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Posts Tagged: strategic initiatives

Strategic Initiative Brief: Spotlight webinar series, invasive pests, virtual reach


SI Spotlight webinar series continuing strong: Building resilient food systems and managing invasive pests

The food systems series being coordinated by the Healthy Families and Communities and Sustainable Food Systems Strategic Initiatives teams continues to explore how to reimagine our food systems. Sign up below and join us for the remaining webinars - on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month through at least November - to continue the discussion. Please let us know if you're interested in providing leadership or participating in a webinar for this series.

Contacts: Deanne Meyer and Lynn Schmitt McQuitty 

Webinar #1 - Food Safety and COVID-19 (video) Slides (PDF) 

Webinar #2 - California Food Systems: Partnerships and Resources (video) Slides (PDF) Resource Kit (PDF)

Webinar #3 - The Ins and Outs of Niche Marketing Meat (video) Slides (PDF) Resource Kit (PDF)

Webinar #4 - Beef Supply Chain and Market Disruptions (uploaded soon)

Sept. 8, 2020 | Webinar #5 - Farm Boxes and Food Hubs: Building Local Food System Resilience During COVID-19 register here

Sept. 22, 2020 | Webinar #6 - Victory Gardens Then and Now register here

Oct. 13, 2020 | Webinar #7 - Increasing Resiliency of Farmers' Market & Equitable Access to Fresh, Local Produce register here

Oct. 27, 2020 | Webinar #8 - Re-imagining Food Systems: Emerging Strategies for Regional Food Systems Resulting from COVID-19 register here

Nov. 10, 2020 | Webinar #9 - date available

Nov. 24, 2020 | Webinar #10 - date available

Visit the Spotlight webinars page for recordings. 


Invasive pests can affect almost all aspects of our lives - our gardens, our communities, our food systems, our natural ecosystems. The Endemic and Invasive Pest & Diseases (EIPD) SI is in the process of designing a multipart webinar series on managing invasive pests to help us understand what's the problem along with what we can and should do. Stay tuned to hear more. 

Contact: Jim Farrar 


Virtual reach continues to grow

Across the organization, people continue to explore and improve their skills to develop and deliver our educational content. An example of success is the 40% increase (around 300,000 views) in video viewing across UC IPM and UC Master Gardener channels. For the first time, the number of views topped 1 million. In another development, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC compiled some 20+ lessons online for virtual access and use through school curricula. 

See how you can improve your skills - visit the UC ANR Learning & Development Site ( to learn more about: 

AppsInformation on some of the emerging tools, including how to access GSuite.

Online courses. Check out the recently developed Checklist: online course minimum standards.

Video. Develop your "How-to" video making skills

Virtual Consultations. Get some Virtual consultation tips.  

Webinars. Pick up some pointers from the engaging webinars checklist or explore deeper to develop your webinar skills

All these materials have been developed with input from many, many colleagues. 


What's in the pipeline

The SIs offer a home for strategic thought, drawing on members of the wider UC ANR community and beyond as we seek to address issues of current and emerging importance. In the discussion pipeline, we have: 

Disaster response - How to contribute and position ourselves for broader impact, recognizing the tremendous progress made by the Fire group

Funding models

Engaging AES and Program Teams

Being relevant 

  • What might/should the Extension of the future look like? How do we stay relevant - e.g., addressing urban extension needs. What could we look like? What partnerships to pursue? 
  • What could post-COVID-19 tertiary education look like? What could be the role of UC ANR (re: community colleges, CSUs, UCs, internships…)?
  • Virtual tours

Let us know what skills or tips you found useful and what more you'd like to learn.

For more on the SIs and their activities, contact:

Jim Farrar (EIPD)

David Lewis (Water)

David Lile (SNE)

Deanne Meyer (SFS)

Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty (HFC)

Mark Bell (Strategic Initiatives and Statewide Programs)


Posted on Friday, August 28, 2020 at 9:28 AM
  • Author: Mark Bell

Strategic Initiative Brief: Food System Resiliency webinar series is off and running


Building a resilient food system: Webinar series is off and running 

Worried about our food system? Healthy Families and Communities and Sustainable Food Systems Strategic Initiatives are encouraging continued discussions on how to reimagine them. Sign up below and join us for Food System Resiliency webinars on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, through at least November, to continue the discussion.

