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University of California
ANR Employees

Posts Tagged: People management

Learning & Development: Foreign travel with a laptop, Measuring outcomes, Wellness


Check out the continuing learning opportunities provided through ANR Learning & Development. ANR Webinars are recorded and archived here.

Export Control: What is export and how does it affect me?
Wednesday, Nov. 6
9:30 a.m.-10:30 am
Planning to travel abroad and taking your laptop? Have you ever wanted to know more about the fundamental research exclusion? Tune in to find out more about Export Control.

With Kathleen Nolan, ANR Office of Contracts and Grants.

Zoom access:
1 669 900 6833 
Webinar ID: 723 407 963

Wellness @ Work (Recorded on Oct. 17, 2019.)
During our October WebANR a chat came through to our presenter, Satinder Gill, Pysch. D. UC Davis: "My job isn't particularly stressful regarding responsibilities. But its more of the interactions with other that causes distress. I find my boss as well as a few others around the office to be high stress individuals or unhappy. Since I transfer those emotions easily over to myself it ends up making me moody too. How can I deal with that? Sometimes it feels like it ruins my day (how others feel or act) and it makes me anxious or feel isolated because they I avoid certain people to avoid negativity or feeling that way. Question: What can I do about this? Listen to the Recording to find out what you can do about stresses that arise for you at work.

Practical Methods to Measuring Outcomes
Nov. 7, ANR Building, Davis
Dec. 10, Kearney REC, Parlier

Please register here and request travel funds provided by ANR Learning & Development budget.

 Workshop desired outcomes: Participants will gain...

  • understanding of and experience in defining outcomes and identifying measurable indicators for your programs
  • understanding of evaluation data collection approaches and methods used by UCCE
  • progress on your outcomes evaluation plans/efforts

Led by Katherine Webb-Martinez, Associate Director of UC ANR Program Planning and Evaluation Office; Vikram Koundinya, UCCE evaluation specialist; and UCCE advisor co-presenters TBA. 

Writing Strong Impact Statements
Nov. 8, ANR Building, Davis
Dec. 11, Kearney REC, Parlier

Please register here and request travel funds provided by ANR Learning & Development budget. 

Workshop desired outcomes: Participants will gain understanding and practice

  • organizing your program activities into themes for the merit and promotion process
  • using basic logic model techniques to connect program outcomes to UC ANR condition changes and public value
  • identifying condition change indicators to strengthen impact writing
  • writing impact statements for your programs -- for your merit and promotion efforts, for UC Delivers, and other communications

Led by Katherine Webb-Martinez, associate director of UC ANR Program Planning and Evaluation Office, and Mark Lagrimini, vice provost of research and extension.

New Employee Administrative Orientation
Nov. 13, 2019
ANR Building, Davis

Who should attend: All UC ANR Employees (academics, staff and affiliated staff on campuses, counties and RECs) who have not participated in an administrative orientation in the past. Priority will be given to those hired by ANR within the past year. Register here.

Communicating Your Story: Instagram
November 13, 2019
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

  • Techniques and best practices to use the platform most effectively.
  • A few quick tips for using your smart phone to shoot pictures and video (and for posting).
  • Finding your online community and building an audience for your work.
  • Tips to manage your Instagram account efficiently.

With Rose Hayden-Smith, CE advisor and Strategic Communications, and Dan Macon, CE advisor for Placer, Nevada, Sutter & Yuba counties
1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 751 701 428

UC Delivers - now in easy to use blog format!
Nov. 21, 2019

UC Delivers communicates your project's measured outcomes and how these contribute to broader UC ANR condition changes and public value statements. This presentation will include:

  • how to navigate the ANR website to find the UC Delivers blog
  • a step-by-step guide on writing a UC Delivers more here.

Disability Management for Supervisors (3-hr In-person; UC Davis; Registration required; 4/16/2020)

This course addresses what supervisors need to know regarding the requirements to accommodate employees with disabilities under federal and state law as well as university policy. If classes are filled, sign up for the wait-list. Register here

Foreign Influence: What is foreign influence and how can I comply?

