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Peter B. Goodell Ph.D.

Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus, IPM
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
(559) 646-6515
pbgoodell@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program


Research Statement
As a member of the UC Statewide IPM Program, my primary mission is to develop and deliver IPM tactics and strategies to the San Joaquin Valley. I deal with insects and nematodes on field crops including cotton, alfalfa seed, dry beans and forage. My work takes on a system approach that encompasses crop and pest interactions, ecological landscapes and development of community-based IPM programs. I support the programs of County Farm Advisors by providing expertise and educational support for local farmers and pest control advisers. Current projects include:

  • Managing the landscape to mitigate lygus migration
  • Improving our understanding of cropping mosaics through the use of GIS technologies to map insect movements across large areas
  • Improving pest management decision-making for aphid, whiteflies and lygus

Extension Statement
Taking research information developed on campus or at Centers and adapting it to local conditions is the primary objective of Cooperative Extension. Using stakeholder participatory approaches, my outreach programs are locally developed to address statewide issues such as reducing agriculture’s footprint on environmental quality while maintaining he productivity of California’s farms.

Administration Statement
As the IPM Extension Coordinator for Statewide IPM Program, I am responsible for coordinating and reviewing activities of the eight IPM Advisors throughout California. In addition, I meet annually with IPM Coordinators from the Western States and Territories to review and discuss IPM issues at the regional and national level.


Ph.D. Entomology, Nematology, University of Califonria, Riverside. 1986
M.S. Entomology, Nematology, University of Califonria, Riverside. 1979
B.A. Ecology, Field Biology, San Francisco State University. 1974


Development and delivery of IPM tactics, nematode and insect pest management in field crops, (cotton, alfalfa, melon) developing IPM strategies at the ecological landscape level

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)



Peer Reviewed

  • Goodell, PB; Zalom, FG, et al. (2015). "Maintain long-term management: Over 35 years, integrated pest management has reduced pest risks and pesticide use." California Agriculture 68(4): 153-157.
  • Bentley, W; Beede, RH, et al. (2015). Small Bugs:Phytocoris, Neurocolpus, Calicoris and Lygus. Pistachio Production Manual.L. Ferguson.
  • Goodell, PB; Berger, LA (2014). Identifying and Managing Critical Uses of Chlorpyrifos Against Key pests of Alfalfa, Almonds, Citrus and Cotton. A report submitted to CDPR. 192 pp.C. Regulation. Sacramento CA. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/IPMPROJECT/CDPR_Chlorpyrifos_critical_use_report.pdf
  • Godfrey, LD; Goodell, PB, et al. (2013). Insect and Mites. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines – Cotton. UC ANR Publication 3444.
  • Roberts, PA; Goodell, PB, et al. (2013). Nematodes. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines – Cotton. UC ANR Publication 3444.
  • Brewer, M.; Goodell, P. (2012). "Approaches and Incentives to Implement Integrated Pest Management which Addresses Regional and Environmental Issues." Annual Review of Entomology 57: 41-59.
  • Goodell, P.; Lynn-Patterson, K., et al. (2012). Can surrounding landscapes be predictive of in-field pest infestation. Landscape Management for Functional Biodiversity. International Organization of Biological Control - Western Palaearctic Regional Section Bulletin. 75, 83-86.
  • Carriere, Y.; Goodell, P., et al. (2012). "Effects of local and landscape factors on population dynamics of a cotton pest." PLoS One 7(6): e39863.
  • Goodell, P.; Fossen, M., et al. (2011). "Volatile compounds, pesticides and IPM: Dealing with air quality standards in pest management in California." US Outlooks on Pest Management 22(1): 10-13.
  • Molinar, R.; Aguiar, J., et al. (2010). Insects and mites. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines for Eggplant. UC ANR Publications. Publication 3475, 2-19.
  • Goodell, PB; Lynn-Patterson, K (2010). "Integrated Pest Management at the Landscape Scale: Tracing the Tale of Cotton IPM in the San Joaquin Valley of Central California." IOBC/WPRS Bulletin Proceedings of the Working Group “Landscape management for functional biodiversity” Meeting Cambridge (UK) June 29-July 1 56: 55-61.
  • Goodell, P. (2010). Nematodes. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines for Eggplant. UC ANR Publications. Publication 3475, 25-26.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). "Fifty years of the integrated control concept: the role of landscape ecology in IPM in San Joaquin Valley cotton." Pest Management Science 65: 1293-1297.
  • Castle, S.; Goodell, P., et al. (2009). "Implementing principles of the integrated control concept 50 years later - current challenges in IPM for arthropod pests." Pest Management Science 65: 1263-1264.
  • Brewer, M.; Rajotte, E., et al. (2009). "Opportunities, experience, and strategies to connecting Integrated Pest Management to US Department of Agriculture conservation programs." American Entomologist 55(3): 140-146.
  • Brodt, S.; Goodell, P., et al. (2007). California cotton growers utilize integrated pest management. California Agriculture. 16:1, 24-30.
  • Pickett, C.; Rodriguez, R., et al. (2007). "Establishment of Peristenus digoneutis and P. relictus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in California for the control of Lygus spp. (Heteroptera: Miridae)." Biocontrol Science and Technology 17(3): 261-272.
  • Bancroft, J.; Hutmacher, R., et al. (2006). "Comparison of sticky cotton indices and sugar composition." The Journal of Cotton Science 10: 97-104.
  • Summers, C.; Godfrey, K., et al. (2006). Insects. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines for Alfalfa. ANR Publication. Publication 3430. December 2006.
  • Westerdahl, B.; Goodell, P., et al. (2006). Nematodes. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines for Alfalfa. ANR Publication. Publication 3430. December 2006. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PDF/PMG/pmgalfalfa.pdf
  • William, R.; Ingle, M., et al. (2006). "Whole systems inquiry: Designing large educational events." Journal of Extension 44: 5.
  • Mueller, SC.; Summers, C., et al. (2005). "Composition of Lygus species found in selected agronomic crops and weeks in the San Joaquin Valley, California." Southwestern Entomologist 30(2): 121-127.
  • Godfrey, L.; Goodell, P., et al. (2005). Insects. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Cotton. ANR Publication. Publication 3444. February 2005.
  • Roberts, B.; Munier, D., et al. (2005). Nematodes. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Cotton. ANR Publication. Publication 3444. February 2005.
