Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of California
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Posts Tagged: Wildfire

UCCE report: Local forest restoration teams effective at rapid response

UC Cooperative Extension and Feather River Resource Conservation District staff lead landowners on a tour in October 2022 of lands treated through efforts of the local Emergency Forest Restoration Team. Photo by Daylin Wade

Quickly planting trees after wildfires crucial for communities, ecosystems, carbon goals

As the climate crisis fuels more high-severity wildfires, many forests – adapted to bounce back from frequent but less-intense fires – are struggling to recover quickly.

“In a lot of locations, forests in the Sierra Nevada that burn at high severity are not regenerating on their own,” said Susie Kocher, University of California Cooperative Extension forestry and natural resources advisor for the Central Sierra. “They need to have living trees to drop seeds; if everything dies in an intense fire, then there's a high likelihood in those locations that trees might not return for a while.”

According to Kocher, a forest may take multiple decades to grow back on its own, seeding in very slowly from the edges of a burn. To speed up that regeneration process, a pilot program of local “Emergency Forest Restoration Teams,” or EFRTs, have been helping forest landowners rapidly remove dead trees, plant new seedlings and expedite other vital tasks after wildfires.

Kocher is a co-author of a recently released report evaluating the EFRTs, which appear to be effective in assisting often-overwhelmed private landowners navigate competitive funding programs and complicated permitting pathways after wildfire. Small private landowners in California own 7 million acres, comprising 22% of forested land across the state.

“None of our current assistance programs were really designed to rapidly respond to high-severity fire disasters,” Kocher said. “And we're just getting so much more high-severity fire now that there needed to be a different way of helping people, besides business as usual.”

Lead agencies improve coordination of restoration efforts

Drawing from a successful model in Washington, Kocher and other members of the Governor's Forest Management Task Force recommended the formation of EFRTs in 2019 and this recommendation made it into the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan of 2021.

A healthy ponderosa pine seedling planted by the Caldor EFRT on private land in 2023. Severely burned, untreated forest land can be seen in the background. Photo by Daylin Wade

Following the Caldor, Dixie and Tamarack fires during that year, disaster relief funds from CAL FIRE and the U.S. Forest Service enabled the establishment of pilot EFRTs in each of the affected regions. A key innovation was designating a local lead agency to coordinate restoration efforts: the El Dorado Resource Conservation District (Caldor), the Feather River Resource Conservation District (Dixie) and Alpine County (Tamarack).

“The idea is that one well-established local agency gets the funds to carry out all the reforestation work,” Kocher said. “They find contractors for the landowners and plan and carry out all the work needed, including dead tree removal, site preparation and replanting; this helps it be more coordinated across the landscape and reduces competition for contractors.”

“Also, for most of that work, there's no cost to the landowner – which is a huge benefit to them, because these things can get really expensive, like many thousands of dollars an acre,” Kocher added.

Although there was an initial steep learning curve for the local lead agencies on the complexities of reforestation and the maze of required permits, they quickly executed a significant number of forest restoration treatments. Within two years, the three pilot teams had collectively completed over 2,500 acres of dead tree removal and 1,400 acres of conifer planting.

“The overwhelming benefit of the pilots was that a lot of work got done on the ground, that otherwise would not have been done – at least not in the timeframe that was made possible by the EFRTs,” said Daylin Wade, a UCCE staff research associate and co-author of the recent report, who synthesized feedback from interviews of professionals involved in the program.

Rapid reforestation better financially, ecologically

Both Wade and Kocher underscored how the EFRTs were crucial in completing restoration tasks in a timely manner. Removal of dead wood becomes trickier and more expensive over time, as the trees decay and are dangerous to cut down.

“A major accomplishment was getting trees out of there while it was both safe and economically viable to remove those trees – and getting trees in the ground before shrubs dominate the site,” Wade explained.

It's also imperative to quickly remove the dead trees to reduce the fuel load and minimize the chances of re-burn in the area.

“If you're not doing this work, then you're actually endangering the investment that you're putting into rebuilding communities that burned, because they're in danger of burning again if you have huge piles of dead trees everywhere,” Kocher said.

Furthermore, expediting those tasks helps restore the forest cover that is crucial for sequestering carbon and achieving the goals of California's sweeping climate action plan – such as attaining carbon neutrality by 2045.

“We have very ambitious carbon goals for our forests in California, and so reestablishing them – even on private lands – is a public benefit,” Kocher said.

Evaluation of EFRTs by UC Cooperative Extension continues

In addition to enumerating the progress of the three EFRT case studies, the evaluation report also lists recommendations to further enhance the program, such as securing rapid and flexible funding for future EFRTs, improving guidance for local lead agencies and streamlining permitting processes.

The authors also stressed the need to expand opportunities for the commercial sale of woody material in the aftermath of a wildfire event. Selling logs and wood chips reduces the volume of material that would need to processed onsite by the EFRTs and their contractors, thereby defraying some of the costs for that work.

But there simply hasn't been a sufficient market for that woody biomass.