Please let us know if you're interested in providing leadership or participating in a webinar for this series. Contacts: Deanne Meyer (SYS SI leader) and Lynn Schmitt McQuitty (HFC SI leader). The six-part series covers:

Webinar #1 - Food Safety and COVID-19 (July 14) See Slides (PDF) 

Webinar #2 - California Food Systems: Partnerships and Resources(July 28) See Slides (PDF) 

Webinar #3 - The Ins and Outs of Niche Marketing Meat (Aug 11) register here

Webinar #4 - Beef Supply Chain and Market Disruptions (Aug 25) register here

Webinar #5 - TBD (Sept 8)

Webinar #6 - Victory Gardens Then and Now (Sept 22) register here

Visit the Spotlight webinars page to see recordings. 

Growing Reach and Impact by Enhancing Our Virtual Skills

We continue to explore and develop materials to help us better use virtual tools. Visit the UC ANR Learning & Development Site ( to learn more about:

Lucky winners will soon receive one of 20 video production kits supplied in recognition of their video production efforts.(Contacts: David Lewis and David Lile

All of these materials have been developed with input from many, many colleagues. Let us know what skills or tips you found useful and what more you'd like to learn. 

Covid19 is having us explore our virtual delivery options.








For more on the SIs and their activities, contact:

Jim Farrar (EIPD)

David Lewis (Water)

David Lile (SNE)

Deanne Meyer (SFS)

Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty (HFC)

Mark Bell (Strategic Initiatives and Statewide Programs)

Posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 5:07 PM
  • Author: Mark Bell

Strategic Initiative Brief: Virtual consultations, food system resiliency, growing reach


June - sharing skills 

Want to try a virtual consultation? 

Save time, get the job done and keep safe by consulting virtually. Here are some notes from Dan Macon on virtual consultations. Please send any related tips or other suggestions to Mark Bell

Food System Resiliency Webinar Series begins July 14

Join the Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Families and Communities Strategic Initiative leaders for the Food Systems Resiliency Webinar Series taking place on the second and fourth Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., beginning July 14. 

Webinar presentations will provide up-to-date information and identify resources available for UC ANR and community partners. Ample time will be used for questions and answers, identification of information gaps and connecting people with like interests. 

Food system resiliency will be viewed through food safety, California food systems partnerships and resources and Victory Gardens Then and Now to name a few.  Other perspectives include input from growers, ranchers, shippers, marketing, consumers, farmers markets, CSAs, families and youth.  If you are interested in submitting a panel proposal, link to

July 14, 10 a.m. – Food safety and COVID-19 presented by Erin DiCaprio and Alda Pires

This webinar introduces food safety concerns that have arisen during COVID-10 pandemic. Useful videos, websites and access to print materials will be shared. Additional information on consumer food and garden safety will be shared that have broad application beyond the current pandemic.

Register at

July 28, 10 a.m. – California Food systems: Partnerships and Resources.  

Please join moderator Kamal Khaira, UC CalFresh director, as we learn more about programs, resources and services that can support children and families during this unprecedented time. The main topics will cover ways to secure benefits and access nutritious foods. Speakers include: 

  • Brian Kaiser, California Department of Social Services bureau chief for CalFresh and Nutrition Program Family Engagement and Empowerment Division
  • Andy Naja-Riese, CEO Agricultural Institute of Marin
  • Leyla Marandi, program manager for California Food for California Kids Center for Ecoliteracy

Register at

More information will be posted at

Growing reach - "Owning YouTube"

Thank you to the more than 180 individuals who participated in the recent four-part video training series. If you missed the training, it is available online. More than 40 UC ANR staff and academics, who participated in the training, accessed funding provided to purchase equipment and software. 