  • Mueller, SC.; Summers, C., et al. (2005) Strip cutting alfalfa for Lygus management: Forage quality implications. Online. Crop Management DOI: 10.1094/CM-2005-0506-01-RS
  • Munier, D.; Goodell, P., et al. (2004). Accuracy of cotton-planting forecasts assessed in the San Joaquin Valley. California Agriculture. 58:3, 164-168. http://calag.ucop.edu/0403JAS/pdfs/cotton.pdf
  • Summers, C.; Goodell, P., et al. (2004). Lygus bug management by alfalfa harvest manipulation. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Mueller, J.; Summers, C., et al. (2003). A field key to the most common Lygus species found in the Agronomic crops of the Central Valley of California. ANR Publication. Publication 8104, 12.
  • Mueller, J.; Goodell, P., et al. (2003). Key features of common Lygus species in the Central San Joaquin Valley. ANR Publication. Publication 8105, 4.
  • Goodell, P.; Toscano, N. (2002). Cotton. Appendix A. UC Specialist Reports (by crop).
  • Gazaway, W.; Goodell, P., et al. (2001). Disease control in cotton production systems. American Phytopathological Society.
  • Mitchell, J.; Goodell, P., et al. (2001). "Innovative Agricultural Extension Partnerships in California's Central San Joaquin Valley." Journal of Extension 39(6): 12.
  • Goodell, P.; Godfrey, L., et al. (2001). Insecticide and Miticide Resistance Management in SJV Cotton for 2001. ANR Publication. Publication 8033, 23. August 2001. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8033.pdf
  • Godfrey, L.; Goodell, P., et al. (2001). Insects and Mites. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines. UC DANR Publications. Publication 17.
  • Roberts, C.; Munier, D., et al. (2001). Nematodes. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines. UC DANR Publications. Publication 17.
  • Godfrey, L.; Rosenheim, J., et al. (2000). Cotton aphid emerges as major pest in SJV cotton. California Agriculture. 54:6, 26-29.
  • Goodell, P.; Zalom, F. (2000). Delivering IPM: Progress and Challenges. St. Paul, MN, APS Press.
  • Ogallo, J.; Goodell, P., et al. (1999). "Management of root-knot nematodes with resistant cotton cv. NemX." Crop Science 39(2): 418-421.
  • Ogallo, J.; Goodell, P., et al. (1997). "Evaluation of NemX, a new cultivar of cotton with high resistance to Meloidogyne incognita." Journal of Nematology 29(4): 531-537.
  • DeVay, J.; Gutierrez, A., et al. (1997). "Inoculum densities of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum and Meloidogyne incognita in relation to the development and phenology of cotton plants." Phytopathology 83(7): 341-346.
  • Rosenheim, J.; Wilhoit, L., et al. (1997). "Plant compensation, natural biological control, and herbivory by Aphis gossypii on pre-reproductive cotton: the anatomy of a non-pest." Entomolgia Experimentalis et Applicata 85: 45-63.
  • Hake, K.; Kerby, T., et al. (1996). Cotton crop problems. Cotton Production Manual.. S. Johnson Hake, . T.A. Kerby, . K.D. Hake and . (editors). UC DANR Publication. Publication 3352, 417.
  • Garber, R.; DeVay, J., et al. (1996). Cotton Diseases and nematodes. Cotton Production Manual.. S. Johnson Hake, . T.A. Kerby, . H.D. Hake and . (editors). UC DANR Publication. Publication 3352, 417.
  • Nichols, R.; Bentley, W., et al. (1996). Determining an action threshold to prevent Bemisia outbreaks in cotton.
  • Goodell, P. (1996). Insect and mite pest management. Blackeye Bean Production in California.. A.E. Hall, . C.A. Frate and . (editors). UC DANR Publication. Publication 21518, 18-21.
  • Leigh, T.; Goodell, P. (1996). Insect Management. Cotton Production Manual.. S. Johnson Hake, . T.A. Kerby and . (editors). UC DANR Publication. Publication 3352, 417.
  • Goodell, P.; Plant, R., et al. (1996). Software for crop management. Cotton Production Manual.. S. Johnson Hake, . T.A. Kerby, . K.D. Hake and . (editors). UC DANR Publication. Publication 3352, 417.
  • Karlik, B.; Goodell, P., et al. (1995). Improved mite sampling may reduce acaricide use in roses. California Agriculture. 49:3, 38-40.
  • Karlik, B.; Goodell, P., et al. (1995). "Sampling and treatment thresholds for spider mite management in field-grown rose plants." HortScience 30(6): 1268-1270.
  • Goodell, P.; Strand, J., et al. (1993). Delivering expert systems to agriculture: Experiences with CALEX/Cotton. Artificial Intelligence Application in Natural Resource Management. 7:2&3, 14-20.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.; Leigh, T., et al. (1992). Cotton aphids have become resistant to commonly used pesticides. California Agriculture. 46:4, 4-7.
  • Wilson, L.; Corbett, A., et al. (1992). "Strategic and tactical modeling: cotton-spider mite agroecosystem management." Experimental Applied Acarology 14: 357-370.
  • Goodell, P.; Zalom, F. (1992). The potential for integrated pest management in California vegetable production.
  • Goodell, P.; Plant, R., et al. (1990). CALEX/Cotton: An Integrated Expert System for Crop Production and Management in California Cotton. California Agriculture. 4:5, 18-21.
  • Hoffmann, W.; Wilson, L., et al. (1990). Trapping the tomato fruitworm in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys. California Agriculture. 44:5, 33-35.
  • Plant, R.; Kerby, T., et al. (1990). Using knowledge based regression for forecasting in CALEX. Artificial Intelligence Application in Natural Resource Management. 4, 66-72.
  • Goodell, P.; Ferris, H. (1989). "Influence of environmentalk factors on the hatch and survival of Meloidogyne incognita." Journal of Nematology 21(3): 328-334.
  • Groutt, T.; Morse, J., et al. (1986). "Citrus thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) phenology and sampling in the San Joaquin Valley." Journal of Economic Entomology 79: 1516-1523.
  • Zalom, F.; Goodell, P., et al. (1984). Degree Days, Their Calculation and Use of Heat Units in Pest Management. Division of Agricultural Science.
  • Wilson, L.; Gonzalez, D., et al. (1983). "Within plant distribution of spider mites in cotton." Environmental Entomology 12: 128-134.
  • Goodell, P. (1982). Soil Sampling and Processing for Detection and Quantification of Nematode Populations for Ecological Studies.
  • Ferris, H.; Goodell, P., et al. (1981). General Recommendations for Nematode Sampling. Division of Agricultural Science.
  • Goodell, P.; Ferris, H. (1981). "Sample optimization for five plant parasitic nematodes." Journal of Nematology 13: 304-313.
  • Ferris, H.; Goodell, P., et al. (1981). Sampling nematodes. California Agriculture. May June, 13-15.
  • Goodell, P.; Ferris, H. (1980). "Graphic techniques for illustrating distribution data." Journal of Nematology 12: 151-152.
