Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

David F. Lile

County Director
Cooperative Extension Lassen County
707 Nevada Street
Susanville, CA 96130
(530) 251-8133
dflile@ucanr.edu Create VCard


M.S. Range & Wildlands Science, UC Davis. 1991
B.S. Range & Wildlands Sceince, UC Davis. 1989


Livestock / Natural Resources

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Little, J; Lile, D; Snell, L; Roche, L (2022). Rapid User Guide: Post-Fire Grazing on California's Intermountain Rangelands. UC ANR (8000). In Press.
  • Derose, K. L. (2020). Microbial Water Quality Conditions Associated with Livestock Grazing, Recreation, and Rural Residences in Mixed-Use Landscapes. Sustainability. 12, 5207.
  • Derose, K. L. (2020). Riparian health improves with managerial effort to implement livestock distribution practices. The Rangeland Journal.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Bjork, C; Little, J; Lile, D; Snell, L (2022). Big Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan: Annual Report for Water Year 2021. https//sgma.water.ca.gov/portal/gsp/preview/95.
  • Macon, D; Lile, D; Schohr, T; Woodmansee, G; Whitesell, C; Snell, L (2022). Bonding LGD's with Cattle Lessons Learned. CCA Convention, Reno, NV.
  • Bjork, C; Little, J; Lile, D; Stevens, N; Snell, L (2022). Chapter 9: Projects and Management Options. Big Valley Groundwater Sustainability Plan. https//sgma.water.ca.gov/portal/gsp/preview/95. January 27.
  • Lile, David (2022). Geographic Scope, Type, and Intensity of Grasshopper Infestations in Lassen County 2021 and 2022. UCCE Lassen County. September 15.
  • Staff, UCCE Plumas/Sierra (2022). UCCE Plumas Sierra Annual Program Update.D. Lile. UCCE Plumas/Sierra. March 15.
  • Lile, David; Snell, Laura; Forero, Larry; Giacomini, Pam (2022). Upper Pit River Irrigated Forage Crop Management Survey. UCCE Lassen County. August 1.
  • Macon, D; Lile, D; Schohr, T; Woodmansee, G; Whitesell, C; Snell, L (2021). Bonding LGD's to Cattle: A Demonstration. CCA Convention, Reno, NV.
  • Eiler, B; Lile, D; Little, J; Lockie, V; Nelson, M; Russell, T. (2021). Conservation Strategy for Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Buffalo-Skedaddle Conservation Management Unit. Eagle Lake Field Office, Bureau of Land Management. November 15.
  • Snell, L; Lile, D (2021). Encroachment and Management of Western Juniper. Proceedings of the California Weed Science Society. 27, 73.
  • Lile, D; Macon, D; Saitone, T; Schohr, T; Snell, L; Woodmansee, G (2021). Northern California Wolf Update: Fact Sheet. UC ANR. December 1.
  • Snell, L; Lile, D (2021). Western Juniper Control in Northeastern California. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. Online.
  • Lile, D.F. (2020). A mule deer initiative for California. What would it look like? Lassen County, UC Cooperative Extension. March.
  • Lile, D.F. (2020). Post-fire range seedings to improve for livestock and wildlife and reduce annual grass. Factsheet. Lassen County, UC Cooperative Extension. September.
  • Lile, David; Schohr, Tracy; Tompkins, Ryan; Getts, Thomas; O'Reilly, Kari; Brown, Samantha (2020). UC Cooperative Extension Plumas-Sierra Counties 2019 Annual Report. Plumas County, UC Cooperative Extension. April.

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