ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

4-H & Families

Unifying, communicating and advocating

People work better when they are part of a supportive team. With people scattered across 57 counties, six campuses, and nine research and extension centers, connecting people across UC ANR can be tough.

Our UC ANR Jigsaw consists of 50+ workgroups (formal and informal), 18 (active) Program Teams and five Strategic Initiatives (SI), which all have a role to play in helping us connect and communicate.

Recent SI efforts have focused on identifying which of our groups are active and the lessons for successful connecting.

The SI leaders organized a pair of webinars to engage with Program Team leaders. They used the webinar discussion to highlight ongoing efforts, clarify opportunities, build connections and improve communication. A recording of the Oct. 8 webinar led by Water SI leader David Lewis can be viewed at

If you only do one thing: If you aren't connected as well as you would like, visit this page and contact a leader from one of the Work Groups, Program Teams or an SI leader.

And if you do two more things:  Provide input here on our current Program Team themes and share your ideas to help us unify, communicate and advocate here.

To read about  other connecting and communicating activities being developed by the SIs to promote the work of UC ANR, see the September SI Brief.

For more information, contact your SI leadership team: 

Posted on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 3:57 PM

Instagram Tips and Tricks Nov. 13

Dan Macon uses Instagram to tell people about his livestock guardian dog research.
Join UC Cooperative Extension advisors Rose Hayden-Smith and Dan Macon at 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 13, to learn how they use Instagram for outreach.

Instagram is a photo and video-sharing social networking service. "It's an ideal place to share your ANR story,"Hayden-Smith says.

In this fast-paced webinar, the two UCCE advisors will cover the basics of using Instagram, building a great profile, publishing posts, creating Instagram stories and more.

Discussion topics will include:

  • Techniques and best practices to use the platform most effectively.
  • A few quick tips for using your smart phone to shoot pictures and video (and for posting).
  • Finding your online community and building an audience for your work.
  • Tips to manage your Instagram account efficiently.

Participants will also be provided access to a range of resources and tools to support their Instagram efforts.

Join via Zoom: 
1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 751 701 428


Posted on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 11:39 AM

Healthy Over the Holidays begins Nov. 25

Dust off your holiday hats and bring your holiday cheer because Healthy Over the Holidays begins Nov. 25! Join UC ANR Staff Wellness Committee in this four-week program and end your year on a wellness high note.

Participants will receive weekly emails with hints and strategies for adopting healthy behaviors throughout the holidays. The program will also provide tips and support for improving nutrition, physical activity, and mental/emotional well-being.

The first 100 individuals to sign up for the program will receive a small gift for choosing to participate. At the end of the four-week challenge, program participants who complete a survey will be entered into a raffle for one of three prizes – 2 FitBit Charge 3s or a bamboo cutting board. 

Additionally, one site will be selected to receive a group prize. Sign up by Nov. 12 at Check with your Staff Ambassador for further program details! 

- UC ANR Staff Assembly Wellness Committee

Posted on Monday, October 28, 2019 at 4:22 PM
  • Author: Kaela Plank

Employee comments invited for emerita/emeritus titles

UC invites comments on proposed revisions to Academic Personnel Manual Section 120 (APM - 120), Emerita/Emeritus Titles.

In May of 2018, the Board of Regents rescinded Standing Order 103.5 relating to the conferral of emeritus status and incorporated the provisions into Regents Policy 1203: Policy on Emerita/Emeritus Title Suffix. The revised Regents Policy changed eligibility requirements regarding automatic emeritus status for non-tenured Senate faculty, such as Professors of Clinical (e.g., Medicine), Professors in Residence, and Lecturers with Security of Employment. Recommended changes to the Regents Policy were developed with the input of the Academic Senate and UCOP Academic Affairs.

Because APM policy cannot conflict with Regents Policy, technical revisions to APM - 120 were issued on July 1, 2019, to conform with revised Regents Policy 1203. As noted in the July 1, 2019 issuance letter, we anticipated that a systemwide review of APM - 120 would be forthcoming to consider whether systemwide criteria for the recommendation of non-tenured Senate faculty was necessary, among other things. Summarized below are the proposed key revisions that are now being distributed for systemwide review.  

