Intermountain REC News

UC IREC Spring Meeting Schedule and Agendas Announced

The Intermountain REC staff are hosting four public meetings in February and March.  The meetings are open to the general public with the target audience being the Klamath Basin Agriculture community.  A list of the meetings and agenda topics is shown below.  A significant focus for the meetings targeting individual crops is to learn about local producer needs and future topics of interest.  Agriculture in the Basin is changing quickly and producers are encouraged to attend and speak up about their needs!

Feb. 16th- Tulelake Onion Growers Meeting- 9 am to 11 am at IREC


UC IREC New Hire announcement

Research Updates from Around the State

Changes in Pesticide and Seed Treatment Labels

2023 Production Needs

Tulelake Grower Business


February 23rd- UC & OSU Klamath Basin Potato Seminar- 10 am to noon at IREC (serving lunch)


UC IREC Announcements and Research Updates

OSU Announcements and Research Updates

Identify Klamath Basin Potato Research Needs and Production Issues



March 1st- UC IREC Alfalfa and Small Grain Meeting- 10 am to noon at IREC


UC IREC Announcements and Research Updates

Identify Local Research Needs and Production Issues

Discussion of Potential Research Project to Develop Digital Mapping Solutions for Alfalfa and Wheat


March 9th- OSU Irrigation Seminar- 9 am to noon at IREC


Optimizing irrigation efficiency and scheduling under different water allocation scenerios

Water quality considerations when recycling irrigation water

Groundwater recharge and recovery