So many of my indoor plants have lived with me for many years. Some I've had for between five and ten years so naturally, like many of us, they all have stories! My Dracaena reflex var. angustifolia has a comeback story. I found this plant at my local nursery because I needed a tall narrow plant for a sunny corner in my bedroom. I spent the most I've ever spent on a plant, but then again I had never bought a 5 foot tall plant before. We did really well together, that is, until I left for a three-month trip, leaving my partner with explicit care instructions. When I returned my plant had not been watered the entire time. My five-foot plant was almost dead except for two little side shoots. I cut those two off, water rooted them, and today, almost ten years later, this is what it looks like! It has officially reached the top of my 8' ceiling![1]

This houseplant is also known by these common names including: Dragon Tree, Madagascar Dragon Tree, Malaysian Dracaena, Red-marginated Dracaena and finally Straight-marginated Dracaena. Dracaena is a drought-tolerant, slow-growing perennial shrub that is native to Madagascar and the nearby islands in the Indian Ocean. It's part of the asparagus family (Asparagaceae).[2] The genus name (Dracaena) comes from the Greek word drakaina which means female dragon! Several species of this plant are used as houseplants because of its decorative foliage. The species name refers to the reflexed position of the older leaves. The word “angustifolia” refers to its characteristic “narrow leaves.” These plants like bright, indirect sunlight and a moist, well-draining potting mix with a slightly acidic pH. When watering, remember to wait for the top inch of the soil to dry out before watering again. The most common affliction of houseplants is overwatering! Also, an important fact to remember is that if you water with tap water, it has chlorine, salts, and fluoride in it, which will cause browning of the leaf tips; because of this, filtered water is suggested. In prior plant research I found that if your leaf tips have browned, cutting off the brown while leaving just a small brown line along the green part prevents the leaf from continued browning. Filtered water will prevent this! These plants also prefer warm temperatures (between 60-75 degrees and moderate to high humidity.) One simple way to increase humidity is to set your plant on a saucer filled with stones and then filled with water, ensuring the bottom of the pot is not in contact with the water. This plant is hardy in zones 10 through 12 and needs frost protection.
In its native habitat, it can grow as tall as 20' and between 3'-10' wide, but as a houseplant, it generally stops growing when it reaches heights of 6”. Mine never got that message!
There are several ways to propagate this plant. They can be propagated through stem cuttings or rhizome division. This, of course, depends on the type of Dracaena you have. The ideal time to take a softwood cutting is during the spring and summer. You can tell if this worked by new leaf growth on your cutting. To optimize your success, make sure the new cutting is planted in a moist, well-drained medium.
Another important fact about this plant is that they improve the air quality in the room they live in. They can remove chemicals like benzene or formaldehyde. Perfect for off-gassing furniture or carpet. The only downside I can see with this plant is that if eaten, all parts are poisonous to humans, cats, and dogs. My cats have lived with this Dracaena their entire life and have never had the desire to chew on it!
Here's my last words on care. They like having their foliage cleaned. Remember that the breathing pores known as stomata are on the underside of the leaf so remember to clean the underside of the leaves as well. It improves photosynthesis! These are tough plants and with the right care you will have this plant cleaning your air for years to come![3]
[1] Photo taken by author of her mature 8' Dracaena
[2] North Carolina Extension Plant Toolbox- Draceana reflexa var. angustifolia
[3] Monstera- the app- Draceana reflex var. angustifolia, a colorful dragon tree