  • Goodell, P.; Ferris, H. (1980). "Plant parasitic nematode distributions in an alfalfa field." Journal of Nematology 12: 136-141.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Tollerup, KE; Berger, LA, et al. (2015). A Field Guide to Common Ant Species Found in California Citrus.
  • Goodell, PB; Berger, LA (2015). Identifying and Managing Critical Uses of Chlorpyrifos Against Key pests of Alfalfa. 4.
  • Goodell, PB; LA, Berger (2015). Identifying and Managing Critical Uses of Chlorpyrifos Against Key pests of Almonds. 4.
  • Goodell, PB; LA, Berger (2015). Identifying and Managing Critical Uses of Chlorpyrifos Against Key pests of Citrus. 4.
  • Goodell, PB; LA, Berger (2015). Identifying and Managing Critical Uses of Chlorpyrifos Against Key pests of Cotton.
  • Berger, LA; Goodell, PB (2015). PCAs to play elevated role in decision-making and stewardship. CAPCA Adviser. 46-49.
  • Goodell, PB (2014). Battling Blue Alfalfa Aphids – an Old Pest Re-emerges. CAPCA Adviser. 17:4, 42-44.
  • Goodell, PB; Berger, LA, et al. (2014). Chlorpyrifos use in alfalfa – Defining and refining critical uses. 2014 Western States Alfalfa and Forage Symposium. Long Beach, CA 1. Pp. 135- 144. 11-13 December, 2014.
  • Goodell, PB (2014). Common Natural Enemies: Your Allies in IPM.
  • Goodell, P.B. (2014). Stink Bugs in Cotton and Surrounding Field and Vegetable Crops. One page color gallery. 1. July.
  • Goodell, PB (2014). Stink Bugs in Cotton and Surrounding Field and Vegetable Crops. 1.
  • Goodell, P.B. (2013). From Invasion to IPM – Exotic pests and pest management challenges. CAPCA Adviser. 16:6, 38-41.
  • Godfrey,LD; Goodell,PB, et al. (2013). Insect Pest Management Issues in Alfalfa – Challenges and Questions with a focus on Aphids in Alfalfa. Proceedings, 2013 Western States Alfalfa and Forage Symposium, Reno, NV, 11-13 December, 2013.
  • Goodell, P.B.; Lynn-Patterson, K, et al. (2012). Can surrounding landscapes be predictive of in-field pest infestations. CAPCA Adviser. 15:2, 20-24.
  • Goodell, P. (2012). Crop advisors and conservation driven on-farm IPM planning and decision making. 7th International IPM Symposium Program. Memphis, TN.
  • Ellsworth, P. Goodell, P.; Parajulee, M., et al. (2012). Developing and Implementing Field and Landscape Level Reduced-Risk Management Strategies for Lygus in Western Cropping Systems. 7th International IPM Symposium Program. Memphis, TN.
  • Goodell, P.; Gallegos, L., et al. (2012). It takes a village to manage Lygus. 3rd International Lygus Symposium. Scottsdale, AZ. October 28-31, 2012.
  • Green, T.; Werts, P., et al. (2012). Opportunities for public and private sector IPM specialist to enhance NRCS programs for IPM. 7th International IPM Symposium Program. Memphis, TN.
  • Goodell, P. (2012). Planning, Priorities and Partnerships: A Key for UC IPM successin challenging times. 7th International IPM Symposium Program. Memphis, TN. March 27, 2012.
  • Goodell, P.; Lynn-Patterson, K., et al. (2012). Understanding and managing a key pest in cotton using community based maps of crop assemblages. 7th International IPM Symposium Program. Memphis, TN.
  • Frate, C.A.; Mueller, J., et al. (2011). 2011 Lygus bug management trial blackeyes. UC Bean Research 2011 Progress Report. 40-43.
  • Hutmacher, R.; Ulloa, K., et al. (2010). Assessment of Acala/upland and Pima cottons response to Fusarium Wilt disease in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Cotton Beltwide Conferences, New Orleans, LA.
  • Roberts, B.; Goodell, P. (2010). Contrasting agronomic performance and pest control practices between the sustainable cotton projects' BASIC system and conventional production practices in California. Cotton Beltwide Conferences, New Orleans, LA.
  • Sanden, B.; Goodell, P., et al. (2010). Deficit irrigation of blackeyes with alternate furrow and reduced irrigation frequency, variable plant populations and impact on Lygus counts, yield and quality. UC Bean Research 2009 Progress Report. California Dry Bean Advisory. 46-52.
  • Goodell, P.; Sanden, B. (2010). Influence of backeye variety, spacing and irrigation on Lygus populations and damage. University of California Dry bean Research, 2009 Progress Report. 53-61.
  • Goodell, PB; Sanden, B. (2010). Influence of blackeye variety, spacing and irrigation on Lygus populations and damage. CAPCA Adviser. XIII:6, 20-23. December 2010.
  • Goodell, P.; Cary, D., et al. (2010). Influence of fragmenting environment on Lygus management in cotton. 94th Annual Meeting of Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. Boise, ID. 91. April 11-14, 2010.
  • Haviland, D.; Goodell, P. (2010). IPM Resources Useful in Developing NRCS Pest Management. 1.
  • Goodell, P. (2010). Lygus Management in 2010. Cotton Field Check. cottoninfo.ucdavis.edu MiteFax Jackson MS.
  • Goodell, P. (2010). Managing the ecosystem for IPM: Effect of reduced irrigation allotments. California Plant and Soil Conference, Visalia, American Society of Agronomy, California Chapter.
  • Goodell, P. (2010). Natural enemies of western yellow striped armyworms. San Joaquin Sustainable Farming Systems Alfalfa Field Meeting. July 13, 2010.
  • Goodell, P. (2010). Using plant based measurements to support Lygus management decisions. Cotton Field Check. cottoninfo.ucdavis.edu MiteFax Jackson MS. June 2010.
  • Martin, T.; Ohlendorf, B., et al. (2010). Year-round IPM programs connect UC IPM to environmental quality resources. 94th Annual Meeting of Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. Boise, ID. 95. April 11-14, 2010.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Challenges and Changes: An Update from UC Statewide IPM program. CAPCA Adviser. 13. February 2009.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Common natural enemies in almonds. Pictorial factsheet prepared for Comprehensive Almond IPM Training. KAC & Stockton. November 2009.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Common natural enemies of key pest in alfalfa. Pictorial factsheet prepared for Insect Workshop. Western Alfalfa Symposium. Sparks, NV. December 4, 2009.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Common natural enemies: Your allies in IPM cotton. Photo gallery, one page fact sheet. California Cotton Growers Workbook - A self assessment guide to biointensive farming practices. Sustainable Cotton Project, California Alliance for Family Farmers.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Generalized food web in alfalfa. Pictorial factsheet prepared for Insect Workshop. Western Alfalfa Symposium. Sparks, NV. December 4, 2009.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Generalized food web in alfalfa. Pictorial factsheet prepared for Insect Workshop. Western Alfalfa Symposium. Sparks, NV. December 4, 2009.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). IPM and Resource Conservation: Building partnerships to increase IPM adoption in California. 6th International IPM Symposium Program. Portland, OR. 63. March 2009.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). IPM Resources: What's in your toolbox? CAPCA Adviser. 12:2, 14-16. April 2009.
