Wildland Urban Interface Building Code Workshop

Workshop Objectives:

  • Provide information on the mapping of Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ)
  • Provide information on the State Fire Marshal standards that apply to Chapter 7A, and other information on testing requirements and acceptance criteria for exterior use building materials.
  • Provide information on the State Fire Marshal Building Materials Listing (BML) program that provides a procedure for testing, labeling, and listing products that comply for use.
  • Topic areas covered include how buildings are exposed to wildfire, applicability and implementation, roof coverings and assemblies, gutters, vents, related test procedures, eaves, exterior walls, windows, decking, doors, projections, and other buildings on the parcel (other than primary).


This workshop was designed for building officials, fire officials, planners, building materials manufacturers, developers, architectural engineers, and the interested public.

Wildland-Urban Interface Building Code Training Workshop, October 19, 2007 in Truckee

Wildland-Urban Interface Building Code Training Workshop, October 5, 2007 in South Lake Tahoe