Fresno and Madera Counties' UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program has a long-standing partnership with the Fresno State Dietetic Internship Program. This blog post is part of our Intern Reflections Series.
Although the majority of the United States population consumes three meals a day, 40 to 50 percent also consume two to three snacks a day and about one-third consume four or more snacks a day.
The UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program partnered with Dairy Council of California, Madera County and Public Health for this year's Summer Meals in Madera County. The event's goal was to provide meals to children during the summer as well as provide fun physical activities.
The UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program and Fresno Unified School District Food Services Department began implementation of the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement (SLM) in 9 elementary schools starting during the 2017-2018 school year.
Fresno and Madera Counties' UC CalFresh Nutrition Education Program has a long-standing partnership with the Fresno State Dietetic Internship Program. This blog post is part of our Intern Reflections Series.