  • Goodell, PB (2009). Lygus and other insects that appear similar. Photo gallery, one page fact sheet. California Cotton Growers Workbook - A self assessment guide to biointensive farming practices, Sustainable Cotton Project, California Alliance for Family Farmers.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Lygus and other insects that appear similar. Photo gallery, one page fact sheet. California Cotton Growers Workbook - A self assessment guide to biointensive farming practices. Sustainable Cotton Project, California Alliance for Family Farmers.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Lygus Update. Cotton Field Check. May 2009.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Shifting Landscapes, Shifting IPM in Cotton. Pest Management Continuing Conference. UC Davis. October 15, 2008.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Simplified cotton food web. Photo gallery, one page fact sheet. California Cotton Growers Workbook - A self assessment guide to biointensive farming practices. Sustainable Cotton Project, California Alliance for Family Farmers.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Spring time hosts for Lygus. Photo gallery, one page fact sheet. California Cotton Growers Workbook - A self assessment guide to biointensive farming practices. Sustainable Cotton Project, California Alliance for Family Farmers.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). The importance of evaluating fruit retention. Cotton Field Check. July 4, 2009.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Transcending spatial and temporal boundaries: What happens to IPM in cotton when landcapes radically change? 6th International IPM Symposium Program. Portland, OR. 49. March 2009.
  • Goodell, P. (2009). Watch out for sleeping dogs - Whitefly and aphid 2009. Cotton Field Check. August 2009.
  • Goodell, P.; Phillips, P. (2008). A Field Key to Cucumber Beetles Found in California. 4.
  • Bancroft, J.; Goodell, P. (2008). "Intercept Traps for Monitoring Lygus Flux Between Fields." Journal of Insect Science 8: 49.
  • Bancroft, J.; Goodell, P. (2008). "Landscape Modeling of Lygus hesperus Populations." Journal of Insect Science 8: 49.
  • Goodell, P. (2008). Lygus management in '08: Preparing for problems. Cotton Field Check. May 2008.
  • Mueller, SC.; Goodell, P. (2008). "Managing Lygus in seed alfalfa." Journal of Insect Science 8: 49.
  • Goodell, P. (2008). "Measuring localized movement of Lygus into cotton." Journal of Insect Science 8: 49.
  • Goodell, P. (2008). The future of IPM in California: There is an "I" in IPM. CAPCA Adviser. 11. June 2008.
  • Goodell, P. (2008). Top Tips from UC IPM - short, concise articles on using UC IPM & ANR resources. AAIE Bulletin. November 13, 2008.
  • Canevari, W.; Frate, C.A., et al. (2008) Year-Round IPM Program for Dry Beans.
  • Goodell, P. (2007). IPM approaches to Lygus management in 2007. Cotton Field Check. May 2007.
  • Goodell, P. (2007). Recruiting Poster, Vertebrate IPM Advisor. 23rd Vertebrate Pest Conference. San Diego, CA. March 17-20, 2008.
  • Summers, C.; Mueller, J., et al. (2006). A Color Variant of the Cowpea Aphid. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 16:3, 7-8.
  • Goodell, P.; Summers, C., et al. (2006). Common Aphids of Blackeye Beans. Photo gallery.
  • Godfrey, K.; Keillor, K., et al. (2006). Improvements in sampling and management of late-season insect pests in San Joaquin Valley Cotton. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences, San Antonio, TX.
  • Summers, C.; Newton, A., et al. (2006). Key to Common Aphids of Cowpeas in California.
  • Goodell, P.; Ribeiro, B. (2006). Measuring Localized Movement of Lygus hesperus into San Joaquin Valley Cotton Fields. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences, San Antonio, TX.
  • Goodell, P.; Flint, M. (2006). Recreating the delivery of information: Packaging existing IPM knowledge in more transparent ways. 2006 Western Alfalfa and Forage Conference.
  • Goodell, P.; Flint, M. (2006). Recreating the delivery of information: Packaging existing IPM knowledge in more transparent ways. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 17:2, 1-4. April 2007.
  • Goodell, P. (2006). San Joaquin Valley area-wide management of Lygus hesperus. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences, San Antonio, TX.
  • Goodell, P.; Montez, G., et al. (2006). Shifting Patterns in Insecticide Use on Cotton in California: 1993-2004. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences, San Antonio, TX.
  • Goodell, P. (2006). Will Lygus Threaten Early Season Cotton Fruiting in 2006? What are the Important Factors for the Development of a Population? Cotton Field Check. May 2006.
  • Hutmacher, R.; Goodell, P. (2005). 2004 growing season: Review weather conditions, pests, and the crop. California Cotton Review. 75, 1, 2 9.
  • Munier, D.; Goodell, P., et al. (2005). Assessing the accuracy of planting forecasts in the San Joaquin Valley. California Cotton Review. 75, 1, 3-5.
  • Goodell, P. (2005). Insect issues of importance in the irrigated West. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences, New Orleans, LA.
  • Goodell, P. (2005). Insecticide Resistance Management Guidelines and Cotton Quality - 2005. A One Page Factsheet. cottoninfo.ucdavis.edu
  • Haviland, D.; Goodell, P. (2005). IPM Resources Useful in Developing NRCS Pest Management Plans. One page factsheet for NRCS IPM training. Revised 2008, 2011.
  • Goodell, P.; Godfrey, K., et al. (2005). Lygus and cotton insects in the SJV in 2005. Cotton Field Check. May 2005.
  • Goodell, P.; Bentley, W. (2005). Lygus bugs. Pistachio Production Manual.: 256.
  • Goodell, P.; Lynn-Patterson, K. (2005). Managing Lygus in a ecological context. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences, New Orleans, LA.
  • Godfrey, LD.; Goodell, P., et al. (2005). Preventing sticky cotton - what have we learned? California Cotton Review. 76, 1, 4-7.
  • Goodell, P. (2004). Cotton insect pests in 2004. Cotton Field Check. May 2004.
  • Goodell, P. (2004). Cotton insects in 2004. California Cotton Review. 71, 1-2.
