Be Wildfire Safe & ReadyDescription: UC Master Gardeners will staff an education table at the Be Wildfire Safe & Ready event sponsored by the San Mateo County Department of Emergency Management. Stop by the table to learn how to protect your home by creating defensible space and maintaining your…
Register now for the upcoming Post-Fire Forest Resilience workshop series in Plumas County! UC extension advisors and local professionals will provide information and resources on post-fire forest management for recently affected private landowners. Online webinars are scheduled each Wednesday evening from…
Did you know that planting more diverse and flowering plants in your garden can help support your vegetable garden or orchard? Learn how to choose plants to make your garden a haven for the pollinators. Well cover the types of plants that attract butterflies, bees, bats and hummingbirds.
Growing Natives Garden Tour - San Carlos Native Plant Habitat GardenDescription: Visit the UC Master Gardener’s Native Plant Habitat Garden at the San Carlos City Center. Since 2019, the 8,000 square foot garden has been home to over 100 species of low-water native plants. It was designed by UC…
Our local climate is changing. Join us to find out how we can keep gardening practices and how we as gardeners can be part of the solutions to climate change!
Find out how to deal with worms, bugs, and flying insects as well as slugs, snails, and earwigs in your home garden. Follow along with the presentation.
Armillaria root rot, also known as Oak root fungus, is a disease of many different plants. There is no known effective cure. Root rot fungus disease of trees and woody plants. Affects palms, succulents, ferns and other herbaceous plants like begonia, daffodil, dahlia, and geranium. No…
Seedlings sometimes fail to sprout or die soon after. Seeds may rot before germinating, shoots may decay before they emerge, or stems of seedlings may be attacked near the soil line, causing young plants to collapse. These diseases are collectively called “damping off,” likely caused by a number of soil…
Downy mildews, including Peronospora and Plasmopara spp., are pathogenic water molds (oomycetes) that primarily damage foliage. Hosts include cane berries, roses, various herbaceous ornamentals, and many fruit, grain, and vegetable crops. CategoryFungiSigns/SymptomsDowny mildew causes pale green to…