Community Nutrition and Health

About Community Nutrition and Health
Community Nutrition and Health at UCANR is a statewide network of researchers and educators promoting holistic health and equitable communities for all Californians.
Our Shared Goal
Our shared goal is to co-create community-driven educational and capacity building programming to advance community health across California via statewide programs, special projects, and local advisor-driven work.
Core Community Nutrition and Health Programs
CalFresh Healthy Living, UC
The CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California program (CalFresh Healthy Living, UC) partners in communities to educate, build capacity, and serve as a catalyst for healthier living. By aligning community education with policy, systems and environmental change strategies, CFHL, UC creates long lasting community impact. See the Calfresh website to learn more about their work.
The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) provides community education classes for income eligible youth and adults to promotes nutrition and physical activity as a means of maintaining a healthy lifestyle free of chronic disease. By focusing on increasing diet quality, physical activity, and strengthening food resource management, EFNEP supports families with children to make meaningful healthy lifestyle changes. See the EFNEP website to learn more about their work.
Nutrition Policy Institute
The Nutrition Policy Institute (NPI) conducts and translates policy relevant research to transform environments for healthy children, families and communities. Our organizational strengths include nutrition and physical activity expertise, research design and evaluation skills, and policy development and community collaboration experience. See the NPI website to learn more about their work.
Partners in the Community
We partner with organizations and community leaders who share our goals to advance community health and work at many levels to create change, including:
- Individual behavior change
- Leadership capacity building
- Organizational policy change
- Informing public policy
- Affecting systems or environmental change such work flows or best practices within an organization.
As a result of this work, all Californians will have access to live a healthy life, free from chronic disease.
See our contact list of Community Nutrition and Health advisors, specialists, and academic coordinators.