“It's a big barrier,” Kocher said. “If we had a healthier timber market, it would be easier to make this stuff pay its own way and be less of a subsidized endeavor.”

UC Cooperative Extension's EFRT evaluation work – made possible by funding from the U.S. Forest Service State, Private and Tribal Forestry, Region 5 – will continue for the next couple years. On the heels of this first report, Wade will next gather and summarize feedback from private landowners on whether the EFRTs are meeting their goals.

And, later this summer and fall, researchers will begin assessing the ecological success of the plantings in the restoration areas, surveying seedling survival and gauging the volume of competing vegetation.

“It's hugely encouraging that we've gotten all these trees in the ground, but it's not the end of the process – it's just the beginning,” Kocher said. “Trees and forests need to be maintained over time, so this next step will let us see how successful that has been, and if there are additional steps needed to actually ensure that these trees succeed and thrive.”

The full report, dedicated to the memory of report co-author and UCCE advisor Ryan Tompkins, can be found at https://ucanr.edu/efrt.

Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 9:39 AM
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Innovation, Natural Resources

Report: Making homes more resistant to wildfire can be affordable

Steve Quarles demonstrates how embers can ignite dry leaf debris and melt plastic gutters. Photo by Evett Kilmartin

Priorities include removing objects within five feet of a house, upgrading vents

Wildfire losses cost taxpayers and communities hundreds of billions of dollars each year, and preparing communities before a disaster occurs is the best way to avoid damage to homes and neighborhoods. Retrofitting existing homes can make communities safer while avoiding billions in disaster costs.

As Californians learn to live with wildfire, scientists encourage improving the structure and design of houses and other buildings to help them survive wildfire. A new report shows that even inexpensive changes can increase wildfire resistance.

Retrofitting a Home for Wildfire Resistance” suggests that some of the most effective strategies to reduce the vulnerability of homes and neighborhoods to wildfire can be done affordably.

“This report is a practical tool that helps evaluate the relative costs and benefits of fire-hardening retrofits,” said Yana Valachovic, a University of California Cooperative Extension forest advisor, who reviewed the study. “These retrofits can substantially improve the odds that a home or building will withstand wildfire exposures to embers, radiant heat or flame contact.”

The report is co-authored by Kimiko Barrett, wildfire research and policy analyst for Headwaters Economics, a non-partisan research organization based in Bozeman, Montana, and Stephen L. Quarles, UC Cooperative Extension advisor emeritus, who has studied the vulnerability of the built environment to wildfire exposures and potential mitigation strategies.

In partnership with California's Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or CAL FIRE, Barrett and Quarles examined the costs for improving the structure and design of existing homes to increase their wildfire resistance.

“This tool can also help homeowners build a budget and prioritize tasks that often feel overwhelming,” Valachovic said. “Everyone should prioritize removing combustible vegetation, mulch, and stored materials within the first five feet of a structure and upgrading vents to resist embers.”

Quarles examines a window broken by radiant heat from a fence and plants burning nearby after the 2018 Camp Fire. Photo by Yana Valachovic

Simple actions can reduce a home's vulnerability to wildfire

The report's conclusions are derived from a detailed examination of the latest available science on mitigation strategies and construction costs. The authors identified costs for retrofitting structures to meet and exceed California's building code (Chapter 7A) for wildfire resistance, but the general principles and conclusions can be applied in other states, adjusting for local economic and supply conditions.

For a typical 2,000-square-foot home in California, retrofitting costs can range from $2,000 to upwards of $100,000 for the highest level of protection.

“When we looked at the latest building techniques and cost data, we found some effective retrofitting strategies can be done for between $2,000 to $10,000,” said Barrett. “While the highest level of protection can cost more, it is often not necessary. Simple actions such as removing flammable materials from near the home and removing debris from the roof can be done at little to no cost.”

The authors also incorporated effective mitigation strategies that could reduce risk without requiring costly upgrades over the entire home, such as replacing siding only on the side of a home that is close to another building, such as neighbor's home or a detached garage, or replacing combustible deck boards next to the home with a noncombustible deck board or metal grate.

They also incorporated a systems approach, where the vulnerability of adjacent components are considered, and recommend steps such as placing noncombustible surfaces at the intersection between two components.

For example, Quarles said: “Adding a gutter cover and ensuring the adjacent edge of roof is not vulnerable by incorporating a metal drip edge and, if necessary, a noncombustible bird stop at the edge of the roof. Or, replacing a combustible deck board next to the house and, if necessary, adding metal flashing at the base of the exterior wall.”

Cost estimates in the report include those for upgrading a home's exterior walls, roof, deck, windows, doors, eaves, gutters and near-home landscaping – all areas likely to be exposed to embers, direct flames and radiant heat.

“The graphics detailing specific elements of the retrofitting process are very useful,” Valachovic said.

Charts, architectural renderings and a detailed appendix of cost estimates provide a basis for a general understanding of the methods and budgets that homeowners might consider when retrofitting their home for wildfire resistance.

The downloadable report offers cost estimates for home improvements that can offer enhanced wildfire resistance, such as at wall-to-deck intersections.