Wednesday, Dec. 4
9:30 a.m-10:30 am
The university has observed heightened awareness and increased activity related to the issue of foreign influence in academia. Learn about new requirements and guidance to better understand the evolving compliance landscape.

With Kathleen Nolan, ANR Office of Contracts and Grants.

Zoom access:
1 669 900 6833 
Webinar ID: 502 451 113

People Managers - Join the 2020 UC People Networking Cohort! 

Starting in January 2020

Enroll now to participate in 11, one-hour ANR-facilitated discussions for supervisor development and upskilling! Share challenges and successes with peers. Learn how to increase employee performance, engagement, and team collaboration. Join discussions based on the UC People Management Series Certificate on how to be an effective people manager. Register by Dec. 20, 2019. For more information, email

Finding Your Time Management Style (LinkedIn Learning)

  • Modify your time management system to suit your style.
  • Use the variety-consistency assessment to discover your time management style.
  • Adapt your time management system to suit the needs of your team.
  • Show coworkers how to discover their time management style.
  • Evaluate your language to collaborate more effectively.

Management Tips Weekly (LinkedIn Learning)

In this series, Todd Dewett, PhD, shares the tips respected and motivated managers use to improve rapport, navigate tricky situations, build better relationships, and drive the business forward. Each installment, is two tips ranging from avoiding the dreaded micromanagement, to managing a multigenerational workforce, cultivating better listening skills, and developing an understanding of your organization's politics.

Career Catalyst Lunchtime Series
UC Davis, Zoom options!

New! My UC Career (Demo)
UC Career Development Portal

Wellness workshops and other resources
In-person and Zoom options) at UC Davis.


Everyone can learn something new.



Posted on Friday, October 25, 2019 at 4:48 PM

ANR Learning & Development: Climate communication, people management & webinars


Check out the continuing learning opportunities through ANR Learning & Development. ANR Webinars are recorded and archived here.

Equitable Futures ToolKit Webinar
September 11, 2019
11am-noon PST

Register here
Brought to us by and Institute for the Future.

As wealth and economic inequality reach staggering heights, we face an urgent future. Inequality at current extremes around the world, including the United States, has historically sparked civil unrest. Now is the time to join together and move us toward a more equitable future. 

Who should participate:

A group of people who have a well-defined mission and are actively working together to build a more equitable world.
A group of diverse stakeholders who want to have a shared conversation about equity.

This webinar will allow for participants to enable their audio and video in Zoom to engage and converse with the facilitators.Register here

Social Café Drop-in Session
September 12, 2019 (and October 10, November 14, and December 12)

Join Rose Hayden-Smith for the ANR Social Café webinar, a monthly opportunity for drop-in conversations and questions about the effective use of social media and communications in Extension work. Each Social Café opens with a 5-10 minute “tutorial” of a new tool or feature on commonly used social platforms, or a brief showcase of an ANR employee who is using digital communications in innovative and effective ways. The remainder of the time is devoted to sharing best practices, discussion and Q&A.

Zoom access:
1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 751 701 428 

Spotlight Webinar: Prescribed Fires in California
September 17, 2019
11:30am - noon

Join Lenya Quinn-Davidson and Jef Stackhouse to learn about how they are educating Californians on the use of prescribed fire as a preventative tool.

Zoom access:
1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 751 701 428

Communicating Your Story: Twitter Basics


Sept. 18, 2019
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Join Rose Hayden-Smith for this fast-paced webinar. We'll cover the basics of sharing your story, building an online community and engaging using Twitter. Topics will include:

  • What is Twitter and why should you use it?
  • Techniques and best practices to use the platform most effectively.
  • Finding your online community.
  • Tips to manage your Twitter account efficiently.

Participants will also be provided access to a range of resources and tools to support their Twitter efforts, including samples, tip and FAQ sheets, guidelines and more.

Zoom access:
1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 751 701 428 

WebANR: UC Davis Climate
Communication Strategy: Impact Through Intersections.
September 19, 2019

Katherine Kerlin will show how UC Davis Strategic Communications used a cross-team strategy to highlight visual, focused storytelling and leverage climate expertise at the university. She'll talk about benefits and challenges of thematic approaches to digital storytelling and promotion.