  • Goodell, P. (2004). Final insect management decisions for 2004: bringing in another clean crop. California Cotton Review. 72, 1-3.
  • Goodell, P. (2004). Impact of organophosphates on cotton IPM. 88th Annual Pacific Branch Meetings. Entomological Society of America. http://pbesa.prosser.wsu.edu/abs.doc
  • Goodell, P. (2004). Insecticide resistance management and quality cotton. California Cotton Review. 71, 5-6.
  • Goodell, P. (2004). Insecticide Resistance Management Guidelines and Cotton Quality - 2004. A One Page Factsheet. cottoninfo.ucdavis.edu
  • Goodell, P.; Godfrey, K., et al. (2004). Late season insect management decisions: Bringing in another clean crop. Cotton Field Check. August 2004.
  • Goodell, P. (2004). Managing Lygus in an ecological context. 88th Annual Pacific Branch Meetings. Entomological Society of America. http://pbesa.prosser.wsu.edu/abs.doc
  • Goodell, P.; Thomas, C., et al. (2004). NPDN: Protecting America's Agriculture, the role of county-based Cooperative Extension. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 14:1, 1-7.
  • Godfrey, LD.; Goodell, P. (2003). Arthropod Management in Irrigated West. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences, Atlanta, FA.
  • Goodell, P. (2003). Late Season Management for 2003, Bringing the Crop in Clean. Cotton Field Check, California Cotton Review. September 2003.
  • Goodell, P. (2003). Looking for lygus (in all the right places). The Cotton Chronicle. XIII:6, 2-4.
  • Goodell, P. (2003). Lygus management approaches in 2003. Cotton Field Check.
  • Mueller, S.; Goodell, P., et al. (2003). Management of Forage Quality in Strip-Cut Alfalfa. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/
  • Godfrey, LD; Keillor, K., et al. (2003). Management of Late-Season Insect Pests for Protection of Cotton Qualith in the San Joaquin Valley. Beltwide Conference.
  • Goodell, P.; Mueller, J., et al. (2003). New Identification key for Lygus is available. UC Plant Protection Quarterly and Adviser Magazine. http://www.uckac.edu/ppq/
  • Goodell, P. (2003). Silverleaf whitefly sampling plans in cotton (revision). One-Page Information Sheet.
  • Goodell, P. (2003). Stripping (hay) for IPM: the value in maintaining lygus habitat. Alfalfa Seed Symposium, Five Points, CA.
  • Goodell, P. (2003). What about whitefly? Basic Project News. 7:7, 3.
  • Goodell, PB (2002). Aphids Common in Alfalfa and Cotton in California. Photo gallery to accompany the key developed by CG Summers. 1. July 2002.
  • Goodell, P. (2002). Aphids Common in Alfalfa and Cotton in California. A companion photo gallery to the key developed by CG Summers. 1. July 2002.
  • Goodell, P. (2002). Common Whiteflies in Cotton. A photo guide in aid in identification. 1. July 2002.
  • Goodell, P. (2002). IPM in vegetable crops - Improving lygus management in eggplant. 2002 Annual Report of the Statewide IPM Program.
  • Munk, D.; Goodell, P. (2002). Irrigation management practices on arthropod populations. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Goodell, P. (2002). Lygus in Cotton - 2002. Take care but be aware. MiteFax Looking South Publications cottoninfo.ucdavi.edu. 3.
  • Goodell, P. (2002). New members joins IPM Advisors ranks. 2002 Annual Report of the Statewide IPM Program.
  • Goodell, P. (2002). Sticky cotton caused by aphids and whiteflies - A threat to SJV cotton. California Cotton Review. 63, 1-2. June 2002.
  • Goodell, P. (2002). Sticky cotton contamination: SJV growers can prevent and avoid the problem by being proactive. Special Issue. California Cotton Review. 64, 8. July 2002.
  • Goodell, P. (2002). The home stretch: Maintaining quality cotton during late season. http://cottoninfo.ucdavis.edu/GL_lateseason.htm
  • Goodell, P. (2002). The home stretch: Maintaining quality cotton during late season. http://cottoninfo.ucdavis.edu/GL_lateseason.htm
  • Goodell, P.; Lynn, K., et al. (2002). Using GIS Approaches to study lygus in the SJV. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 12:1, 1-6. http://www.uckac.edu/ppq/
  • Goodell, P.; Lynn, K., et al. (2002). Using GIS approaches to study western tarnished plant but in the SJV of California. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Hutmacher, R.; Goodell, P. (2001). 2000 growing season review and pest situation. California Cotton Review. 58, 1-3.
  • Goodell, P. (2001). A timeline for IPM activities in California cotton. UC IPM Update. 4-5.
  • Goodell, P. (2001). Building partnerships. UC IPM Update. 4.
  • Goodell, P.; Garcia, C., et al. (2001). Influence of cotton varieties on arthropod fauna. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (2001). Managing lygus in the landscape. 2001 California Plant and Soil Conference, Fresno, CA.
  • Goodell, P. (2001). Managing lygus in the landscape. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 11, 8-11. http://www.uckac.edu/ppq/
  • Goodell, P. (2001). New technologies track lygus in the agricultural landscape. UC IPM Update. 4.
  • Cisneros, J.; Godfrey, K., et al. (2001). Overwintering biology of the cotton aphid in California's San Joaquin Valley. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Jones, J.; Ellsworth, P., et al. (2001). Producers learn and interact during producer's problem solving workshop: IPM 2001. Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Hutmacher, R.; Goodell, P. (2000). 1999 Season Review. California Cotton Review. 54, 1-3.
  • Hutmacher, R.; Goodell, P., et al. (2000). Early season 2000 - Some problems but a much better start. California Cotton Review. 55, 1-2.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.; Christiansen, J., et al. (2000). Insecticide resistance trends in lygus bugs and cotton aphids. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 10:4, 1-4. http://www.uckac.edu/ppq/
  • Goodell, P.; Bentley, W. (2000). Lygus bugs. Pistachio Production Proceedings 2000.
  • Goodell, P.; Wright, S., et al. (2000). Managing lygus bug in a regional context. California Cotton Review. 55, 3-5.
  • Goodell, P.; Wright, S., et al. (2000). Managing lygus bug in a regional context. Plant Protection Quarterly. 10:2, 4-7.
  • Goodell, P.; Wright, S., et al. (2000). Managing western tarnished plant bug in a regional context. 2000 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (2000). Pulling it all together: Management of lygus in the landscape. Lygus Summit.J. Mueller. 70-77.
