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Presentations Worshop
UCCE Office, Placerville
311 Fair Lane
Placerville, CA 95667
Contact: El Dorado County 4-H / eldorado4h@ucanr.edu
Sponsor: UCCE 4-H Program of El Dorado County
4-H members of all ages are invited to a Presentations Workshop on Wednesday, January 22 from 5-6:30pm at the 4-H Office. Come practice your presentation or get help creating one!
This workshop will highlight the 4-H public speaking program, what presentation types are available, what's required (and what isn't), how presentations are evaluated, and more. Share ideas, watch a presentation, ask questions, and receive guidance.
El Dorado County 4-H Presentations will be held Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 12:00-3:00pm at Folsom Lake College El Dorado Center in Placerville.
You do not need to be a presenter to participate! Parents and 4-H members ages 9 and up are needed as evaluators, room hosts, and clerks on the day of the event. Attend this workshop to understand the responsibilities for each position and sign up to help.