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All About 4-H

By T.T., Age 14, with Ramona Stars 4-H


4-H Member with Chicken

Every time I tell someone I'm in 4-H, they ask me, "Oh, what animal do you raise?" With a smile, my response is lengthy, and usually, they look very surprised at my answer.

I've been a 4-Her for the past six years. I've had fun learning and experiencing new things each and every year. I would like to tell you just a bit, or enlighten you rather, about what 4-H really consists of. This organization is not just for animal raisers and future farmers; it's much more than that. Who would've thought that when you join 4-H, you have the opportunity to hone in on oral communication and leadership skills, as well? That in 4-H, you can learn how to take awesome photographs, teach a llama to walk an obstacle course to ready them for packing through the mountains, learn how to care for bee hives and harvest their honey, cook fabulous meals from scratch and learn about choosing healthier foods for a healthier lifestyle, sew an actual quilt, as well as expressing your creative side through visual arts and performing arts. Also community service is very important in the 4-H organization. We have plenty of opportunities to help others and make a difference for our club, our community, our country, and our world.

Our record book project teaches us how to keep good records of our animal projects and journal our experiences and memories year after year. By our senior year, our record books are quite thick and impressive which we proudly present to college interviewers. Many of these college interviewers have admitted that the applicant's 4-H record book played a big part in why they selected that student for their college. Also, the 4-H organization has scholarships!

If raising an animal for fair is your interest, the Ramona Stars 4-H club has plenty to offer. From steer, sheep, swine, goat, or poultry to rabbits and cavies, I'm sure you could find a project that is within your interest and comfort zone. We also have a dog group and you don't even have to own a dog to be a part of this, or any, group for that matter.

From the smallest primary, to the tallest senior, the fun is never ending. I hope you will consider joining our Ramona Stars 4-H club. Our community meeting is every 2nd Wednesday or each month starting at 7PM help at the Ramona Jr. Fair Grounds in the Home Ec. Building.

Join 4-H and have the best time of your life! I am!