  • Munk, D.; Goodell, P., et al. (2000). The value of final plant mapping. California Cotton Review. 56, 8-9.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.; Goodell, P., et al. (2000). Trends in pest densities, pesticide use, and pesticide resistance in San Joaquin Valley cotton. 2000 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.; Goodell, P., et al. (2000). Trends in pesticide use and pesticide resistance in San Joaquin Valley Cotton. California Cotton Review. 56, 4-7.
  • Hutmacher, R.; Goodell, P. (1999). 1998 Season Review. California Cotton Review. 50, 1-3. February 1999.
  • Goodell, P. (1999). Cotton IPM in California: What Does it Mean to Use IPM? Levi Strauss Field to Fashion Cotton Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • Goodell, P. (1999). Cotton IPM in California: What does it mean to use the method? CAPCA Adviser. 17-19. May-June 1999.
  • Goodell, P. (1999). Cotton IPM in California: What does it mean to use the method? UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 9:2, 10-13. April 1999.
  • Goodell, P.; Godfrey, L., et al. (1999). Insecticide Resistance Management Guidelines in San Joaquin Valley. 21.
  • Goodell, P. (1999). Lygus bug and cotton aphid management: A balancing act? Central Valley Farmer.. L.D. Godfrey, . S. Wright and . P. Goodell. 6, 6-7.
  • Goodell, P. (1999). Lygus bug and cotton aphid management: A balancing act? California Cotton Review.. L.D. Godfrey, . S. Wright and . P. Goodell. 51, 4-6. July 1999.
  • Goodell, P. (1999). Returning to more biological reliance in cotton IPM. 1999 California Plant and Soil Proceedings, Visalia, CA.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Alfalfa management can improve cotton IPM for Lygus. California Cotton Review. 4-5. April 1998.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Alfalfa management can improve cotton IPM for Lygus. Cotton. 16,22. July/August 1998.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Alfalfa management can improve cotton IPM for Lygus. Agribusiness Fieldman. 20. July/August 1998.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Biology, ecology, and host plants of Lygus lineolarus and Lygus hesperus. 1998 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P.; Eckert., J., et al. (1998). Evaluation of root-knot nematode management options in San Joaquin Valley cotton. 1998 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Integrating crop and insect management in San Joaquin Valley. Summary of Cotton Incorporate/UCCE Crop Management Seminar. Cotton Grower. July/August 1998.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Integrating crop and insect management in San Joaquin Valley. Summary of Cotton Incorporate/UCCE Crop Management Seminar. Agribusiness Fieldman. 20. July/August 1998.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Intensifying the biological component of West Side insect pest management. West Side BIFS Newsletter. January 1998.
  • Godfrey, L.; Brazzle, J., et al. (1998). Lygus bug management with insecticides. 1998 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Lygus management pracrtices: impact on subsequent pest management. 1998 Proceedings of Crop Management Seminars: Integrating Crop and Insect Management in the San Joaquin Valley, Cotton Incorporated/UCCE.
  • Goodell, P.; Coviello, R. (1998). Managing soil borne insects in association with winter cover crops. West Side BIFS Newsletter. February 1998.
  • Goodell, P.; Coviello, R. (1998). Managing soil borne insects in association with winter cover crops. One-Page Information Sheets. January 1998.
  • Goodell, P.; Eckert., J. (1998). Using buffer crops to mitigate Lygus migration in San Joaquin Valley cotton. 1998 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Using ecological factors to develop regional management approaches for Lygus hesperus. UC Plant Protection Quarterly and Adviser Magazine. 8,9,15. January-February 1998.
  • Goodell, P. (1998). Using ecological factors to develop regional management approaches for Lygus hesperus. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 8:2:1, 5-7. January/April 1998.
  • Brazzle, J.; Fien, B., et al. (1998). Whitefly management in the San Joaquin Valley. 1998 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1997). 1996 San Joaquin Valley Season Review. California Cotton Review. 42, 1-2. January 1997.
  • Goodell, P. (1997). Insecticide resistance managment programs: Examples from around the world. 1997 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1997). IPM Resources on the World Wide Web. Hand out for Kern CAPCA. November 20, 1997.
  • Goodell, P.; Grafton-Cardwell, E., et al. (1997). Maintaining an IPM program in a shifting pest environment. 1997 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1997). Maintaining an IPM Program in a Shifting Pest Environment. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 7:1, 2-4. January 1997.
  • Goodell, P. (1997). Silverleaf whitefly in the San Joaquin Valley. California Cotton Review. 42, 7. January 1997.
  • Brazzle, J.; Goodell, P., et al. (1997). Silverleaf whitefly insecticide resistance management program. California Cotton Review. 44, 7-8. July 1997.
  • Wood, J.; Godfrey, L., et al. (1997). Spatial and temporal distribution of silverleaf whitefly in the San Joaquin Valley 1994-1997. 1997 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.; Godfrey, L., et al. (1997). Status of Lygus bug and cotton aphid resistance in the San Joaquin Valley. 1997 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1997). Where to get five day forecast degree day information for cotton planting decisions. One-Page Information Sheet. March 1997.
  • Goodell, P. (1996). Causes of Early Square Loss and Insect Management. California Cotton Review. 40, 2-6. June 1996.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.; Goodell, P. (1996). Cotton aphid response to pesticides in San Joaquin Valley cotton. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P.; Narbeth, S. (1996). Insect population dynamics in San Joaquin Valley cotton fields. 1996 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P.; Eckert., J. (1996). Lygus yield impact studies. University of California Dry Bean Research 1996 Progress Report. 65-66.
  • Goodell, P. (1996). Managing root-knot nematodes in cotton without chemicals. One-Page Information Sheet. March 1996.
  • Grafton-Cardwell, E.; Godfrey, L., et al. (1996). Maximizing Natural Enemies in San Joaquin Valley Cotton. California Cotton Review. 40, 7-9. June 1996.
  • Mitchell, J.; Goodell, P., et al. (1996). On-farm Demonstration Project Started on West Side. SJV Vegetable Crops Report. 2:1, 1.
  • Goodell, P.; Coviello, R. (1996). Pest Observations. West Side BIFS Newsletter. June 1996.
  • Munier, D.; Goodell, P., et al. (1996). Root-knot nematode management with different rates of aldicarb at planting. 1996 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Godfrey, L.; Summers, C., et al. (1996). Silverleaf whitefly populations in the San Joaquin Valley. 1996 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1996). The information SuperHighway - Hype of Help to IPM Practitioners? UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 6:2, 3-5. April 1996.
  • Wrona, A.; Blasingame, D., et al. (1996). Timely Soil Sampling - A Nematode Nemesis. Cotton Physiology Today. 7:5, 21-24. June-July 1996.
  • Goodell, P.; Zalom, F. (1996). Update on National IPM Initiative and Draft RFP for Phase II Grants. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 6:3, 3-4. July 1996.