  • Gender inclusive title suffix. For the purposes of APM - 120, the abbreviation of “Emer.” is proposed to be recognized as the gender inclusive form of the title suffix. Academic appointees may choose to use the title suffix Emerita, Emeritus or the abbreviation of “Emer.”
  • Criteria for the recommendation of non-tenured Senate faculty.Some campuses expressed a desire for systemwide criteria regarding the emeriti status of non-tenured Senate faculty, while other campuses expressed a desire to be permitted to develop local criteria through local campus policies and procedures. The revised policy proposes that these individuals be judged by “evidence of noteworthy and meritorious contributions to the educational mission and programs of the University, as determined by local procedures.”
  • Disqualification criteria. Criteria for the disqualification of non-tenured Senate faculty or non-Senate appointees is proposed in APM - 120-10-c and -d. This language mirrors the language contained in Regents Policy 1203 concerning Senior Management Group appointees.
  • Deans and Faculty Administrators. A new subsection, APM - 120-10-e, is proposed to address the conferral of the Emerita/Emeritus/Emer. title suffix for Dean or Faculty Administrator titles.  In addition, new language has been added to APM - 120-10-a to clarify that individuals must hold a title at the time of retirement in order to be eligible to be conferred the title suffix with that particular title.
  • Definition of “retirement” for Savings Choice participants. Under the Savings Choice program, there is no longer a formal “retirement” for participants due to the nature of the program. For the purposes of APM - 120, it is proposed that “retirement” for Savings Choice participants be defined as separation from the University after reaching normal retirement age (as defined in the UCRP) with five or more years of service.
  • Clarification of curtailment authority. Language is proposed in APM - 120-24 to clarify authority for the curtailment of emeritus status.
  • Rescission and incorporation of Appendix A. The previous Appendix A documents relating to space resource allocation are proposed for rescission, as the key principles of the documents have been incorporated into the policy text in APM - 120-80-d.

The proposed revisions to APM - 120, Emerita/Emeritus Title Suffix, are posted under the “Systemwide Review” tab at

If you have any questions or if you wish to comment, please contact Robin Sanchez at, no later than Feb. 28, 2020.



Posted on Monday, October 28, 2019 at 11:32 AM
Tags: emeriti (1), October 2019 (13), policy (78)

Learning & Development: Foreign travel with a laptop, Measuring outcomes, Wellness


Check out the continuing learning opportunities provided through ANR Learning & Development. ANR Webinars are recorded and archived here.

Export Control: What is export and how does it affect me?
Wednesday, Nov. 6
9:30 a.m.-10:30 am
Planning to travel abroad and taking your laptop? Have you ever wanted to know more about the fundamental research exclusion? Tune in to find out more about Export Control.

With Kathleen Nolan, ANR Office of Contracts and Grants.

Zoom access:
1 669 900 6833 
Webinar ID: 723 407 963

Wellness @ Work (Recorded on Oct. 17, 2019.)
During our October WebANR a chat came through to our presenter, Satinder Gill, Pysch. D. UC Davis: "My job isn't particularly stressful regarding responsibilities. But its more of the interactions with other that causes distress. I find my boss as well as a few others around the office to be high stress individuals or unhappy. Since I transfer those emotions easily over to myself it ends up making me moody too. How can I deal with that? Sometimes it feels like it ruins my day (how others feel or act) and it makes me anxious or feel isolated because they I avoid certain people to avoid negativity or feeling that way. Question: What can I do about this? Listen to the Recording to find out what you can do about stresses that arise for you at work.

Practical Methods to Measuring Outcomes
Nov. 7, ANR Building, Davis
Dec. 10, Kearney REC, Parlier

Please register here and request travel funds provided by ANR Learning & Development budget.

 Workshop desired outcomes: Participants will gain...

