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Welcome to the 4-H Program of El Dorado County

 "To Make the Best Better"

Welcome to the El Dorado County 4-H Program, we have approximately 550 youth enrolled in local 4-H programs and nearly 140 adult volunteers engaging youth in varied learning experiences. There are ten clubs in the county. Our mission is to engage youth in reaching their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development.

El Dorado County 4-H Community Clubs:

Camino Go-Getters

Gold Hill Toppers

Happy Sundowners

Latrobe Outlanders 

Mother Lode 49ers 

Rescue Up 'n' Comin'

Shingle Springers

Southside Topnotch

Countywide Projects
Contact El Dorado 4-H
Front Desk Hours

9 a.m. to 5 p.m

Phone: 530-621-5507
Email: ElDorado4H@ucanr.edu