  • Vargas, R.; Goodell, P. (1996). What a Difference a Year Makes. California Cotton Review. 40, 1-2. June 1996.
  • Vargas, R.; Weir, B., et al. (1995). 1995 Season in Review. California Cotton Review. 35, 3. March 1995.
  • Goodell, P.; Godfrey, L., et al. (1995). Distribution of silverleaf whitefly in the San Joaquin Valley. 1995 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1995). Grower-PCAs-Researchers Meet. The Cotton Chronicle. V:12, 2-4. December 1995.
  • Goodell, P.; Roberts, B. (1995). Insect Pest Management Guidelines - Cutout to Defoliation. One-page Information Sheet. Kings County Cooperative Extension. 2.
  • Godfrey, L.; Goodell, P., et al. (1995). Insect/Mite Pest Review 1995. California Cotton Review. 35, 3. March 1995.
  • Goodell, P.; Eckert., J., et al. (1995). Integrated management of Meloidogyne incognita on San Joaquin Valley cotton. 1995 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1995). Lygus research in blackeyes. University of California Dry Bean Research 1995 Progress Report. 60-61.
  • Mueller, J.; Goodell, P. (1995). Nematode sampling and thresholds. 1995 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Godfrey, L.; Goodell, P., et al. (1995). Seasonal Development of silverleaf whitefly populations in cotton and other crops in the San Joaquin Valley. 1995 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P.; Summers, C. (1995). Silverleaf Whitefly in the San Joaquin Valley. SJV Vegetable Crops Report. 1:2, 5-8.
  • Goodell, P.; Montez, G. (1994). Acala cotton tolerance to southern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. 1994 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Godfrey, L.; Goodell, P., et al. (1994). Contribution of crops, weeds, and parasites to the abundance of silverleaf whitefly in the San Joaquin Valley. 1994 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Jimenez, M.-Jr.; Wright, S., et al. (1994). Effect of early season cotton aphid on Acala cotton. 1994 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P.; Bentley, W., et al. (1994). Lygus Management in 1994. California Cotton Review. 33, 6. June 1994.
  • Goodell, P. (1994). Plant monitoring as an insect management tool. 1994 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P.; Godfrey, L. (1994). Sticky cotton - The problem and its management. California Cotton Review. 34, 5-6. September 1994.
  • Goodell, P. (1994). The importance of being proactive in developing community based support: The case of silverleaf whitefly - An emerging pest management crisis. Proceedings 1994 California Plant and Soil Conference.
  • Goodell, P. (1994). Useful degree day programs for pest management. One-Page Information Sheet. March 1994.
  • Goodell, P. (1994). Whitefly situation report and population development information. Whitefly Update. 4. October 1994.
  • Montez, G.; Goodell, P. (1994). Yield compensation in cotton with early season square loss. 1994 Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Kerby, T.; Goodell, P. (1993). A look back at 1992. California Cotton Review. 28, 1-4. January 1993.
  • Goodell, P.; Summers, C., et al. (1993). Bemisia tabaci in the San Joaquin Valley. UC Plant Protection Quarterly. 3;4:3;2-5. July/October 1993.
  • Goodell, P. (1993). Bemisia tabaci in the San Joaquin Valley. California Cotton Review. 31, 4-5. September 1993.
  • Goodell, P. (1993). Cotton Nematodes. Cotton Nematodes: Your Hidden Enemies. Beltwide Cotton Nematode Survey and Education Committee. 1-3.
  • Kerby, T.; Goodell, P. (1993). Crop and pest update. California Cotton Review. 30, 5-6. May 1993.
  • Goodell, P. (1993). Integrated management of cotton nematodes in the irrigated west. 1993 Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Trjapitzin, S.; Goodell, P., et al. (1993). Leafhoppers common to the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. One-Page Information Sheet. June 1993.
  • Goodell, P.; Kerby, T. (1993). Managing Lygus using plant based measurements. One-Page Information Sheet. June 1993.
  • Goodell, P. (1993). Managing root-knot nematodes in organic cotton production. One-Page Information Sheet. September 1993.
  • Kerby, T.; Munier, D., et al. (1993). Plant monitoring for improved cultural decisions. California Cotton Review. 30, 9-11. May 1993.
  • Goodell, P.; Munier, D. (1993). Root-knot nematode in cotton. California Cotton Review. 32, 5-7. March 1993.
  • Goodell, P. (1993). Sampling for Nematodes. Cotton Nematodes: Your Hidden Enemies. Beltwide Cotton Nematode Survey and Education Committee. 23-25.
  • Goodell, P.; Montez, G., et al. (1993). The whitefly BBS - An electronic coffee shop. One-Page Information Sheet. August 1993.
  • Goodell, P.; Montez, G., et al. (1993). Tolerance of approved Acala cottons to cotton root-knot nematode. 1993 Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Plant, R.; Young, T., et al. (1992). Blackboard-based integration of multiple knowledge sources for crop management expert systems. IFAC Workshop on Expert Systems in Agriculture, International Academia Publisher.
  • Goodell, P.; Grimes, D., et al. (1992). CALEX/Cotton, User Manual. UC IPM. Publication 8.
  • Goodell, P. (1992). Cotton Insect Status. California Cotton Review. 26:4. July 1992.
  • Goodell, P. (1992). Cotton Root-Knot Nematode. California Cotton Review. 23:3-5. February 1992.
  • Ostergaard, D.; Goodell, P. (1992). Delivering expert systems to agriculture: experiences with CALEX/Cotton. Computers in agricultural extension programs. 4th International Conference, ASAE (American Society of Association Executives).
  • Goodell, P. (1992). Economic Thresholds Revisited: Considerations for Practical Applications. KAC Plant Protection Quarterly. 2, 1-3. January 1992.
  • Goodell, P. (1992). Lygus in 1992. California Cotton Review. 25:3-5. May 1992.
  • Goodell, P.; Kerby, T., et al. (1992). Plant based measurements for lygus bug management decision in cotton. 1992 Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P.; Estil, K., et al. (1992). Preliminary results of a two year survey of cotton root-knot nematode in the San Joaquin Valley. 1992 Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences.
  • Goodell, P. (1992). Useful Reference for Managing Pests in Organic and Transitional Cotton. One-Page Information Sheet. March 1992.
  • Goodell, P. (1991). Grower Alert! Beware of Cotton Aphid - Avoid Sticky Cotton. California Cotton Review. 21:1-2.
  • Goodell, P. (1991). Lygus Bugs in Cotton. California Cotton Review. 20:3-5. June 1991.
  • Goodell, P. (1991). Stink Bugs in Cotton. One-Page Information Sheet.