Zoom access:
1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 751 701 428

New Course! Building Volunteer Engagement Login instructions PDF, Video (1:32)
This new course will help equip UC ANR staff and academics to develop and manage systems in which volunteers are supported to lead projects, resulting in greater program efficiency and efficacy. 

Upon completion of this course, learners should be able to:

  • Describe the benefits volunteers provide to programs and organizations
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of those involved in working with volunteers
  • Identify the characteristics of an effective volunteer program
  • Use the 7-step ISOTURE model to build volunteer engagement

Along the way, learners will assess their own program, using self-guided activities and resources. As a result, course participants will develop a volunteer engagement action plan to enhance volunteer-related assets and address volunteer-related challenges. Login instructions PDF, Video (1:32)

Disability management for supervisors

UC Davis will offer disability management training on Oct. 7, 2019 and April 16, 2020. 

This three-hour, in-person course addresses what supervisors need to know regarding the requirements to accommodate employees with disabilities under federal and state law as well as university policy. Registration is required. If classes are filled, sign up for the wait-list. Register here

MSAP assessors make a difference

Laurent Ahiablame, Director UCCE San Diego
Thanks to all of our past ANR assessors and recently to Laurent Ahiablame, director of UCCE San Diego, ANR is able to support the UC-wide Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP). This program is designed to strengthen the engagement and preparation of high potential UC supervisors, managers and professionals by offering an intensive, off-site, assessment center experience for early career supervisors.

Laurent, who served in April 2019, said, "I enjoyed meeting the amazing and high-potential managers from all corners of the UC system. During the one-week off-site assessment sessions, I was both a teacher and a student, observing, listening and coaching assessees while itemizing my own skill deficits and grow competencies as a manager. MSAP is an effective long-term tool to boost organizational performance of the UC system. Whether you are an assessee or assessor, MSAP provides a safe space for discovery and self-discovery."

ANR needs more experienced people managers like Laurent to serve as assessors in 2020 and beyond. Please let ANR Learning & Development know of your interest in serving as an assessor by contacting Jodi Azulai at

A successful UC People Management Conference

Marisa Neelon and Jim Downing, UC People Conference 2019

Marisa Neelon and Jim Downing were ANR's attendees at the third annual UC People Management Conference at UCLA's Luskin Center Aug. 6-8, 2019.

Both agreed that THE major take-home message was that we manage things, not people. People do not respond well to being "managed." Instead we manage ourselves and set an example that then influences others.

Marisa reflected, "I am thankful for the opportunity to attend the conference, tour the UCLA campus, meet other professionals from across the UC system, hear from dynamic keynote speakers and attend interactive workshops. Highlights included practice using a design thinking process to solve a problem in a collaborative manner, drafting a professional narrative to illustrate the impact of my work, and learning about supportive strategies to be an effective leader (managing self, influencing others and humility). Overall, the conference was upbeat and inspiring and provided me with resources to grow my skills as a leader in my current position."

Jim shared, "I can honestly say that this was the best management conference or training I've ever attended. Highlights included President Napolitano's session, super-inspiring as always; the closing keynote by UC Merced's Jonathan Grady; a very well-designed workshop on strategic planning; Courtney Young-Law's workshop on Creating Your Professional Narrative; and a short, delightful leadership seminar led by Paul Butler of New Leaf Consulting. Also, the conference hotel is right in the center of the UCLA campus, a lovely place to be for two days."

If you are interested in attending the UC People Management Conference, eligibility is based on completing one of the following programs in order to attend:

Join the 2019-20 UC People Management Series Certificate networking cohort. Participate in great discussions, share successes and ask your peers for people management advice. Fill out this interest survey if you'd like to participate and you will be contacted in the beginning of December.

UC Management Development Program calls for applications (Web page)
We invite managers who manage other supervisors and/or manage complex programs or projects to apply for the upcoming program. Thirty participants from across UC Davis Campus and UC Davis Health and UC ANR will be selected from those who apply. Please ensure you can attend all modules listed below prior to your submission. The program is free to ANR managers, but you will need to provide travel funds. Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m., Sept. 6, 2019.

