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ANR Employees

Posts Tagged: Contracts

L&D Messaging your clientele, Customer relations, Equity-minded review letters, Pcard vs. Travel card, Art of saying no

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Extension Skills July 2023: Marketing Research for Messaging
July 13
11 a.m. - Noon

Details & Registration.
Are you interested in learning how to develop messages that resonate with your Extension partners? Join us for a brief session with Lindsey Haynes-Maslow, to discuss how to identify and work with your priority populations to tailor messages that resonate with them.

Co-creating Value Between the Organization and Client through Customer Relationship Management: An Overview of CRM (Recording and Tools)

How Customer Management Relations (CRM) can play a role in helping Cooperative Extension professionals co-create value between their programs and their clients and improve customer service experiences.

Image by talha khalil from Pixabay

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Administrative units at UC ANR are here to help you build your program and access funding:
Development Services
Government Relations
Office of Contracts & Grants

Fast Track to Contracts & Grants spring 2023 presentation recordings
April 12, 2023 | Introduction to Contracts & Grants (video) Slide deck, with Kim Lamar
April 14, 2023 | From Concept to Submission (AKA Proposal Development and Proposal Process video), Slide deck, with Vanity Campbell, et al
April 19, 2023 | Cost Share and Academic Cost Recovery-Salary Savings (video), Slide deck

April 21, 2023 | Proposal budget preparation basics (or Budget Basics and Calculator) (Video), Slide deck (PDF) with Kendra Rose
May 3, 2023 | Using the new ANR Workflow Automation program to route C&G Forms “800“and Advance Account Request (Video), Slide deck (PDF) Form 800 Quick Guide (PDF) Advance Account Quick Guide (PDF) 
May 5, 2023 | Understanding the awards process (Video), Slide deck (PDF)
May 10, 2023 | Working with Subrecipients (Video), Slide deck (PDF)
May 12, 2023 | Post Award Process (Video), Slide deck (PDF)

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An Equity-Minded Approach to Writing Effective External Review Letters for Tenure and Promotion
(National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity)
Activate your account (All UC ANR employees have access)
July 18
11 a.m. – Noon

Details & Registration
Senior faculty are incredibly powerful. In a two-page tenure letter, they can make or break a career. This power has an outsized impact on scholars with marginalized identities, such as Black academics, who are promoted with tenure at lower rates than their White colleagues. We suggest that this difference in tenure rates is due to an implicit, overly narrow definition of academic excellence that does not recognize all contributions that Black scholars make to their departments, institutions and academia in general. Read more.

Diversity Certificate Series (UC Davis, Equity and Inclusion Program and Learning Center)
The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Education Program, in partnership with UC Davis Learning and Development, offers the Cross-Cultural Competence Certificate Series and the Understanding Diversity Certificate Series, both of which are aimed at developing and strengthening competencies in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion. Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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When to Use P-Cards vs. Travel Cards

UC ANR Business Operations Center (BOC)
Quarterly Webinars: Our Two Cents
July 20
12-12:30 p.m.

Do you have a P-Card or Travel Card? Learn when to use them and the restrictions for both. This will be a helpful overview for both long-term and new ANR staff. BOC presenters will reserve time at the end for questions. A useful resource to review beforehand and afterward: Card Compare

Zoom webinar link
Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428

Image by Memed_Nurrohmad from Pixabay

Fostering Health and Well-Being Across Extension (free - Sponsored by NAEPSDP - National Association of Extension Programs and Staff Development Professionals)
July 10-14
Noon – 1 p.m. Pacific Time

This year's theme is wellness and will focus on efforts at the organizational, managerial, employee and community levels to provide health and well-being programs and opportunities for employees and clientele. We will wrap up the week discussing ways to tell our health and well-being story more effectively. Who should participate in Virtual Summer School? Anyone! From Extension directors to mid-managers, to program and staff development specialists and
beyond. We welcome anyone interested in these topics to join us for any or all of the sessions.

