Nutrition Policy Institute submitted a public comment on the Scientific Report of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, advising adoption of the report's evidence-based recommendations into the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2025-2030. This was in response to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture's 60-day public comment period to collect public feedback on the Scientific Report. NPI's comment offered support of water being recommended as the primary beverage to optimize health, limiting saturated fat and added sugars to less than 10 percent of calories for Americans aged two years and older, including policy, systems, and environmental strategies to support Americans' adherence to the guidelines, and recommendations for the food industry and food retailers on reducing sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars in the food supply. Although the topic was not considered by the Advisory Committee, NPI also recommended promotion of environmentally sustainable dietary guidance, as several recommendations included in their Scientific Report do support both public and planetary health. Another public comment focused on drinking water was submitted by the National Drinking Water Alliance, which is coordinated by NPI. This comment was signed by 32 organizations and 41 leading researchers and key stakeholders.