UC Master Food Preserver Program

Preserve today, relish tomorrow.
The University of California Master Food Preserver Program extends UC research-based information about home food safety and preservation to the public. The UC Master Food Preserver Program is a public service and outreach program under UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (UC SAREP) within the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) administered locally by participating UC Cooperative Extension county offices and a statewide online delivery program.
The UC Master Food Preserver Program is an example of an effective partnership between the UC Division and passionate volunteers. In exchange for extensive training on home food preservation from the University, UC Master Food Preservers offer volunteer services and outreach to the general public in 17 California counties. Last year 447 UC Master Food Preservers donated more than 18,908 volunteer hours!
The UC Master Food Preserver Program’s mission is to keep Californians safe and well as they use culturally appropriate, research-based practices to safely preserve food in the home, reducing food waste, increasing food security, and providing engaging ways for Californians to explore healthy food.
Food preservation has been a critical activity throughout the history of civilization, even pre-dating agriculture. For more than 30 years UC Master Food Preserver volunteers have shared research-based home food preservation information with the public. Learn more >
Have a food preservation question? Interested in becoming a UC Master Food Preserver? Visit your local UC Master Preserver Program for more details and information. Learn more >
It is important to practice safe home preservation and processing methods and to stay up-to-date with the most reliable and trusted information about food safety. Visit research-based websites addressing home preservation and processing methods. Learn more >