The Art of Saying "No" (National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity)
Activate your account (All UC ANR employees have access)
July 13, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Details & Registration
Are you confused about when to say "yes" and "no" to other people's requests? Do you often say "yes" to requests without realizing the impact that response will have on your time and productivity? Do you find yourself feeling angry and resentful because you've said "yes" too often? Come and learn our favorite strategies that you can implement immediately so you can add "no" to your vocabulary.

Meals in Minutes, can it be true? (UC Davis -Virtual)
Tuesday, July 18
12:10 - 1 p.m.

Register for the Zoom webinar.
We will explore how to create quick, healthy balanced meals in minutes. You don't need a culinary degree to prepare healthy meals, but you do need to prepare. We will review how to prep, plan and get creative for quick, nutritionally balanced meals. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join via computer or phone.  Share the event flyer with your colleagues! Presented by UC Davis Health Food and Nutrition Services and Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being. Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Be the manager people won't leave (LinkedIn Learning)
Contact UC ANR IT to request your account

Course link.
Manager relationships can be the make-or-break point for whether employees stay or go. Join veteran HR leader LaurieRuettimann as she reveals the data behind why it's more important than ever to be a manager who demonstrates empathy and inspires loyalty from the workforce. Ruettimann covers basics first: be someone people can trust, be an example of integrity and be relentlessly inclusive. She steps you through ways to inspire your employees to grow.

Evidence suggests that improvements in people management practices, especially the development of supportive managers paired with time and place flexibility, contribute to increased well-being.

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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Everyone can learn something new.
UC ANR Learning and Development.

Posted on Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 12:38 PM

Get on fast track to contracts and grants with webinars

New academics, office managers, staff research associates and anyone who has a role in contracts and grants is invited to a five-week ANR boot camp to learn key information about the extramural funding process and the Office of Contracts and Grants.

All sessions are on Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:15 to 1 p.m. (except week of April 24 during ANR Statewide Conference). The agenda is below.

Zoom link for all sessions (except those at statewide conference):

Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428

April 12


12:15 to 1 p.m.


Intro to Contracts & Grants and Grant Tracking System


Kim & Kendra

This training is for academics and staff who are new, or just need a refresher, to submitting proposals for external funding. We will provide an introduction to the Office of Contracts and Grants including an overview of the proposal submission process and the Grant Tracking System. 


April 14


12:15 to 1 p.m.

Proposal Development and Proposal Process

Vanity & Kendra

Learn about the steps involved in the grant application process from developing your idea to submission. We will present on identifying funding opportunities, developing the project concept, building collaborative teams, drafting the proposal, contracts and grants review and submitting to the sponsor.

April 19





12:15 to 1 p.m.

Cost Sharing/Matching


Academic Cost Recovery/Salary Savings (include BOC)

Kathy & BOC

Cost sharing or matching funds is the portion of project expenses provided by UC and not paid by the sponsoring agency. Tune in to learn more about when its acceptable to commit cost share on a proposal, required approvals, and tracking cost share after the award has been made.

Learn more about why you should include full cost recovery on a proposal budget and set up a salary savings account. Salary savings can be used as a PI's discretionary account to cover expenses on other programmatic activities beyond the funded project.

April 21 


12:15 to 1 p.m.

Budget Basics and Calculator


Learn how to develop a proposal budget. Topics covered include cost components that make up a budget, applicable cost principles, budgeting techniques and practices, calculating F&A costs, and budgeting tools and resources.

April 26 




At Statewide Conference 

10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Grant Funding 101 (Concurrent Session 3-C at ANR Statewide Conference, Fresno)



Kathy & BOC


Learn what to expect when your proposal is funded, from receiving the Good News Letter to monitoring subawardees, to reporting to the sponsor. This session will provide principal investigators information on the roles and responsibilities of the different offices during the C&G life cycle from proposal through closeout and will cover how academic salary savings allow academics to charge their salaries to extramurally funded projects and use the salary savings for their programmatic needs. The session will also provide information on cost sharing in an extramurally funded project and when it should be utilized.

April 27




At Statewide Conference

8 to 10 a.m.