Module 1: People Management – Oct. 8
Module 2: Exercising Influence – Oct. 15
Module 3: Leading Change and Managing Transition – Oct. 22
Module 4: Employee Engagement – Nov. 5

Registration for the October 2019 Impact Collaborative Summit is open
Deadline to register: Sept. 20, 2019 Register here.
Oct. 15-17, 2019, Atlanta, GA

The Impact Collaborative Summit brings unique opportunities to create impactful results at the local level by increasing Cooperative Extension's organizational readiness and capacity for innovation and change, by connecting them with skills, tools, resources and partners that can expand and deepen their impact. 

We invite organizations to take advantage of their membership benefit by sending project and program teams to the Impact Collaborative Summit. Each member will receive 5 free registrations for a team to attend. Additional teams and team members are welcome to join. Community partners are welcome to participate on teams. We highly recommend sending teams that include three to five individuals focused on a project or program that is aligned with state/institutional strategic priorities.

SAVE THE DATE: Nov. 13 New Employee Orientation 
Who should attend: All UC ANR employees (academics, staff and affiliated staff on campuses, counties and RECs) who have not participated in an administrative orientation in the past. Priority will be given to those hired by ANR within the past year. The orientation will be at the UC ANR building in Davis.


SAVE THE DATE: Dec. 3-5, 
2019 NAEPSDP National Conference National Association of Extension Programs and Staff Development Professionals Annual Conference, Savannah, Ga.) Agents of Change, Creating Extension Connections.


Personal accountability. What is it and do I have it?
(article from Think, Plan, Launch)
Personal accountability can be defined as taking ownership of one's thoughts, behaviors, actions, and performance.

Someone who has developed a high level of personal accountability is resilient, resourceful, and honest. Importantly, you can count on them to follow through on the things they say they will do. They also tend to keep and maintain a positive attitude over time. Read more. Also, check out the LinkedIn Learning video Holding Yourself Accountable.

5 things NOT to say at work (adapted from Linkedin Learning Blog)
The world of work is about relationships. In most organizations, saying the right thing goes a long way in helping you gain support for a project, collaboration and new opportunities. On the flip side, saying the wrong thing, or what might cause harm to a relationship, can limit your career growth and hinder the team's ability to work together and reach optimal outcomes. Read more.

Everyone can learn something new.  

ANR Learning & Development
We are UC ANR

Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 9:03 AM

Learning and development opportunities

Register for new administrative academic and staff orientation

UC ANR employees – academics and staff – who have not participated in an administrative orientation in the past should register for the UC ANR Administrative Orientation for New Employees.

Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

UC ANR Building, 2801 Second St., Davis, CA 95618

Register now at

Come to be welcomed and

  • Learn about ANR's vision and mission
  • Learn about ANR structure and individual programs and units
  • Interact with ANR leadership and directors
  • Meet and network with new colleagues from around the state
  • Get answers to burning questions about health benefits, AggieTravel and more

 Priority will be given to those hired by ANR within the past year. 

Participants of UC Conference 2018 from left: Ricardo Vela, Jaci Westbrook, Glenda Humiston, Javier Miramontes, Leah Sourbeer, Russell Hill, Maria Fernandez.

UC People Conference is highly recommended

ANR academic and staff employees returned energized from the second annual systemwide UC People Management Conference. Their participation was sponsored by ANR Learning & Development funds. Here is what a few of them shared about their experience:

Russell Hill, 4-H Youth Development Program advisor, UCCE Merced:          

"This systemwide People Management Conference exceeded my expectations. With opportunities to participate in workshops, listen to panel discussions, and listen to keynote speakers who all tied in what it is to be a people manager and how to improve our skills, I HIGHLY recommend others attend."

Leah Sourbeer, Community Nutrition Program supervisor, UCCE Contra Costa:

"I appreciated the positive perspectives presented by the inspiring speakers. Topics such as creating a positive culture, using emotional intelligence in management, bringing out the best in staff, and how to lead staff in career development were some of the things that most resonated with me. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend and would love the chance to attend again in the future."

