Our wonderful Master Gardeners will be on-site ready to answer your gardening, plant, or pest questions! Bring photos or samples to help us identify what's happening and so we can provide more accurate information.
Save the Date! Register now for the CA Forest Stewardship Workshop - Sonoma County Online January 21 -- March 18, 2025, and in-person Saturday, February 22nd, Sonoma County Join the workshop to understand and protect your forests by developing a Forest Management Plan.
Full course page: https://calnat.ucanr.edu/Take_a_class/American_River_College/ Take any of the following courses in the Environmental Conservation Program at American River College Department of Natural Resources to obtain California Naturalist Certification.
Tuleyomes Certified California Naturalist course will focus primarily on the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument region (which includes parts of Yolo, Solano, Napa, Lake, Mendocino, Glenn and Colusa Counties).
New laws in California have recently been passed to address negative pesticide effects on pollinators and wildlife. Come learn about these new laws and what it means for several common home and garden pests, including insects and rodents.