Strategies for Planning, Developing, and Writing Large Grants (Concurrent Session 6-B at ANR Statewide Conference, Fresno)

Vanity (Moderator)

Speaker:  Lucy Deckard, Consultant

As a two-hour, academic-focused professional development opportunity, this interactive session will discuss best practices and strategies for leading the development of large, multidisciplinary team-based grant efforts. Participants will explore strategies for establishing interdisciplinary proposal teams, leveraging prior research, developing a project vision, and best practices for scheduling proposal production and writing the proposal to achieve well-integrated research-education-extension grant applications.


May 3




12:15 to 1 p.m.

Using the new ANR Workflow Automation program to route C&G Forms “800“ and Advance Account Request

Kendra, Kathy and Kim

Introduction and training on the new Workflow Automation system. We will go through the automated program and show how to use it for the C&G Form 800 and the C&G Form Advanced Account Request.  



May 5


12:15 to 1 p.m.

Award Process

Kim & Heidi

Once a sponsor elects to fund a proposal, the review, negotiation and award acceptance process begins. This webinar walks you through what is happening in the Office of Contracts and Grants, and what to do when the accepted agreement arrives in your office.

May 10

12:15 to 1 p.m.

Working with Subrecipients


Learn the definitions of subrecipients, the internal processes involved in setting up a subaward as well as monitoring requirements and helpful resources available. 

May 12

12:15 to 1 p.m.



Post-award Process (include BOC and CGA)

BOC and Lenora Bruce


Fiscal management of grants, contracts and other funding agreements is the responsibility of the principal investigator and the administering unit. learn more about how to successfully manage your project finances, adhere to university policies, adhere to the sponsor's terms and condition and how to monitor your subawardees.



Posted on Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 9:38 AM

L&D - Program development, GIS Training, Mapping our Impact, Contracts and Grants






Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay



Landing page|Webinar Recordings|Learning Resources

Do you have a webinar to present in any of these four learning strategies?
Let us know by filling out this interest form!

Extension Methods & Delivery
Building Support
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Office, Team, & Personal Management


UCCE Program Development and Evaluation Capacity Building Trainings! 

9-part series from Oct. 4-Dec. 6
Every Tuesday 10 a.m.-Noon 

Click here for session descriptions.
Click here to register.
Join us for online interactive trainings to help you with planning and evaluating programs and projects! These trainings highlight UCCE examples. This is a 9-part series offered a la carte; select whichever interests you or take the complete series!

Introduction to Fall GIS and R Workshops from IGIS

September–December 2022

Click here for session descriptions.
The Informatics and GIS (IGIS) Statewide Program is pleased to share their Fall 2022 Workshop Schedule. All workshops will be on Zoom, and are free for the ANR community. Workshops include: 
-Introduction to ArcGIS Online
-Intro to R (3-part series) 
-Introduction to ArcGIS Pro
-Introduction to ArcGIS Field Maps
-Computing Agroclimate Metrics in R
-Introduction to ArcGIS Story Maps

Mapping the impact of our work

Oct. 20
Noon-12:30 p.m.

This session will focus on framing our work around UC ANR's public values and advancing our efforts on measuring changes in conditions that result from programmatic efforts. The condition changes serve as evidence of public impact. During the session, we will showcase a draft new tool that is being designed to help us internally to find and learn from examples where our programs are having economic, social/health, or environmental impact. Presented by Katherine Webb-Martinez, Christina Becker, and Leyla Marandi from UC ANR Program Planning and Evaluation.

Zoom webinar:
Password: 4Learning
Or join by phone: +1 669 900 6833

Where is …? The new UCD Library website and redesigned resources

Nov. 3
3-4 p.m.

