Be Wildfire Safe & ReadyDescription: UC Master Gardeners will staff an education table at the Be Wildfire Safe & Ready event sponsored by the San Mateo County Department of Emergency Management. Stop by the table to learn how to protect your home by creating defensible space and maintaining your…
Register now for the upcoming Post-Fire Forest Resilience workshop series in Plumas County! UC extension advisors and local professionals will provide information and resources on post-fire forest management for recently affected private landowners. Online webinars are scheduled each Wednesday evening from…
Don't miss the Placerville Plant Sale - Perennial plants April 26 Trees, shrubs, grasses, succulents, native and perennial plants. Sale at the Sherwood Demonstration Garden. Parking $2
Growing Natives Garden Tour - San Carlos Native Plant Habitat GardenDescription: Visit the UC Master Gardener’s Native Plant Habitat Garden at the San Carlos City Center. Since 2019, the 8,000 square foot garden has been home to over 100 species of low-water native plants. It was designed by UC…
Home gardeners in our area have approached our gardening help line with concerns about potential heavy metal contamination in soil following the Moss Landing battery fire. Many are wondering whether their fruits and vegetables may absorb metals such as cobalt, cadmium, nickel, manganese, zinc, and…
CAL FIRE and USFS State and Private are funding the development of multi-agency, interdisciplinary Emergency Forest Restoration Teams (EFRTs) to assist private forest landowners impacted by wildfires. EFRTs provide…
Monthly Care | Plant Care | Fertilizing | Pruning | Propagating | Planting | Tools | Garden Sanitation | Health & Safety in the Garden Browse through a list of pruning information for the most common California native plants and trees!
Yana Valachovic, a member of UC ANR's Fire Network with a specialty in community resilience and the built environment, visited the sites of the L.A. fires to look for examples where surviving homes withstood the ferocity of the fire and for signs of defensible space and home hardening in action.
Most plants are a pleasure to grow. Fortunately, there are only a few to avoid. Here's how invasive plants and plants that have been treated cause problems. Scotch broom currently infests millions of acres throughout California.