SPECIAL EVENT - Tastes of Italy - FULL
4145 Branch Center Road (map below) ,
Contact: UCCE Master Food Preservers of Sacramento County
Sponsor: UCCE Master Food Preservers of Sacramento County

Sorry this special event is full, but we have a waiting list in case we get last minute cancellations.

Join us for an evening of Italian cooking.

We’ll can some tomatoes, make some pesto for the freezer, and then we’ll dive into making pasta to put it on.

Registration will include: ingredients, jars, resource material and use of UCCE Master Food Preserver equipment. We will provide tomatoes, basil and everything you need to make and take home:

  • one quart jar of herbed tomatoes
  • one half pint jar of pesto
  • approximately one half pound of pasta made from scratch, to dry at home

Registration may include 1 guest.

This is an in-person, hands-on workshop. 

When: Wednesday, September 18.  There are 2 sessions:

  • 1 till 4 PM
  • 6 till 9 PM

Fee: $50

Location:  UCCE Sacramento, 4145 Branch Center Road, Sacramento CA 95827 (map/directions)