Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

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Since the founding of the land grant system our support has been "cooperative." Your individual gift further advances our mission of outreach, research and public service.


CalNat logo
The UC California Naturalist Certification Program introduces Californians to the wonders of our unique ecology using a science curriculum, hands-on learning, citizen science, and community service to instill appreciation for the state’s natural communities and to inspire stewardship.

UC trained volunteers partnering with federal, state, local and non-profit organizations provide:
Scientific research — plant identification
Environmental monitoring — bird counts, stream sampling, invasive species monitoring
Restoration or conservation plans — seed collection, native plant propagation and planting

Find a CalNat partner program near you

MG logo
The UC Master Gardener Program empowers Californians to adopt sustainable gardening practices and preserve our natural environment.

UC trained volunteers donated 5+ million hours of outreach on:
Sustainable landscaping — giving gardeners the tools to be environmentally friendly.
Community well-being — bringing communities together from schools to senior centers.
Food Gardening — teaching skills to grow food in home, community and school gardens.

Find a UC Master Gardener Program near you

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For more than 35 years, the UC Master Food Preserver Program has been a trusted resource for food safety and preservation information, giving Californians access to healthy, nutritious and affordable food.

UC trained volunteers:
Teach — demonstrations on safely preserving nutritious foods by canning, freezing and dehydrating.
Connect — farmers markets, commodity producers, food deserts, food banks and communities.
Provide solutions — expand food security and improve access to affordable healthy foods in communities

Find a UC Master Food Preserver Program near you


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4-H grows here! Young people in 4-H are uniquely prepared to step up to the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Through hands-on learning and positive youth-adult partnerships, youth acquire knowledge and develop life skills that enable them to find and focus their energy into their passions while giving back to the community.

Find a 4-H club near you.

Since the first UC Cooperative Extension office opened in Humboldt County in 1913, UC scientists have been fanning out to communities across California, serving as problem-solvers, catalysts, collaborators, stewards and educators. These advisors live and work in the communities they serve providing expertise, visibility and a keen understanding of local issues.

For nearly five decades, UC nutrition educators have been helping individuals and families using a holistic nutrition educational approach. Find out if you qualify to participate in California EFNEP.


UC ANR’s Research and Extension Centers extend from the Oregon border, through the Sierra Foothills and Central Valley, along the Pacific Coast, and south to the Mexican border. These centers connect research and extension activities to regional issues.

The Research and Extension Centers are focal points for community participation. Projects involve UC ANR county- and campus-based academics, researchers from land grant institutions in other states, the CSU system, and the USDA.

Use our research

Water is precious in California. The California Institute for Water Resources integrates California’s research, extension, and education programs to develop research-based solutions to water resource challenges by facilitating collaborative research and outreach.

IPM is a process you can use to solve pest problems—in urban, agricultural, and natural areas—while minimizing risks to people and the environment.
Pest Notes for managing home, garden, turf and landscapes pests.
Pest Management Guidelines and IPM Manuals for managing pests and using pesticides and non-pesticide alternatives in agricultural crops
Information on invasive weeds, insects and diseases that threaten California’s landscapes, natural areas and agriculture.


Informatics and GIS is ANR’s primary resource for geospatial knowledge and innovation, helping researchers to: make meaningful predictions of the agricultural, ecosystem and community response to future change; increase our understanding of California’s diverse natural, agricultural and human resources; support research and outreach projects that enhance agricultural productivity, natural resource conservation and healthy communities into the future.


The UC Agricultural Issues Center provides objective information on a range of critical, emerging issues and their significance to the economy and natural resources for decision makers in agriculture and government, scholars and students, journalists and the general public.

The Nutrition Policy Institute works with experts from throughout the University of California system and beyond to conduct research that informs and strengthens policies to prevent obesity and improve health.

SAREP brand
Healthy agriculture and food systems are fundamental to our quality of life in California. The Sustainable Agriculture Research Education Program (SAREP) is committed to strengthening California’s agriculture by advancing knowledge of the science of sustainability, supporting farmers and ranchers working to develop more sustainable agricultural practices, and assisting communities in building strong and healthy regional food systems.