  • Goodell, P.; Kerby, T., et al. (1990). Influence of late season square removal on boll retention. 1990 Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference.
  • Goodell, P.; Zalom, F. (1990). IPM in California vegetable production. 200th Meeting of Amercian Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry. 30:2, 191-195.
  • Goodell, P. (1990). Irrigation problems, Weather Updates, Program Updates. California Cotton Review. 3:4. May 1990.
  • Carter, L.; Hoffmann, W., et al. (1990). Nemticide Application Studies. A Progress Report. California Cotton Review. 14:3-4. November 1990.
  • Goodell, P.; Bentley, W. (1990). Pink Bollworm in the SJV. California Cotton Review. 18:4-5.
  • Kerby, T.; Goodell, P. (1990). Production Decisions Based on Plant Data. California Cotton Review. 15, 1-8. April 1990.
  • Goodell, P. (1990). Reminders - Data Collection for CALEX. California Cotton Review. May 1990.
  • Goodell, P.; Kerby, T., et al. (1990). Strategies for implementing an integrated expert system in cotton: Experience with CALEX/Cotton in California. 1990 Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference.
  • Goodell, P. (1990). The role of regulation on IPM. California Plant and Soil Conference, Fresno, CA.
  • Goodell, P. (1990). Tips on Pix. California Cotton Review. 3:5.
  • Goodell, P. (1990). What alternatives do we have for non chemical control of pests? 1990 Western Cotton Production Conference.
  • Kerby, T.; Goodell, P., et al. (1989). California Cotton Review. 13. December 1989.
  • Goodell, P. (1989). California Cotton Review. 12. August 1989.
  • Goodell, P. (1989). Comparison of Commercial California Red Scale Lures in Standard Virgin Female Traps. Kern Citrus. March 1989.
  • Goodell, P. (1989). Cotton Root-Knot Nematode: Sampling and Fumigation. California Cotton Review. January 1989.
  • Goodell, P. (1989). Heat Units, Their Calculation, and Their Use in IPM. One-Page Information Sheets. December 1989.
  • Goodell, P. (1989). Lygus and CALEX/Cotton Irrigation, Lygus, Mites. California Cotton Review. May 1989.
  • Goodell, P. (1989). Section 18 Requested for Abamectin Miticide/Insecticide. California Cotton Review. January 1989.
  • Plant, R.; Wilson, L., et al. (1988). An integrated expert decision support system for farm management. Second International Conference on Computers in Extension Programs.
  • Goodell, P. (1988). Computers in Pest Management. One-Page Information Sheets. March 1988.
  • Goodell, P. (1988). Cosmetic standards for fresh produce: Is it an impediment to improve pest management? Association of Applied Insect Ecologist Bulletin. 3:2, 1, 8.
  • Goodell, P. (1988). Early Preventive Pest: Control Does it Pay? California Cotton Review. 2, 6-7. March 1988.
  • Goodell, P. (1988). Lygus Survey and Projection. California Cotton Review. 3, 8-9. May 1988.
  • Plant, R.; Wilson, L., et al. (1987). CALEX/Cotton: An expert system based management aid for California cotton growers. 1987 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference.
  • Goodell, P.; Kerby, T., et al. (1987). Considerations in the implementation of a cotton production management program. 1987 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference.
  • Goodell, P. (1987). Expert Systems - What Are They? One-Page Information Sheets. March 1987.
  • Zelinski, D.; Kerby, T., et al. (1987). Implementation of irrigation scheduling in the CALEX/Cotton program. 1987 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference.
  • Goodell, P. (1987). Managing Lygus During Early Cotton Squaring. One-Page Information Sheets. January 1987.
  • Goodell, P. (1987). Managing Pesticide Resistance in Pests: Common Questions and Answers. One-Page Information Sheets. March 1987.
  • Morse, J.; Phillips, P., et al. (1987). Monitoring Fuller rose beetle populations in citrus groves and egg mass levels on fruit. The Pest Control Circular. No. 547.
  • Wilson, L.; Plant, R., et al. (1987). Transition from a strategic to a tactical crop and pest management model: Use as an economic decision aid. 1987 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference.
  • Johnson, S.; Goodell, P. (1987). Verticillium Wilt. California Cotton Review. 1, 2-6. February 1987.
  • Goodell, P. (1986). California Red Scale Monitoring and Evaluation in Navel Oranges. One-Page Information Sheets. March 1986.
  • Goodell, P. (1986). Cotton Bollworm - The pest to watch in late season. One-Page Information Sheets. August 1986.
  • Goodell, P. (1986). Details for using presence/absence sampling methods for spider mites in cotton. One-Page Information Sheets. March 1986.
  • Goodell, P. (1986). Lygus Forecast for 1986. One-Page Information Sheets. March 1986.
  • Goodell, P. (1986). Nematodes in the Home Garden. One-Page Information Sheets. April 1986.
  • Goodell, P. (1986). Redworms as a bioassay tool for evaluating dispersion of a soil fumigant. Kern Crop Newsletter. March 1986.
  • Goodell, P. (1986). Spider Mite Sampling and Evaluation in Cotton. One-Page Information Sheets. March 1986.
  • Goodell, P.; Roberts, B. (1985). Implementation of a presence/absence sample method for spider mites in cotton. 1985 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference.
  • Lovatt, C.; Streeter, S., et al. (1984). Phenology of flowering in Citrus sinensis cv Washington navel orange. International Society of Citriculture.
  • Goodell, P. (1984). Presence.Absence Sampling for Spider Mites. Kern Cotton. May 1984.
  • Goodell, P. (1984). Presence/absence Sampling for spider mites. Kings County Agronomy Review. April 1984.
  • Goodell, P. (1984). The Cotton Root Knot Nematode. Kern Cotton. March 1984.
  • Goodell, P. (1984). The Western Flower Thrips: Friend, Foe, or Disinterested Bystander? One-Page Information Sheets. April 1984.
  • DeVay, J.; Garber, R., et al. (1983). Epidemiological studies on Fusarium Wilt in cotton. 1983 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference.
  • Goodell, P.; Bentley, W. (1983). Lygus in 1983. Kern Cotton. May 1983.
  • Goodell, P. (1982). Computer Workshop Planned. Kern Crop Information. July 1982.
  • Goodell, P. (1982). Egyptian Alfalfa Weevil Project. Kern Crop Information. January 1982.
  • Goodell, P. (1982). Fall nematode sampling. Kern Crop Information. November 1982.
  • Kerby, T.; Goodell, P. (1982). Heat units as a basis for cultural control practices. Western Cotton Production Conference.
  • Goodell, P. (1981). Soil Sampling for nematode pest management in alfalfa. 11TH Alfalfa Symposium. Fresno, CA. 50-53.

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