Javier Miramontes, Community Nutrition Program supervisor, UCCE Fresno:

"The UC people management conference was a great experience to learn from colleagues throughout the UC system about their knowledge, resources and skills they incorporate into their management style. I was able to attend workshops that focused on empowering and growing as a leader and using emotional intelligence and mindfulness to create a positive work culture that will in turn promote staff productivity."

Maria Fernandez, Database Administrator, Development Services:

"The conference was great, and I am grateful to have been able to attend. The theme was Culture Change: Grow – Empower – Lead. The keynote speakers were amazing – Robert Richman from spoke about culture hacking and Vincent Martinez spoke about shape culture: accelerate change. Our own Glenda Humiston, along with UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ and Alexander Bustamante of UCOP were all interviewed in a leadership huddle. There were several breakout sessions to choose from, everything from 'Practicing Mindfulness in the Work Place' to 'Lean Six Sigma Can Drive Results and Change Culture.' I would highly recommend the conference to anyone who has completed the training!"

Interested in applying for the 2019 conference funds? To find out how, read the next article.   

The best people managers develop their employees and themselves

Being an effective and professional people manager takes many skills and considerable development. The best people managers develop both their employees and themselves.

One of the ways ANR people managers have been developing themselves is by completing UC People Management Series Certificate modules and participating in monthly facilitated networking calls to review what they've learned, ask other supervisors for advice and share successes. Participants enjoy scenario-based role-playing, a fun and challenging group assignment, and networking.

Kendra Lewis
Kendra Lewis, academic evaluation coordinator for the 4-H YDP, who participated in this year's cohort, says:

“This series of courses has been such a valuable experience for me, not only as a supervisor, but as an ANR employee as well. It has taught me new approaches for supervising and given myself and my employee new ways to better support their work. I have even used some of the approaches in my own work as an employee. This series has also connected me with others in ANR outside of my unit or usual contacts. It has been a great experience to meet people in ANR that I have never worked with before, and now they will be a familiar face to me at ANR events! I've enjoyed the conversations and problem-solving that we engaged in as a group. I think every supervisor should take this series, even if you are only the supervisor of one (like me!).”

A new cohort will form in January 2019. If you are interested, please fill out this survey. Supervisors who complete the series will be eligible to apply for the 2019 systemwide UC People Conference and preference will be given to networking cohort participants. 

Calm your nerves before a big presentation

You're about to give a big presentation. It's an important topic and your audience is a group of stakeholders. You prepared and practiced. Are you still feeling a bit nervous? Yes? It's natural. 

Learn some helpful hints in the LinkedIn blog post below, noting that all the courses listed in this post are also available to you in your account.

How to Calm Your Nerves Before A Big Presentation.

WebANR Café Thursday

Join us on Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018, at noon for our next WebANR.

Development Services - Call us first!
Learn with members of ANR's Development Services - Fundraising 101 - best practices for interacting with donors and partnering with Development Services.
(646) 558-8656 or (669) 900-6833
Webinar ID: 963 167 636

This webinar will be recorded and linked to the Café Thursday WebANR page.

UC managing implicit bias

Increase your awareness of implicit bias and how you can help reduce its impact at the university. The series reinforces the UC diversity,equity and inclusion values that enable UC ANR to attract and retain a top talent workforce. It further supports UC ANR's commitment to developing effective leaders and managers of people. It is intended to supplement existing location programs and resources. 

You can access these eCourses in the UC Learning Center.

What is Implicit Bias? (28 min.)

The Impact of Implicit Bias (28 min.)

Common Forms of Bias (21 min.)

Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process (23 min.)

Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Awareness (24 min.)

Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias: Mindfulness and Conscious Debiasing (24 min.)

Posted on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at 2:35 PM
  • Author: Jodi Azulai

Learning and Development Update

UC Learning Center offers new look and new tools

Visit the updated online UC Learning Center and you will find enhanced learning and development tools, an improved user experience and a new look.

New features of the system include a Talent Profile, which will allow you to customize your profile and share your professional qualifications with others in the UC Davis-UC ANR Learning Center portal.

Check out your new personal dashboard “My Learner Dashboard,” which will list compliance training you need to complete.