The UC Davis Library website was redesigned and brought up on Aug. 16, 2022. Learn about UC Davis Library resources and delivery services, VPN, and key research tools and strategies for specific disciplines. We will review/use the following redesigned guide during this workshop: With Ruth Gustafson, UC Davis STEM Librarian & Erik Fausak, Veterinary Medicine Librarian

Zoom webinar:
Password: 4Learning
Or join by phone: +1 669 900 6833

Extension Skills: Survey Says: Strategies, tips, and tools for getting REAL feedback and impact data (Extension Foundation)

Oct. 13
11 a.m.-Noon

Click here to read more and register.
Come prepared to learn and share best practices and tools to get information from participants before, during and after a program or activity either virtually or in-person. Learn More

Innovation Skill-Building Experience (Extension Foundation)

Starts Oct. 25
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Click here to read more and register.
This 4-part series welcomes teams to incubate and tease out innovation in project and program development. With the help of trained Impact Facilitators, your team will learn 17 unique and exciting approaches to infusing new thinking into your offerings for maximum impacts. Learn More

Innovation Facilitator Training (Extension Foundation)

Starts Oct. 25
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Click here to learn more and register.
In this perfect companion to the Innovation Skill-Building Experience, individuals attend this training alongside each session to transform the curriculum into facilitation and coaching skills. We can't wait to see what you bring to the nationwide Impact Facilitator network! Learn More

About the Extension Foundation

Click here to read more.
The Foundation provides professional development to Cooperative Extension professionals and offers exclusive services to its members. In 2020 and 2021, the Extension Foundation has awarded 85% of its direct funding back to the Cooperative Extension System, 100% of funds are used to support Cooperative Extension initiatives.

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Open Forum/Questions for Office of Contracts and Grants

Oct. 26
9:30-10:30 a.m.

The world of contracts and grants can sometimes seem complicated. Let us help you alleviate your concerns. Please join our team for an open forum to answer your most compelling questions. If possible, please send us questions in advance (not required) for an informative discussion. Presenters are Kathleen Nolan, Kim Lamar and OCG Team. E-mail questions to

Zoom webinar:
Password: 4Learning | +1 669 900 6833 | Webinar ID: 751 701 428

Top of page.


Understanding the Digital Equity Landscape and Extension's Role (Connect Extension, Extension Foundation)

Oct. 3
12:30-1:30 p.m.

Click here to read more.
Click here to register.
As a part of Bridging the Digital Divide in Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Communities in the South, a NIFA AFRI-funded project, individuals were surveyed to better understand the digital equity landscape, including access to the internet and devices as well as internet use and benefits. Findings from this survey can better prepare Extension to play a role in their respective state's Digital Equity plan and implementation. Join us on Oct. 3 to learn more about this important topic. Presenter: Dr. Roberto Gallardo, Director, Purdue Center for Regional Development.


Where Accessibility Champions Can Find the Time & Knowledge They Need to Succeed Webinar (Deque – Web accessibility experts)

Oct. 6
11 a.m.-Noon

Click here to learn more.

Every successful accessibility program relies on five foundational elements of accessibility:

  1. The inclination to practice accessibility
  2. The time to practice accessibility
  3. The knowledge to practice accessibility
  4. The automation and tools to practice accessibility
  5. The availability of expert resources for future changes

In the first part of this webinar series, we covered the first foundational element to fostering accessibility across an organization: the inclination to practice accessibility.

Can we talk about Implicit Bias? Virtual Workshop (UC ANR)

Oct. 31
9–11 a.m. 
50 Seats

Click here to register by Oct. 24. 
Join us to help learn how to make UC ANR a more inclusive organization! 

UC ANR Human Resources and Learning & Development are offering a workshop to further explore, develop and supplement the UC Implicit Bias Series. We will divide into facilitated breakout groups to tackle strategies that counter negative scenarios and encourage positive interactions. This workshop will be a great opportunity to practice “standing in the community” and supporting ANR Principles of Community and ANR's strategic mission to expand Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 

Top of page.


Accomplishing More with Less (Virtual - UC Davis)

Oct. 4
1-4:30 p.m.
Click here for details and to register.
Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Career Management Academy (Virtual- UC Davis)

Click here for details and to register.

