Over ten years ago(!), I wrote about growing Watermelon radish (Raphanus sativus 'Watermelon') in my winter garden.It was in my regular rotation for a few years, but I recently realized I've gotten stuck in a rut with growing it and the same other winter vegetables from seeds (sugar snap peas, a few regular radishes, arugula, romanesco, etc.).Seeking adventure, I thought I would try a different type of radish.(Yes, I'm joking about the adventure.) While growing a different type of radish isn't exactly shaking things up in the garden, I'm glad I selected this one!
Last fall, I planted the mini purpledaikon radish (Raphanussativus) from seed in my garden.It is the cutest little purple vegetable!The radishes have beautiful deep purple skins with violet-streaked flesh and a nice peppery flavor.Some of the radishes were purple and white instead of all purple, which I read can occur with a small percentage of the seeds. Whiledaikon radishes can grow quite large, these minidaikons grow to about 5” long and 2-3” round.The large, bright green leaves are edible and are said to be quite spicy, although I didn't notice any particular zest when I tried them.

Daikon radishes are a cool weather crop and do well planted in fall or spring. I like to plant winter vegetables in late fall (perhaps late October or early November) for an early- to mid-winter harvest and then have another opportunity to plant in early winter or spring for a subsequent spring harvest.We are fortunate to be able to be fairly flexible in planting winter crops in our mild climate.
The seeds should be planted in full sun in good soil, 2-3” apart, and ½” deep.They should germinate in 5-7 days.When the plants are several inches tall, thin the seedlings so each plant has room to mature.Water regularly. To store after harvesting, cut off the tops and store the radish in the refrigerator.
Radishes are milder in cooler weather and are spicier in hot weather due to compounds that are produced as temperatures rise.My harvest in February was pleasantly peppery. The radish can be eaten raw or cooked. The color and flavor add some fun to winter salads and I'll definitely be adding the mini purple daikon radish to my winter vegetable rotation . . . until the next exciting radish comes along!