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Strange High Pitched Feedback Sound

Q: My Zoom Meeting has a lot of noise including some strange high pitched sound. 

A: You can mute all Attendees and prevent undesired sounds such as high pitched squealing or feedback. Keyboard shortcut for muting all attendees: PC - Alt+A  |  Mac - Cmd+Shift+A

Users can prevent feedback by using headphones or ear buds instead of speakers.

There's an Echo in My Meeting

Q: I notice an echo sometimes when in a Zoom meeting.

A: If you have speakers on, while using a mic, that can cause an echo that makes it difficult to talk. If you are using headphones, or ear buds then it is probably someone else in the meeting. If you are host, you can mute everyone but yourself with these key commands: Windows Alt+M or Mac: Command(?)+Control+M. This will usually fix the issue.

Sound Notifications

In a large Zoom Meeting it can be very disruptive to hear Zoom playing a sound to indicate people are joining or leaving the meeting. You can change the default settings.

1. Login to the ANR Portal

2. Click on the Login to Zoom Conferencing link in the upper right hand area of the Portal page.

3. Under the Personal Tab in the left hand navigation menu, click on Settings.

4. Scroll down to the Sound Notification When Someone Joins or Leaves section.

  1. Toggle the on / off button to the right of the section header to turn off all sound notifications for everyone.
  2. Or leave the button on, and select Play Sound for Everyone,  or Host and Co-hosts only. 
  3. Another option is for people who call in. If desired check the box to Ask the caller to record their voice to use as the notification

Toggle Sound Notifications in Zoom



Headphones Won't Work

Q. I have been using my headphones all day, and then when I joined a Zoom Meeting they stopped working. Only my speakers worked, but caused feedback.  Volume controls also stopped working.

A. Zoom and Windows often fight for control of audio and video. Neither wins.  You can try restarting Zoom, but it's been my experience that when audio fails, unplugging the headphones, and a reboot of Windows is the only thing that works.

After rebooting, plug in the headphones, and Windows will usually display a pop up window asking to optimize your headphones.

Optimize Headphones for Windows

Make sure your headphones are selected and then choose the On-ear setting and click the Optimize Button.

Then start Zoom, and then click the link for Test Speaker and Microphone. 

Select Headphones for speaker, and then follow the instructions for testing. Join the meeting, and everything should now work correctly.

Trying different speakers or headphones or Microphones sometimes just doesn't work. Restarting Zoom will sometimes reset things, and other times Rebooting your computer is the only remedy.



Video Looks Terrible

Q: Why does my video look terrible?  I usually turn it off. 

A: There are a number of reasons why your video might look terrible.

  1. Often the lighting in the room you are Zooming from is terrible. Florescent lighting is maybe the worst as it has a yellow / green tinge. It's also overhead lighting which will can cast ugly shadows especially when it is above and behind you. 
  2. You can fix this by using a common household lamp* and place it in front of you and off the side so it's out of view of the camera.
  3. There are fancier lights you can purchase including something called a Soft Box which casts a soft wide light, or a Ring Light which will help with shadows. There are a number of good videos on the subject at YouTube.
  4. If you have multiple monitors you can make any of the monitors you are not using for Zoom to act as lights. I have a laptop with two additional monitors. I open a blank, white text page on each and maximize. They are bright enough to make a substantial difference in the light that reaches me.
    Using monitors as lights will brighten up live video
  5. Another fix is to use the blur background feature in Zoom to isolate you and get rid of background clutter. You can also use any variety of backgrounds, including the UC ANR background to help isolate you, and eliminate a cluttered or unpleasant background. Used with good lighting you can easily end up with very nice looking video. 


Use the Zoom Blurred background feature to isolate you against the background.
Use the Zoom Blurred background feature to isolate you against the background.

*many digital cameras will auto color correct the light. This is great when using incandescent lights. If the camera doesn't color correct then the light may look too yellow or blue.


Add a Profile Photo

1. Login to the ANR Portal

2. Click on the Login to Zoom Conferencing link in the upper right hand area of the Portal page.

3. Click on the Profile link in the left hand navigation.

4. Click on the placeholder image to choose or upload a photo.

5. You have the option of uploading a new photo or choosing an existing one by navigating to that photo on your computer, or you can drag and drop the image.

Change Zoom profile image - drag and drop

Change or Crop Zoom Profile Picture



Add a Virtual Background

In Zoom Desktop App you can add a background that is available by default, or you can upload your own background image. Use this in conjunction with live video and you will appear with the background of your choice.

  1. Join a Zoom Meeting or create your own.
  2. Click on Start Video
  3. Click on the ^ next to the Start Video button.
  4. Choose Virtual Background
  5. Then you can upload an image or choose an existing one.

Some awesome resources:

16 Advanced Zoom Tips for Better Video Meetings | Groove Blog (groovehq.com)

Zoom and PowerPoint Conflicts

Zoom and PowerPoint often do not play nicely together during Zoom and Zoom Hybrid Meetings. Hybrid meetings are online and in person, and often use large conference room monitors.

The issue is Zoom and PowerPoint try to take over the entire screen, and seemingly fight for control. This makes it difficult for the Host / Presenter.

To fix the issue, take PowerPoint out of Full Screen Mode, ---AND / OR --- take Zoom out of Full Screen Mode. Below is how to accomplish this.

Take PowerPoint Out of Full Screen Mode

Presentation Mode is by default in Full Screen Mode. To get out of Presentation mode press the Esc Key on your keyboard.

To get out of Full Screen Mode:

  1. Click on the Slide Show Tab in PowerPoint
  2. Then click on the Set Up Slide Show Button
  3. Select the radio button that says Browsed by an individual Window, and click ok.



Take Zoom Out of Full Screen Mode

If you are in Zoom's Full Screen Mode, you can get out, by clicking the esc key on your keyboard. Double Clicking on the Zoom screen will toggle between Full Screen Mode, and and Not Full Screen Mode.

You can also type in Alt+F  (Windows), or Command(?)+Shift+F (Mac)to enter or exit full screen mode.

Dual Monitors with Zoom and PowerPoint

(with slide show and presenter's views)

  1. Open the PowerPoint file you want to present.
  2. Start or join a Zoom meeting.
  3. Click Share Screen in the meeting controls.
  4. Select your primary monitor then click Share. ...
  5. Switch back to Powerpoint and click the Slide Show tab.

Get Out of Full Screen Mode While in Meeting

Click the Esc Key to get you out of full screen mode for Zoom.

Alt+F in Windows will Toggle Full Screen On, and OFF

Command(?)+Shift+F in Mac OS will toggle: full screen on, and OFF



Improving Zoom Performance

We've all been in Zoom Meetings where the audio is glitchy and full of pauses. If this happens to you there are steps you can take to improve the audio quality of your Zoom meetings.

As presenter:

1. Turn off all unused applications on your computer and close any web browser windows and tabs you are not using.

2. Make sure your computer is not trying to update the operating system or other software while presenting. Before the day of the meeting let your computer update.

3. Use a Wired / Ethernet connection when possible to get the best speed. Or choose WIFI over a cell connection.

4. Disable HD Video in your Zoom Client.  HD video looks awesome but it really uses up bandwidth.

5. Turn off video for attendees in Zoom Preferences. 

6. Limit the number of participants displayed per screen in Gallery View.