Blog by Karen Metz, UC Master Gardener-Solano County
We got a chance to visit the Kula Botanical Gardens in the upcountry of Maui in January 2025. I had been charmed by the lush gardens on previous visits. I had especially remembered the displays of Protea, Leucospermum, and Orchids.
The massive Staghorn fern, Platycerum bifurcatum, growing on a large Macadamia Nut tree, Macadamia integrifolia, was the first thing to catch my eye. In Australia, where they originate, staghorn ferns are frequently called elkhorn ferns. Not having much luck growing them myself, I was impressed with the size of the specimen.

Next a glowing Pincushion plant, Leucospermum cordifolium ‘Forever Amal' demanded attention. These shrubs, originally from South Africa were sometimes grown by themselves with the backdrop of the surrounding hills. Others were planted in a landscape display behind vivid blue Hydrangea and in front of Norfolk Pine, Araucaria heterophylla, a combination I would never have imagined.

Down every pathway and turn there was another beauty or oddity to be discovered. The dramatic Dragon tree, Dracaena draco, had upright branches that almost appeared to be swollen. It was hard to believe that this was in the same Genus as my humble houseplant Dracaena fragrans, also called Corn Plant.

Some parts of the garden seemed familiar, but others seemed different. In some areas, the plantings didn't seem as dense or to have as many varieties as I remembered. One area had a much steeper grade to the pathway than before.
I was curious. Then I thought to look at the back of the map they had given us. I hadn't paid much attention to i,t given we had visited before. There, the McCord family, who had envisioned and built the gardens, explained that the area had been hit by a severe Tropical Storm, Kona Low Storm in December of 2021. There were very high winds and a downpour of water which created a mud and debris slide that destroyed almost half of the garden. The garden had to be closed for the first time since 1971. When insurance failed to cover any of the damage, friends and neighbors helped dig out and remove 3000 tons of mud and debris over a three-month period, allowing some of the garden to be accessed. The rebuilding could then be started. As pathways, bridges and plants were re-established, the garden came alive again. Some of the staff said that two and a half years later, metal plant nameplates would turn up in the oddest places, carried and buried there by the debris flow.
Now when I visit this garden, I will not just appreciate the natural beauty of plants, insects and birds that live there. I will also appreciate and admire the vision, dedication, hard work, and perseverance of the community of friends and neighbors who helped the McCord family to save the garden and bring it back. Hopefully this garden will continue to bring joy for many years to come.