  • understanding of and experience in defining outcomes and identifying measurable indicators for your programs
  • understanding of evaluation data collection approaches and methods used by UCCE
  • progress on your outcomes evaluation plans/efforts

Led by Katherine Webb-Martinez, Associate Director of UC ANR Program Planning and Evaluation Office; Vikram Koundinya, UCCE evaluation specialist; and UCCE advisor co-presenters TBA. 

Writing Strong Impact Statements
Nov. 8, ANR Building, Davis
Dec. 11, Kearney REC, Parlier

Please register here and request travel funds provided by ANR Learning & Development budget. 

Workshop desired outcomes: Participants will gain understanding and practice

  • organizing your program activities into themes for the merit and promotion process
  • using basic logic model techniques to connect program outcomes to UC ANR condition changes and public value
  • identifying condition change indicators to strengthen impact writing
  • writing impact statements for your programs -- for your merit and promotion efforts, for UC Delivers, and other communications

Led by Katherine Webb-Martinez, associate director of UC ANR Program Planning and Evaluation Office, and Mark Lagrimini, vice provost of research and extension.

New Employee Administrative Orientation
Nov. 13, 2019
ANR Building, Davis

Who should attend: All UC ANR Employees (academics, staff and affiliated staff on campuses, counties and RECs) who have not participated in an administrative orientation in the past. Priority will be given to those hired by ANR within the past year. Register here.

Communicating Your Story: Instagram
November 13, 2019
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

  • Techniques and best practices to use the platform most effectively.
  • A few quick tips for using your smart phone to shoot pictures and video (and for posting).
  • Finding your online community and building an audience for your work.
  • Tips to manage your Instagram account efficiently.

With Rose Hayden-Smith, CE advisor and Strategic Communications, and Dan Macon, CE advisor for Placer, Nevada, Sutter & Yuba counties
1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 751 701 428

UC Delivers - now in easy to use blog format!
Nov. 21, 2019

UC Delivers communicates your project's measured outcomes and how these contribute to broader UC ANR condition changes and public value statements. This presentation will include:

  • how to navigate the ANR website to find the UC Delivers blog
  • a step-by-step guide on writing a UC Delivers more here.

Disability Management for Supervisors (3-hr In-person; UC Davis; Registration required; 4/16/2020)

This course addresses what supervisors need to know regarding the requirements to accommodate employees with disabilities under federal and state law as well as university policy. If classes are filled, sign up for the wait-list. Register here

Foreign Influence: What is foreign influence and how can I comply?

Wednesday, Dec. 4
9:30 a.m-10:30 am
The university has observed heightened awareness and increased activity related to the issue of foreign influence in academia. Learn about new requirements and guidance to better understand the evolving compliance landscape.

With Kathleen Nolan, ANR Office of Contracts and Grants.

Zoom access:
1 669 900 6833 
Webinar ID: 502 451 113

People Managers - Join the 2020 UC People Networking Cohort! 

Starting in January 2020

Enroll now to participate in 11, one-hour ANR-facilitated discussions for supervisor development and upskilling! Share challenges and successes with peers. Learn how to increase employee performance, engagement, and team collaboration. Join discussions based on the UC People Management Series Certificate on how to be an effective people manager. Register by Dec. 20, 2019. For more information, email

Finding Your Time Management Style (LinkedIn Learning)

  • Modify your time management system to suit your style.
  • Use the variety-consistency assessment to discover your time management style.
  • Adapt your time management system to suit the needs of your team.
  • Show coworkers how to discover their time management style.
  • Evaluate your language to collaborate more effectively.

Management Tips Weekly (LinkedIn Learning)

In this series, Todd Dewett, PhD, shares the tips respected and motivated managers use to improve rapport, navigate tricky situations, build better relationships, and drive the business forward. Each installment, is two tips ranging from avoiding the dreaded micromanagement, to managing a multigenerational workforce, cultivating better listening skills, and developing an understanding of your organization's politics.

Career Catalyst Lunchtime Series
UC Davis, Zoom options!

New! My UC Career (Demo)
UC Career Development Portal

Wellness workshops and other resources
In-person and Zoom options) at UC Davis.


Everyone can learn something new.



Posted on Friday, October 25, 2019 at 4:48 PM

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