ANR People Manager: Driving team performance

You can learn how to steer your team to better performance by watching Gartner's (formerly CEB) recorded webinar “Becoming an Enterprise Manager.” In it, you can explore

  • how you can drive better performance on your team
  • capabilities employees need to possess, and
  • how you can enable employees to work differently

Then register for the Sept. 14 webinar “Performance Management for Enterprise Contribution,” where you can learn how to:

  • Connect employees' performance goals to enterprise goals
  • Assess the enterprise contribution of your employees
  • Conduct performance conversations that improve enterprise contribution
From left, ANR's Surendra Dara, Emily Melton Casado, Jan Gonzales, Kimberly Lamar, John Fox, Shirley Salado and Lori Renstrom attended the UC People Conference.

“Grow, Empower, Lead” Conference a success

Several ANR people managers were sponsored by ANR Learning and Development funds to attend the first UC systemwide UC People Management Conference. Held on Aug. 2 and 3 at the UCLA Luskin Center, the theme of the conference was “Grow, Empower, and Lead.”

ANR managers at the conference completed or participated in one of three prerequisites: The UC People Management Certificate Series, the UC Management Development Program, or the UC-CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative.

Surendra Dara, Emily Melton Casado, Jan Gonzales, Kimberly Lamar, Shirley Salado and Lori Renstom are among the first ANR supervisors to complete the UC Performance Management Series Certificate. Lisa Fischer attended the conference as a graduate and John Fox as a participant in the CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative.

Interested in attending the conference next year? Read the following conference endorsements:

  • "Thank you UC ANR for supporting my participation in the UC People Management Conference – it was a great experience! From the networking, keynote speakers, on-point breakout sessions and resources for continued learning, I am encouraged and feel better equipped to improve capacity to successfully achieve Cooperative Extension objectives using the tools and strategies learned for positive and effective self-management and team building." - Jan Gonzales, Project Coordinator, UCCE San Diego
  • I wanted to thank ANR Learning and Development for this excellent and rewarding opportunity to attend the UC People Management Conference. It was truly inspiring and has expanded my skill set in order to “grow, empower, and lead.”  I have connected with so many across the UC system and augmented my network.” – Kimberly Lamar, Office of Contracts & Grants, Davis 
  • "This is the first time I attended a conference/training like this and found it useful. I was surprised to see the emphasis on health and well-being as well as the communication, management strategies, and leadership skills.” – Surendra Dara, Strawberry and Vegetable Crops Advisor, UCCE Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo 
  • “The conference was a very positive experience and a great way to reconnect with current colleagues, seek out new collaborations, as well as educate many in attendance on who ANR is and what great work we do. Almost all the workshops and keynote speakers were inspirational and extremely upbeat. I realized that many of the issues and problems that plague ANR, plague all the campuses as well. This led to several ‘ah ha' moments where I had to look inward to really analyze how my actions and behaviors affected those around me – some of which weren't too positive. I have vowed to work harder on keeping and maintaining that positive attitude that was so prevalent at the conference. – Lori Renstrom, Administrative Officer 3, UCCE San Diego
  • The UC People Management Conference was an excellent source for information. Much of the content allowed for self-reflection, helping to identify strengths and weaknesses as managers. I would highly recommend this conference to anyone willing to be introspective while engaging and interacting with other managers across the UC system. –Emily Melton Casado, Financial Services Manager, BOC-Kearney

For more information about professional development in managing people, see the ANR Learning & Development People Manager Page.

Six principles of an effective meeting

Are you planning a meeting and want it to be productive? You can increase the effectiveness of your next meeting by incorporating the advice of David Crenshaw in this LinkedIn Learning Blog and you can take his course "Leading Productive Meetings."

Get sleep, learn a new skill

Are you tired on a regular basis? Does it affect your ability at home and on the job? See the study by Karunesh Ganguly, associate professor of neurology at UCSF, on how sleep may affect learning and Arianna Huffington's course Thrive 01: Discovering Meditation and Sleep to help you get the rest you need!

Three talking points to help an overwhelmed colleague

If you could prevent a "train wreck" for one of your overwhelmed co-workers, direct reports or boss, what would you do? In this 2.5-minute video, Jones Loflin offers three talking points to help.


Posted on Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 2:49 PM
  • Author: Jodi Azulai

Read more

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