A Garden Runs Through It - UCCE Master Gardeners of Colusa County


Crape Myrtle

September 6th, 2019
Crape Myrtle Crape myrtles are a colorful summer blooming, utility friendly tree and great for our long hot summers. They tend to be a bush but can be trained into a tree form. You may need to prune soil level branches to keep the tree form.
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'Midnight Marvel' Hardy Hibiscus

August 2nd, 2019
I love it when you are least expecting it and encounter something that just knocks your socks off. At the Colusa Farmer's Market a couple of weeks ago, I stopped by to see what our friend Geneva at Garden Gleanings had that was new and exciting.
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Hot Weather Gardening Tips

August 8th, 2018
It seems like California has been under a heat advisory all summer. Many gardeners wonder how their plants; trees or shrubs can survive. With a little extra planning, your plants can survive the hot summer weather. Don't fertilize plants or trees during hot weather.
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Fruit Trees - Thinning Young Fruit

April 23rd, 2018
Fruit Trees: Thinning Young Fruit Fruit trees often set more fruit than they can support or develop adequately. Excessive fruit compete with each other for food and remain small. Leaving too much fruit on a tree can also lead to limb breakage.
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April 4th, 2018
Houseplants are back and philodendrons are the star! Philodendrons thrive on neglect. Provide them with some light and a little water then watch them grow. Houseplant newbies should start with this plant. This group of plants have hundreds of varieties. Here are a few tips.
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