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Rescue Up 'n Comin'

The Rescue Up 'n Comin' 4-H Club serves Rescue and outlaying areas. The monthly club meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in Rescue. 

Community Club Leader:
Ashley Oxford

Club Projects

Check back periodically for updates on projects.

Primary members are eligible to participate in projects marked with an (*).

Please contact the leader for information about the project, including meeting dates & times.


?The 4-H Alpacas group provides youth a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches valuable information about properly caring for their animal.


In this project, youth learn about foods by partnering with adults in the kitchen to plan and cook food, explore the science, nutrition, and history of cooking while promoting healthy eating and resource management.

Project Leader: 
Angela Johnson


Learn about dogs, their care, and their feeding. May include obedience training of animal.

Project Leader: 
Angela Johnson

Entomology (COUNTYWIDE)

Learn to collect, identify, and possibly mount insects. Learn about insect's individual traits and habitats, and their relationship with humans in their uses and control.

Project Leader:
Ariel Rivers

Flower Arranging - TENTATIVE

Learn how to tastefully arrange flowers and other objects for use as decoration.

Project Leader:

Goats: Dairy (COUNTYWIDE)

Learn about dairy goats, their care and management. Members may raise animals for market, milk, or breeding. Opportunities are available for non-owners and owners alike.

Project Leader
Denise Jones

Goats: Market\Meat (COUNTYWIDE)

Learn about meat goats and their care and management. Animals may be raised for meat, show, sale, or breeding.

Project Leader
Denise Jones

Goats: Nigerian* (COUNTYWIDE)

Goat project focused on Nigerian dwarf goats.

Project Leader
Denise Jones

Goats: Pygmy* (COUNTYWIDE)

Goat project focused on pygmy goats.

Project Leader
Denise Jones

Horse & Pony (COUNTYWIDE)

Learn how to care for, feed, and ride a horse of pony. The animal may be either owned or leased. Project includes Drill, Judging, English, Gymkhana, and Western.

Project Leader
Christy Breeden

Leadership Development /Club Officers

Learn about leadership for an individual, group and organization. Build your own leadership skills through public speaking, project management, communication, organization, and negotiation.

Project Leader: 
Ashley Oxford


Learn about domesticated birds shown in competition which include ducks and chickens. Learn how to care for and raise chickens, responsibility and humanely, best management practices used on farms and industry, value of eggs in human nutrition and how to grade eggs, showmanship, and showing techniques.

Project Leader: 
Angela Johnson

Poultry: Market\Meat* (COUNTYWIDE)

Learn how to properly care for raising market poultry (chickens, turkeys, and ducks) responsibly and humanely. Focus on meat production and understanding where our food sources start.

Project Leader: 
Angela Johnson


Learn the care, feeding, and management of rabbits. Members may raise animals for pets, fur, show, meat, or breeding

Project Leader: 
Bret Harnden

Rabbits/Agility* (COUNTYWIDE)

Learn the care, feeding, and management of rabbits. Rabbit Agility includes many aspects of rabbit hopping, as well as other obstacles that are patterned after dog agility.

Project Leader: 
Kari Russo

For more projects:
Check out countywide project offerings!

California 4-H Project Name with Description (English)
California 4-H Project Name with Description (Spanish)