Retrofitting for wildfire can make communities safer

Contractors and others seeking information about building wildfire-resistant homes can gain valuable insights from this analysis, along with retrofit costs generated by the California Wildfire Mitigation Program.

“This analysis demonstrates that investing in wildfire-resistant retrofitting for homes is a cost-effective strategy to protect communities that could save billions in disaster costs,” said Barrett. “As more people live in fire-prone areas, we must also take a closer look at retrofitting homes to be stronger and more durable.”

While the authors hope Californians use the information to protect their homes, people who work in construction, development, design and policy also can use the information to show that retrofitting homes for wildfire resistance is an effective way to protect communities.

This 58-page report received funding from CAL FIRE and the U.S. Forest Service and can be downloaded for free at https://headwaterseconomics.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Wildfire_Retrofit_Report_20240624.pdf.

Posted on Monday, July 22, 2024 at 12:50 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Family, Health

Lawn-pocalypse! Surviving Drought

Ah, summer! The season of sunburns, pool parties, and… lawn droughts. If your once lush, green carpet now looks like a crunchy brown doormat, you're not alone. Let's dive into why your yard is staging a dramatic death scene and what you can do to...

Bermuda grass and weeds overtaking drought stressed turf grass.
Bermuda grass and weeds overtaking drought stressed turf grass.

A patch of former lawn, mostly dead, with a few green weeds and Bermudagrass

Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 3:30 PM
Tags: drought, turf
Focus Area Tags: Yard & Garden

Public invited to observe prescribed fire training in Santa Cruz County


Professional foresters, forest managers and fire practitioners will gather for prescribed fire training. Photo by Barbara Satink Wolfson

First Forester TREX to be held June 3-6

California's first-ever Forester Prescribed Fire Training Exchange event focused on bringing together professional foresters, forest managers and fire practitioners will occur June 3-6 near Watsonville. The four-day event is being hosted by the Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association, which empowers the public to build a culture of good fire and supports private landowners in conducting prescribed burns in Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties.

There will be one burn conducted during the event, likely on June 4 or 5, which will be open for the public to observe.

Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges (TREXs) first came to Northern California in 2013, and have made a positive cultural shift concerning prescribed fire, within both regional fire services and the general public. These “good fire” TREX events have drawn significant attention, especially in the context of more severe wildfire seasons.

After months of cross-organizational planning, the four-day long training will be focused on exploring the connections between sustainable forest management, wildfire resilience, timber harvesting, prescribed fire, and will include a burn within a commercially harvested redwood forest. The TREX will provide experiential training opportunities to forest managers and planners to advance statewide knowledge of how to conduct prescribed fire in merchantable timber stands.

Along with the prescribed burn, the program will include lectures, local tours, and open discussions on how to incorporate fire into timber management, burn planning and timber harvest planning, pre- and post-fire considerations, and permitting mechanisms for fire and timber harvesting. Presentations will be given by local forestry consultants, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, CALFIRE and local fire practitioners.

The burn location will occur near Mount Madonna, on private land with access allowed for accompanied observation only.  Be advised, while the ForesterTREX planning team works closely with theMonterey Bay Air Resources District to assure good smoke dispersal, smoke may be seen and be present in these areas during and after a burn. Please see the Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association webpage at calpba.org/centralcoastpba for updates close to the burn date.

Participants and partners include the Mount Madonna Center, members of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band and the Esselen Tribe of Monterey County, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Resource Conservation District of Monterey County, CALFIRE, local land trusts, scientists, ranchers, students, researchers, land managers and others. The Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association is currently funded via California Coastal Conservancy grants.

For more information or to join a group of observers, contact Barb Satink Wolfson, UC Cooperative Extension area fire advisor at bsatink@ucanr.edu.

Posted on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 6:31 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment, Natural Resources

Latest research in fire science focus of free webinar series

Luca Carmignani, UC Cooperative Extension fire advisor, conducts plant flammability study.

Wildfire, cultural and prescribed burns, plant flammability among topics covered

Interested in learning about some of the latest research in fire science and stewardship? Join the UC ANR Fire Network  for a series of free lunchtime webinars to explore fire science topics with colleagues from across the globe.

This four-part webinar series will address fire in land management, plant flammability, fire history and management and forestry and fuel profiles. 

Everyone is welcome to watch the Hot Topics in Fire Science and Stewardship Webinar Series. 

Restoring Fire to Meadows and Other Cultural Landscapes

Presenters: Alice Lincoln-Cook, California Indian Basketweavers Association; Brian Peterson, Fire Forward

How Can We Assess Plant Flammability?

Presenters: Jane Cawson, University of Melbourne; Max Moritz, UC Santa Barbara and UC ANR

Nuances in Fire History and Management: Lessons from Oregon Presenters: Andrew Merschel, U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest; Chris Dunn, Oregon State University

Forestry and Fuel Profiles

Presenters: Don Radcliffe, University of Washington; Eric Knapp, U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest

For more information, visit https://ucanr.edu/sites/fire/Home_430/Events.  



Posted on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 5:08 PM
Focus Area Tags: Environment

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