiliated with UC ANR.


Agriculture Network Information Center - Through AgNIC you can search the world of agriculture or stay up-to-date with the latest agricultural news and events taking place around the world.


Agricultural Issues Center: UC statewide program that analyzes issues important to California and western agriculture and conducts applied research.


American Indian Higher Education Consortium: the entity representing the 30 Native American Colleges that were give land-grant status by Congress in 1994 and who is a member of APLU as a system.


Administrative Heads of Agriculture Section: a unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources Board on Agriculture Assembly. Members are the chief administrators of the member universities' agricultural programs.


Agricultural Marketing Service: the USDA agency providing standardization, grading and market news for specific commodities and overseeing marketing agreements and orders.


UC Agriculture and Natural Resources


Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: The USDA agency providing leadership in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants.


Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities - Founded in 1887, APLU is the nation's oldest higher education association. Dedicated to advancing research, learning and engagement, the association has been at the forefront of educational leadership nationally for more than 120 years. Changed from NASULGC in 2010.


Agricultural Research, Extension and Education Reform Act of 1998 (the 1998 reauthorization of the research and education titles of the Farm Bill): this legislation ensures that federally funded agricultural research, extension, and education address high-priority concerns with national or multi-state significance. It was signed into law on June 23, 1998, and became law 105-185.


Agricultural Research Service: the principal in-house research agency of USDA.


Agricultural Sustainability Institute: As part of the UC College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the Institute provides leadership for research, teaching and outreach and extension efforts in agricultural and food systems sustainability at the Davis Campus and throughout the UC system.

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Board on Agriculture Assembly: a unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources. The purpose of this board is the promotion of agriculture in all of its phases (food, environment, agriculture, natural resources and international) in the state universities and land-grant colleges of the states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the territories of the Pacific and the Virgin Islands.


Budget and Advocacy Committee: a standing committee of the Assembly's Policy Board of Directors that serves at the pleasure of the BAA and prepares annual budget recommendations and supporting materials for Research, Extension and Education Title of the Farm Bill.


Board on Natural Resources: a unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources. The purpose of this Board is to promote university-based programs dealing with natural resources, ecology, energy and the environment. The sections of the Board are: Fish and Wildlife Resources, Mineral and Energy Resources, Forest Resources, Water Resources and Ecology.


Board on Oceans and Atmosphere: a unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources. The purpose of this board is to ensure that the nation maintains and benefits from a strong and diverse capability in the marine (including Great Lakes), oceanic and atmospheric sciences.


Business Operations Center: There are two ANR Business Operations Centers, one in Davis and the other at the Kearney Research and Extension Center in Parlier. BOC – Davis charged with the responsibility to provide administrative services to Davis-based ANR service units & statewide programs. BOC - Kearney is charged with the responsibility for providing administrative services to county-based Cooperative Extension offices throughout the state.


Board on Health and Human Services: a unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources. The membership is comprised of lead administrators of academic units of state colleges and land-grant universities. The administrators are responsible for research, academic and outreach programs addressing nutrition and health, food science and food safety, textiles and material science, human development from infancy to old age, family dynamics and functioning, design of living and working environments and resource management. Some human sciences colleges also administer social work, education and physical fitness programs.


Board on Veterinary Medicine: a unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources. The membership of this board includes the administrators of veterinary medicine and veterinary science departments at APLU-member institutions.

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California Association of Farm Advisors and Specialists: The professional organization for California Cooperative Extension farm advisors and specialists. Part of the NACAA.


"The Cage" commonly refers to the USDA Secretary's suite of offices. Named because the outer (reception) office is square in shape with glass walls and doors.


Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching: A APLU-affiliated national grassroots organization of laypersons from the constituencies served by the land-grant colleges of agriculture. Each state and territory may designate up to three delegates. CARET members work closely with their respective agricultural programs. They offer guidance and support for programs in agricultural research, extension and teaching.


Contacts and Self Assessment: compiles information required to demonstrate compliance with federal affirmative action regulations for Cooperative Extension programs.


Council for Agricultural Science and Technology


Congressional Budget Office: provides Congress with objective, timely, non-partisan analysis needed for economic and budget decisions and to provide the information and estimates required for the Congressional budget process.


Commodity Credit Corporation: a federally-owned and operated corporation within USDA created to stabilize, support and protect agricultural prices and farm income through loans, purchases, payments and other operations.


Cooperative Extension


Cooperative Extension System: a national, publicly-funded, non-formal educational system that links the educational and research resources and activities of USDA, land-grant universities in every state, territory and the District of Columbia and approximately 3,150 county administrative units. This unique federal, state and local partnership focuses on practical solutions to critical issues affecting people's daily lives.


Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics


Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources: the APLU unit that monitors programs and develops policy positions in the areas of agriculture, natural resources, oceans and atmosphere, human sciences and veterinary medicine.


Children's Research Initiative: A National Science Foundation grants program focusing on the areas of children's research that was funded initially in Fiscal Year 2001.


Current Research Information System


Congressional Research Service: works exclusively for the Congress of the United States, conducting research, analyzing legislation and providing information at the requests of committees, members and their staffs. The service makes such research available, without partisan bias, in many forms, including studies, reports, compilations, digests and background briefings. Upon request, CRS assists committees in analyzing legislative proposals and issues, and in assessing possible effects of these proposals and their alternatives. The service's senior specialists and subject analysts are also available for personal consultations in their respective fields of expertise.


Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service: unites the research, higher education and extension education and outreach resources of USDA. CSREES contributions are strengthened by a broad spectrum of public and private partnerships, including other USDA agencies, federal and state government departments, non-profit organizations and private sector entities. CSREES is also the federal partner of the Cooperative Extension System.


Children, Youth and Families At Risk: USDA CSREES allocates funding to Land-Grant University Extension Services for community-based programs for at-risk children and their families.

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Formerly the acronym for UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Now ANR.

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Extension Committee on Organization and Policy: the representative government body of the Cooperative Extension Section.


Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program: an Extension education program designed to assist limited resource audiences in acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes and changed behavior necessary for nutritionally sound diets.


Endemic and Invasive Pests and Diseases: One of five Strategic Initiatives established by UC ANR in 2009.


Extension Indian Reservation program: an Extension program providing assistance and education in agriculture, community development, family living and societal issues facing Native Americans. (Separate from the Tribal Colleges Extension Program, which provides funding to the thirty 1994 institutions to conduct Extension programs.)


Environmental Protection Agency: an independent agency of the federal government providing leadership in the nation's environmental science, research, education, assessment and enforcement efforts.


Environmental Quality Incentives Program: provides a single, voluntary conservation program for farmers and ranchers who face serious threats to Farm Act.


Economic Research Services: provides information and analysis on agriculture, food, natural resources and rural America.


Extension Section: a unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources, Board on Agriculture Assembly. Members are designated administrators of the cooperative extension services of all the states and territories.


Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy: the representative government body of the Experiment Station Section.


Experiment Station Section: A unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources, Board on Agriculture. Members are the designated administrators of the experiment stations of all the states and territories.

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Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990 (1990 Farm Act): a five-year farm bill signed Nov. 28, 1990.


Food and Agriculture Education Information System: offers information on a broad range of higher education statistics related to food and agricultural sciences.


Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (1996 Farm Bill): the omnibus food and agriculture legislation signed into law on April 1996 providing a seven-year framework for the Secretary of Agriculture to administer various agricultural and food programs.


Foreign Agricultural Service: the USDA agency that represents the diverse interests of US farmers and the food and agricultural sector abroad.


Food and Consumer Service: the USDA agency which administers nutrition assistance programs, with the dual mission of improving the nation's health by getting food to people who need it and strengthening the agricultural economy.


Food and Nutrition Services: USDA agency which administers nutrition assistance programs, with the dual mission of improving the nation's health by getting food to people who need it and strengthening the agricultural economy.


Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program: The program now called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Education Program.


Food Quality Protection Act of 1996: the legislation that rewrote the laws under which the EPA decides whether a pesticide is safe. This measure became Public Law 104-170 and was signed into law on Aug. 3, 1996.


Forest Service: the USDA agency that administers the lands and resources of the National Forest System.


Farm Service Agency: the USDA agency with the mission to help farmers conserve land and water resources, provide credit to new or disadvantaged farmers and ranchers and help farm operations recover from the effects of disaster.


Food Safety and Inspection Service: The USDA agency with the mission to protect consumers by ensuring that meat, poultry and egg products are safe, wholesome and accurately labeled.

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General Accounting Office: acts as the investigative arm of Congress and is charged with examining matters relating to the receipt and disbursement of public funds, GAO performs audits and evaluations of government programs and activities.


Globalizing Agricultural Science and Education Programs for America: is an agenda, developed by a committee representing major program areas within the colleges of agriculture, their affiliates and stakeholders. This agenda is designed to meet the needs of American agriculture and its food systems, including increased competitiveness, market development and increased market access in other nations.


Grazing Land Conservation Initiative


Government Performance and Results Act: a law passed in 1993 which requires that federally funded agencies develop and implement an accountability system based on performance measurement, including setting goals and objectives and measuring progress toward achieving them.


Glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca coagulata)

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Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point: a meat and poultry inspection process that targets pathogens that cause foodborne illness, strengthens industry responsibility to produce safe food, and focuses inspection and plant activities on prevention objectives.


Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities: HACU represents more than 200 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success in the US, Puerto Rico, Latin America and Spain. Member institutions represented less than 7% of all higher education institutions nationwide, however together they are home to more than two-thirds of all Hispanic college students.


Higher Education Programs: the Higher Education Program administered by CSREES.


Healthy Families and Communities: One of five Strategic Initiatives established by UC ANR in 2009.

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International Agriculture Section: a unit of the APLU Commission on Food, Environment and Renewable Resources, Board on Agriculture Assembly. Members are the designated administrators of international agriculture programs at the colleges of agriculture of all the states and territories.


Integrated Pest Management: the control of pests or diseases by using an array of crop production strategies, combined with careful monitoring of insect pests or weed populations and other methods.

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Kearney Research and Extension Center: The 330-acre agricultural research facility near Parlier, Calif.



National Association of County Agricultural Agents


National Agricultural Library: part of the ARS, NAL is a major international source for agriculture and related information and is one of four national libraries in the United States.


National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education and Economics Advisory Board: established by the FAIR Act of 1996, this board is charged with reviewing long-term and short-term national policies and priorities relating to agricultural research, extension, education and economics and advising the Secretary of Agriculture on such matters.


National Agricultural Statistics Service: administers USDA's program for collecting and publishing timely national and state agricultural statistics.


National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges: the nation's oldest higher education association whose membership comprises 212 institutions, including state universities, all of the nation's land-grant colleges and universities, and several public university systems. It is a voluntary non-profit association of major public research universities with campuses located in all fifty states, the US territories and the District of Columbia. [pronounced: na SUL jick] NASSULGC's name has changed in 2010 to Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU).


Natural Resources Conservation Agency: the USDA lead agency for conservation technical assistance.


National Science Foundation: an independent agency of the federal government to promote the progress of science, advance the national health, prosperity and welfare and secure the national defense.


News and Information Outreach in Spanish: based at UC Riverside, NOS promotes ANR programs in the Spanish-language news media.


Natural Reserve System: A system of 34 wildlands sites in California that encompasses 130,000 acres of relatively undisturbed samples of the state's natural habitats, along with the facilities needed to support teaching and research. NRS was formerly managed by UC ANR.


National Science and Technology Council: coordinates research and development activities and programs that involve more than one federal agency.

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Office of Budget and Program Analysis: USDA office which coordinates the preparation of the Department's budget estimates, legislative reports and regulations.


Office of Management and Budget: assists the president in overseeing the preparation of the federal budget and supervises its administration in executive branch agencies.


Office of the President: The office of the University of California President Mark Yudof.


Office of Science and Technology Policy: provides the President with timely policy advice and coordinates the US science and technology investment.

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Policy Board of Directors: the nine-member government body of the Board on Agriculture Assembly, which takes appropriate action on key matters affecting the interests of the member institutions of the assembly and is responsible to the association for the management of assembly affairs. The Policy Board of Directors acts as a legislative committee for the assembly.


President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology: advices the president on issues involving science and technology and their roles in achieving national goals and assist the NSTC in securing private sector participation in its activities.


Pierce's disease: a grapevine disease caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa

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Rural Business - Cooperative Service


Research and Extension Center: UC ANR's Research and Extension Center system consists of nine centers located throughout California's various crop production areas and climatic zones.


Research, Education, and Economics: A USDA mission area comprised of four agencies: the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, the Agricultural Research Service, the Economic Research Service and the National Agricultural Statistics Service.


Request for proposal


Research and Information Centers: The RICs are commodity specific focal points for UC researchers and private and public constituencies that provide resource and information development and distribution.


Rural Housing Service


Risk Management Agency: USDA agency with the mission to improve the economic stability of agriculture by offering producers a sound system of crop insurance.


Rural Utilities Service

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State Agricultural Experiment Stations: a structure for federated, yet independent, research institutions in each state and territory to address the location-specific problems of farmers and to build a core of basic scientific knowledge related to agriculture. On March 2, 1887, President Grover Cleveland signed legislation promoting"scientific investigation and experiment respecting the principles and applications of agricultural science" through annual grants to each state and territory to establish agricultural experiment stations under the direction of the land-grant colleges.


Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program: UC statewide program that integrates three main goals: environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity.


Spanish Broadcast and Media Services: the former name for the unit now called News and Information Outreach in Spanish (NOS).


Science and Education Resources Development: provides national leadership for strengthening college and university programs in the food and agricultural sciences and producing graduates to fulfill the nation's requirements for scientific and professional expertise, as well as important data bases for management and information. The leadership for international programs and linkages is centered here.


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