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Nutrition Policy Institute News

2024 LEAP Awards recognize excellence in healthy eating and active living across California

The Nutrition Policy Institute's CalFresh Healthy Living Evaluation team, in collaboration with the California Department of Public Health, is thrilled to announce recognition of 129 schools, 79 early care and education programs, and 77 out-of-school time programs across California as recipients of the 2024 Leaders in Eating and Activity Practices, or LEAP, Awards. LEAP Awards recognize schools, early care and education programs, and out-of-school time programs that demonstrate achievement of best practices that support healthy eating and active living, as reported on a Site-Level Assessment Questionnaire. Awardees partner with their local health department's CalFresh Healthy Living program to plan and implement health promotion projects. We applaud these sites, and their Local Health Department partners, for their dedication to supporting the health and well-being of the children and youth they serve! For more information about LEAP Awards, visit the LEAP award web page or email