Oct. 6
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Virtual Instructor-Led Training 

Habits: A Science Based Approach (Virtual- UC Davis)

Click here for details and to register.
Oct. 13
8:30 a.m.-Noon
Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Customer Service Essentials (Virtual - UC Davis)

Click here for details and to register.
Oct. 14
8:30 a.m.-Noon
Virtual Instructor-Led Training

How to Set Goals When Everything Feels Like a Priority (LinkedIn Learning)

Click to access course. Request your LinkedIn Learning account with ANR IT @

Sometimes it can feel like you're working on everyone else's to-do list instead of your own. How can you make space for accomplishing the goals that are important to you? Join best-selling business author and consultant Dorie Clark as she shares practical advice on how to prioritize effectively so that you can get meaningful things done.

Designing a Presentation

Click to access course. Request your LinkedIn Learning account with ANR IT @

In this course, designer Tony Harmer takes you through the essentials of presentation design to give you the tools you'll find most useful in thinking about, designing and building successful presentations. Tony covers a variety of key topics, including moodboards, outlines, layout, type and text, color considerations, graphics, video, charts, transitions and animations.

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Everyone can learn something new.

ANR Learning & Development
Find webinar announcements and recordings here.

Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 1:37 PM

Copyright workshop for academics, April 4

How can a law almost as old as our country work in today's high-tech universities? On April 4, UC ANR Office of Contracts and Grants will sponsor a workshop and webinar to provide academic basic information on copyright law and policies related to teaching and research, and how they affect typical needs of our university community. The workshop, which runs from 9 a.m. to noon, is intended to give academics a better sense of how copyrights work at UC ANR.

Workshop topics:

  • What is copyright? How is it different from patents and trademarks?
  • Who owns copyrights at UC ANR?
  • How does one get a copyright?
  • When and how can one use copyright-protected material belonging to someone else?
  • If there is no money involved, does it really matter?
  • How does the Internet affect copyright?

Presenter Jan Carmikle, Esq., has been a part of UC Davis since 1985 in a variety of roles. She is currently the senior intellectual property officer at UC Davis' InnovationAccess, a unit of the Office of Research with an emphasis on copyrights and material transfer agreements. She is also the UC Davis designated agent for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Three ways to participate:

1. In person at the UC ANR Building in Davis: Click here to RSVP so we can plan for parking, seats and coffee.

2. Online at Webinar ID: 861 986 107

3. By phone by dialing (408) 638-0968 or (646) 558-8656 (toll call)

For more information about the program, contact Kim Lamar, or (530) 750-1305. For more information about logistics, contact Sherry Cooper, or (530) 750-1256.

Posted on Monday, March 20, 2017 at 6:10 PM

Reminder: April 10 Intellectual Property &Tech Transfer Workshop

The ANR Office of Contracts & Grants and the UC Davis Innovation Access Office will present an Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer workshop on Thursday, April 10, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

ANR Contracts & Grants and UC Davis Innovation Access work together to support the continuum of innovation at ANR – from developing a new research project with a sponsor to protecting new inventions and transferring technologies to industry partners for commercializing in the marketplace.

This workshop will explain your rights, as a UC employee, under UC Patent Policy, and will detail the technology transfer process for new inventions. It will also explain why Intellectual Property language in research agreements is important and how it can have implications lasting after the research project is concluded.

Presenters include:

  • Kathleen P. Nolan, J.D. Director, ANR Office of Contracts & Grants
  • Randi Jenkins, J.D., Associate Director, UCD Sponsored Programs Office (and former UCD Innovation Access Licensing Officer)
  • Nancy Rashid, Ph.D., Licensing officer, UCD Innovation Access Office.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the workshop.

UC Cooperative Extension county directors, advisors, specialists and other interested ANR faculty and staff should attend. Specialists based at UC Berkeley or UC Riverside are encouraged to participate and will find this workshop very helpful even though they use the Technology Transfer Offices on their respective campuses for invention reporting.

The workshop will be held in the San Joaquin Valley Conference Room of the ANR Building at 2801 Second Street in Davis.                           

For those unable to attend in person, or if space is no longer available, the workshop will be available via AdobeConnect. To participate in person or by AdobeConnect webinar, register at Webinar participants will receive the AdobeConnect link after they register. If you attend via AdobeConnect, please mute the built-in microphone on your computer.


Posted on Friday, April 4, 2014 at 11:18 AM

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