The pipeline for submitting your how-to video productions and having them posted on ANR's main YouTube channels (UCANR and UCANRSpanish) is open for business. Be on the lookout for an ANR how-to video contest in the coming year.

Let us know what skills or tips you found useful and what more you'd like to learn. 

For more on the SIs and their activities, contact:

Jim Farrar (EIPD)

David Lewis (Water)

David Lile (SNE)

Deanne Meyer (SFS)

Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty (HFC)

Mark Bell (Strategic Initiatives and Statewide Programs)



Posted on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 5:37 PM
  • Author: Mark Bell
Tags: June 2020 (20), Strategic Initiatives (42), video (5)

Strategic Initiative Brief: Spotlight on Urban IPM and enhancing our virtual skills


Karey Windbiel-Rojas shared ideas on how we can all help protect the environment through careful management of urban pest management.

May Spotlight Webinar 

For the May Spotlight webinar, hosted by Jim Farrar of EIPD, Karey Windbiel-Rojas shared ideas on how we can all help protect our rivers and waterways through more careful management of urban pest management. The Spotlight videos offer short, sharp overviews of impact stories from across the state. Watch her presentation at Educating urban audiences to protect water quality (video). 

Growing reach and impact by enhancing our virtual skills

Driven (in part) by the COVID-19 need, the SIs continue to support the building of our organization's skills to deliver virtually through both "how-to" videos and engaging webinars. 

The interest in both topics was high as demonstrated by over 150 people participating in each of the series! 

Owning YouTube

The four-part video webinar series clearly laid out the task that lies ahead. please visit the UC ANR Learning & Development video skills website to find materials that can help you advance your skills.  

Special thanks to David Lewis, David Lile, Linda Forbes, Petr Kosina, Dustin Blakey and Jolynn Miller for all their effort and support.

Webinar tips to better engage your audience. 

This four-part series presented a series of tips and techniques to better use technology (e.g., Zoom) and to better design and run your actual webinars and online training. 

Check the UC ANR Learning & Development site for the webinar tips checklist or to find more about developing your webinar skills

Many thanks to Liliana Vega, Russell Hill, Jodi Azulai and the folds from eXtension for supporting this series

Let us know what skills or tips you found useful and what more you'd like to learn. 

For more on the SIs and their activities, contact

Jim Farrar: Pests EIPD

David Lile: Natural Ecosystems SNE

David Lewis: Water

Deanne Meyer: Food Systems SFS

Lynn Schmitt McQuitty: Families and Communities HFC

Mark Bell: Vice Provost SIs & SWPs

Posted on Friday, May 29, 2020 at 1:30 PM
  • Author: Mark Bell

SI Brief: Want video in your toolkit?

video screenshot
Now more than ever, the video format can help us expand our educational outreach.

Want to produce Oscar-winning videos?

Well, we can't quite promise that, but we can help you develop your own videos and video skills - producing something you can be proud of and something that can help the people of California.

So where are we in the series?

Part 3 is a self-learning step about Editing Video and Audio. Access and complete the editing tutorial here. This step builds on how you have planned your project with a storyboard or script (Part 1) and captured the video and audio (Part 2). Now, your next step is editing the project. This clinic gives you hands-on experience in both video and audio editing.

But what if I missed Parts 1 and 2?

No problem! The recording of the Part 2 webinar “How-to of How to videos” is available here.

And don't forget Part 1 – a self-learning opportunity where you prepare a rough draft video production storyboard.

  1. Start by reading this factsheet about creating a storyboard and script for a video production by Petr Kosina from UC IPM 
  2. Then capture and organize your ideas for a video project you have in mind

Training resources for continued learning and to support your video projects

For more on the SIs and their activities, contact

Jim Farrar: Pests EIPD

David Lile: Natural Ecosystems SNE

David Lewis: Water

Deanne Meyer: Food Systems SFS

Lynn Schmitt McQuitty: Families and Communities HFC

Mark Bell: Vice Provost SIs & SWPs

Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 11:32 PM

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